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(This episode features a forced non-consensual sexual assault and might trigger some readers)

The rest of the day and on into the next consisted of Justin recuperating at Mindy’s apartment. Sometimes Jessica would be there, sometimes Pam and Jenni when they would be a threesome of giggly, girly fun. On Friday, they all made preparations for the party, and Justin spent the afternoon at the spa being pampered, perfumed, and prettied.

He came back to the penthouse and Jessica led him to his closet where he donned a slinky tan backless dress, gold bracelets, earrings and necklace, and flesh-tone skyscraper heels.

He stared into the mirror after Jessica had finished dressing him and couldn’t believe his eyes.  His blonde locks had been fluffed and caught up in a high ponytail, cascading down his back in a carefully arranged tousle of curls. His makeup was perfect with his eyes featuring heavy liner on both lids with a catlike upsweep in the corners. His lips were coated with a glistening flesh-toned lipstick that shimmered in the low light.

The dress clung to his curves, barely, almost allowing just the peek of nipple, just the hint of rounded buttock in the back, with a long slit up both sides that allowed the eye to see his toned thighs and naked hip.

Jessica walked up behind him. “Like what you see?”

“I’m— “

She pulled him into her arms from behind, leaning down to kiss his neck. She had to lean quite a bit, he barely came up to the center of her chest now. “You are drop-dead gorgeous, Miss.”

He snuggled back into Jessica’s arms, feeling so tingly, protected, and warm. It was a strange feeling. “Mmmm, your arms feel so good around me.”

Jessica pressed tighter to his back. “And you always feel so good in them.”

He turned, kissing the side of her mouth lightly, not wanting to ruin his lipstick. “Do we have time to—“

The doorbell chimed, announcing the first guests to arrive. “Aww, I guess not.”

Jessica giggled softly. “But you can have me later, Miss.”

“I’ll look forward to it, darling.” He turned back to the mirror, looking at himself critically. “So, I look okay? No toilet paper on the bottom of my heel or anything?”

“You are a picture of perfection, Miss.”

Justin smiled. “Good, then let's greet our guests.”

He glanced up at the clock, noticing it was a bit early for guests to arrive, but he painted a smile on his face and rounded the corner, his arms open wide and inviting to whoever might be in the foyer.

“Hello hello!” Justin said, rounding the corner. Frank Oftenthal took off his jacket and handed it to a waiting servant who handed him a flute of champagne. “Frank!” Justin’s eyes widened a bit. “I didn’t expect you so early!”

“I hope you don’t mind. I thought I get here a bit early so I could see the goods for myself.” He grinned, opening his arms, and almost kneeling to receive her hug. “You look good enough to eat.”

Justin giggled at that. He hugged Jeffrey tightly, then released him, turning. “Like the new me?”

He shrugged. “I liked the old you just as fine, but you do look like your face and body could arouse even the limpest of 15-year-old dicks.”

“That’s the goal!” Justin said, taking his hand and leading him into the living room.

“Well, you are what…4’6?”

He sighed. “4’3 actually, without the heels. They went a bit too far.”

He shook his head. “Nope, it’s perfect. You’ll have any contract you want with those dimensions.”

Justin shrugged, smiling. “I do hope we can work together on a project someday.” He picked up a flute of champagne.

Jeffrey smiled, toasting him. “I have no doubt. Let’s talk about it on Monday.”

“Really?” Justin’s eyes opened wider, glancing at Jessica.

“Sure. Stop by my studios Monday afternoon.” He glanced at Jessica. “You know Bonnie?”

“I do, and I’ll reach out to her tonight.”

“Perfect,” Jeffrey said. “Now, what’s to eat? I’m starved!”


The evening passed quickly. Mindy and Michelle showed up, arm in arm, talking in low tones and laughing. Justin had greeted them, and “Justin” had given him a hug, but then they had scooted off for parts unknown and Justin hadn’t seen them since.

He laughed and giggled and hosted as people came and went. Late into the evening, he made his way out to the infinity pool, where he found Mindy and Michelle naked and bathing in the warm water.

“I wondered where you two got off to,” Justin said.

Justin blushed and at first, looked like he was going to release Mindy, but then shrugged. “Oh, the cat’s far out of the bag now, anyway.” He laughed, inhaling something fruity and exhaling it to the side.

“I’m glad you’re having a good time, dear,” Justin said. “Did you make any swapping connections?”

Michelle in Justin’s body blinked. “What? Oh! Well…”

Mindy took Michelle’s hand. “I think the swapping urge has faded a bit for us, hasn’t it darling?”

Mindy nodded, inhaling more from the vape and exhaling it. Justin could see his arousal under the water, and Mindy’s hand slid into Michelle’s crotch.

“The party is over, my darlings,” Justin said. “I’m exhausted.”

“Why don’t you slip off that dress and join us?” Mindy said.

Something about that didn’t feel right. His wife in his own body, Mindy in her body, he in Mindy’s body. It made his head spin, and not in a good way.

“Maybe another time. I really am tired; I think I’ll go lie down.”

“Do you mind if we…” Mindy said raising her eyebrows.

Justin giggled. “You know where the spare bedroom is.”

The door chimed. Justin frowned, it was late, and no one should be coming at this hour.

“Looks like someone’s popular tonight,” Michelle said.

Justin remembered he’d sent Jessica home for the evening, as well as all the servers. He walked to the security system and peered at the screen.

A tall man of color stood in the doorway. Surrounded by 3 taller men wearing tight black t-shirts and sunglasses.

“Can I help you?”

“It’s me, Darlin’,” the man in the center said. “Open up.”

Justin glanced at Mindy who was wearing a look of consternation on her face. “Who is that?”  Justin mouthed.

Mindy sighed and got out of the pool. She wrapped a towel around her torso. “That’s Leo,” she whispered softly. “Do as he asks, and just play like you’re ill. You don’t feel well and need to go to bed. Tell him Jessica will set a meeting with him on Monday.”

Justin nodded. “Who is he?”

“It’s too long a story to get into, I’ll tell you later.”

Justin nodded, walking to the door. He knew Mindy waited in the kitchen, followed by a giggly Michelle who as of yet hadn’t realized anything was going on.

Justin pressed the door to open. Leo stroked in with his three bodyguards taking up positions in a triangle surrounding them.

“Mmmm, mmm MMMM!” Leo said. “God DAMN, woman you is some kinda outta sight! I don’t care if you is six foot four or four foot six, you got it all packed in all the right places!” He gave Justin a playful smack on his supple derrier.

“What can I do for you, Leo. I was just about to retire…”

“Retire?” Leo said, walking into the apartment, staring up at the ceiling as if noticing it for the first time. “You ain’t doin’ nothing of the sort! We had ourselves an arrangement, you ’n me, or don’t you remember.”

Justin closed his eyes as if trying to remember. “I’m sorry, Leo, I’m exhausted from the reduction procedure and my brain isn’t quite back to normal.”

Leo walked up behind Justin’s small frame, and leaned down, gripping his breasts tightly. “Who am I,” girl.

Justin inhaled sharply, the move was unexpected and hurt. “Leo Radikal.”

Leo twisted Justin’s nipple hard. “Leo Radikal WHOM, girl.”

Justin had seen enough of Mindy’s past work to know this was a BDSM scene. “Leo Radikal, SIR!”

“Good, girl.” He said, lightening up a bit on Justin’s twisted nipple. “Now, take me to your bedroom I want to taste a little bit of you.”

“But I—” 

Leo twisted again, harder this time. 

“Yes, Sir.”

Justin walked toward the bedroom, panting from the injury, scared, and breathless. His nipples ached, standing up at attention and he felt a wetness slide between his legs. Jesus, was he getting aroused? He wondered if he screamed if they’d come running in time, but Leo was just behind him. He dutifully opened the bedroom door, and Leo gripped his arm and pulled him into the bedroom.

“Kneel, girl.” He whispered into Justin’s ear.

Justin clenched his jaw. He’d be fucked if he…Leo stuck his bottom, hard. “KNEEL!”

Almost without thinking, Justin sank to his knees. That had hurt, and his eyes stung at the humiliation.

Leo wound his hair into his fist, pulling his head back. Hissing in an urgent voice, he said: “You are back to acting all high-and-mighty again, slut! Where do you get off telling me you’re going to bed?”

“I’m sorry!” Justin said, in that helium voice.

“What’s that, cunt? Are you speaking to me?”

“I’m sorry, Sir!” Justin said, breath coming out soft and urgent. He wanted to hide, wanted someone, anyone to come in. This couldn’t be happening, couldn’t be happening to him!

Leo eased up on his hold on Justin’s hair. “Good girl. Now, you is late on last week’s payment, cunt, and I want to know why!”

Justin trembled in the grip of the large man. He’d never felt such terror in his life. He was helpless, tiny, female, and this had gotten so out of control so quickly!

“Well?” Leo tugged his hair painfully, and Justin gave a slight scream.

“Things have been tight, Sir! I promise we’ll get back on track as soon as I can talk to…”

“You know the penalty, bitch, what my interest is on that loan. I’m demanding payment in full, right fuckin’ now!”

“I couldn’t possibly pay you all the…”

“I don’t mean the money, cunt, I want my interest. Now, open that mouth of yours, and don’t even think of using those teeth, or I’ll have 'em extracted, ever last one of them.”

The man unzipped his fly, and his cock sprang to attention through the zipper.

“Oh!” Justin said. “But it’s so…I couldn’t possibly!”

“Open those cunt lips of yours, slut, or I’ll black both your eyes with this hose monster.”

Justin swallowed and did as instructed. He’d been on the receiving end of Michelle’s cunnilingus, and it had been sloppy at best. Licking the tip, he tasted the precum, and almost gagged but knew that would be a death sentence in this current form.

“That’s it.” Leo started stroking his enormous, obviously enhanced cock. “You know you want this.”

Someone came in the door. “I think it’s right here, baby!” Mindy sounded drunk as she bumbled into the room “Oh! So sorry, Mindy, I didn’t know you had company!”

“Fuck!” Leo said. “We need some fuckin’ privacy here. Brian, get this fucker out of here!”

One of the guards gripped Mindy by the collar. “Sorry, boss, he got by us.”

“Just get him the fuck out!”

“Yes, Boss.” Brian the bodyguard looked down at Justin.

After they had left, Leo shook his head. “Where were we?”

Justin shrugged. Leo’s cock had deflated, looking much smaller, wrinkly, and black.

“Open up and get that tongue going, bitch.”

“Yes, Sir,” Justin said, opening his mouth.


Afterward, Justin wanted to brush his teeth. He kept swallowing, trying to ignore the taste in his mouth, so strong and salty, and…he shook his head, letting it go. If he thought about it too much he really would vomit and that would be the end. Leo had released the grip on his hair. He zipped his fly.

“That was better than last time, cunt. You really are learning.”

Surprised, Justin nodded. It gave him an unexpected little…thrill to have done well.

“Now, tell me again when you’ll have my money.”

“Please call Jessica, Sir, and she’ll make the arrangements. I don’t have those details.”

“You bet I will, or I’ll be back to collect more interest payments, slut.”

Justin shivered, nodding.

“Stand up.”

Justin stood. His legs had gone to sleep and almost immediately he could feel the pins and needles in his legs and feet. He barely came up to Leo’s middle.

“God you are a bitty shortie, and you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Mmmm, and you understand your place, don’t you cunt?”

Justin nodded. “Yes.”

Leo struck her backside again. “Yes WHO?”

“Yes, Sir!”

“Mmm, Good girl.” He wound Justin’s hair into his fist. Leaning down he whispered in Justin’s ear. “I really hope you don’t get the money. This tiny body of your suits you, slut, and now, more than ever you truly know who’s slut you really are.”

Justin trembled, biting his lip, wanting him to leave. Never before had he felt so small, so powerless and he just wanted it all to end. He’d do anything, say anything to make it end. And Leo knew it.

“I’ll be back on Tuesday. You have my money by then, or I’ll claim all this as mine.” He pulled Justin’s hair painfully. “Any you as mine too.”

Justin nodded, his stomach clenching, fear making his eyes tear up, his throat clench. 

Thankfully, Leo released him and waved to his guards to follow. They left the room and the Penthouse.

Justin burst into tears. He didn’t want this, didn’t want to be Mindy, he wanted his own body back! He fell into the bed, just as Mindy and Michelle rushed into the room.

“We heard everything from outside!” Michelle said. Her deeper voice sounded scared. “Are you okay in there honey?”

Justin shook her head. “I want this to end now!”

Mindy came to him, pulling Justin into her arms, Michelle’s arms. Justin just wanted it all to end. “Sssh, baby.”

Justin cried. “Please! Let’s swap back now!”

“You know we can’t do that, per our agreement…”

Justin pulled back. “I don’t give a ruddy FUCK about our agreement anymore, this just crossed boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed!”

Mindy shusshed him, holding Justin tightly to her. “I know you’re upset baby, but we’ll get this fixed, I promise. I’m too close to being able to see my daugh—

“I don’t give a fuck about your daughter!” Justin said, wiping his eyes. “This ends now!”

Michelle took Mindy’s hand and pulled her up from the bed. “No, Justin. You’re just going to have to make the best of this.”

He stared at Michelle, wearing his body. “What the bloody fuck, Michelle! How can you say that to me?”

“Like she said, she’s soooo close, Justin. We have to see this through, it’s only fair.”

“But she never told us about this, this…LOANSHARK! How am I supposed to deal with that?”

“Talk to Jessica,” Mindy said, as Michelle led her from the room. “She’ll fix it!”

Justin wailed as they left, burying his face in the pillow.


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