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Michelle arrived the next morning, early, and surprisingly accompanied by Mindy. Justin had already bathed, breakfasted, and Jessica had done his hair in an uptwist so it wouldn’t be unruly. She had left a half-hour prior to Michelle arriving, not wanting to send any mixed signals to Michelle.

He attempted to hug Michelle, but she gave him a brief embrace, obviously embarrassed by the presence of Mindy in Justin’s body.

“Oh, I wasn’t expecting you too, Mindy.”

She smiled. “Well, I wanted to make sure everything went well today.”

Justin blinked at Mindy’s diction. He sounded just like…well, Justin. 

“God, you already sound like me,” Justin said.

“And you already have Mindy’s accent!” Michelle said, her eyes gleaming brightly. “Jesus, is that really you, Justin?”

Justin nodded. “Do I?”

Mindy nodded. “Well, the language centers are one of the first areas to adapt in a swap. I’m not really surprised since we are doing a life swap as well. You’ve had to be me now, for over 48 hours, so your brain adapts to what is demanded of it.”

Justing nodded, putting his arms around both of their shoulders. “Come in, darlings.”

They went into the living room and sat in a large white wrap around couch.

“I take it your accommodations are acceptable?” Mindy said, with a grin.

“Oh, yes.” Justin replied in heavily accented proper English. “Barely. You know, the life of a paramour such as myself demands a certain quality.” 

Mindy chuckled. “Sorry to make you suffer so, dear.”

Justin smiled. “I’ll manage, somehow.”

“You two are a pair of cards,” Michelle said. “Is there anything to drink in this place? I’m dying.”

Justin and Mindy both went into the kitchen and prepared a bit of food and drink for the three of them.

“Enjoying your experience?” Mindy said in a soft voice.


He gave a grin. “Me too.”

“You have a pretty incredible life.” Justin said, arranging some fruit, yogurt and couple of breakfast sandwiches on a tray.

Mindy gave a nod. “But you have someone far more important, Justin.”

He gave a glance out to where Michelle stood at the picture window, gazing over the lights of LA. “I know. I love her so much, but…well, it’s been a nice little break, honestly.”

Mindy picked up the tray and they went out onto the deck.

As they ate, Michelle said. “So how do you feel, Justin? Enjoying the life of a porn star?”

“Oh, it certainly has its benefits.”

Michelle put her fork down. “Like what?”

Justin chewed a tiny portion of fruit. “Well, Mindy has an excellent library. I’ve been catching up on my reading.”

“Reading?” Michelle said in a loud voice. “That’s all you’ve been doing?”

“Well, no. A few other things.”

“Like what?”

“Well, there was a barbecue yesterday.”

Mindy nodded. “How was that? There were a lot of movers and shakers at that party. Was Jessica able to…”

Justin gave a small smile. “I was able to connect with Jeffery Oftenthal.”

Mindy’s eyes goggled at that, nearly choking on her food. “Really? Do you know…”

Justin gave a small nod of his head.

“What?” Michelle said. “Does Justin know what?”

Mindy stared down at her food in shock. “He’s just one of the biggest producers in the Valley is all. That was an incredible coup.” She paused.  “Did you have to…”

Justin gave a slight nod but cast eyes on Michelle with raised eyebrows.

Mindy rolled her eyes slightly in apology. “Well, whatever needed to be done. Thank you.”

Michelle slammed put her fork down a bit abruptly. “I don’t know what you two are even talking about. Will one of you please tell me?”

Mindy took Michelle’s hand in hers. “Justin was able to make a very important connection last night to help align my business with a very powerful mover and shaker in my industry. I’m incredibly appreciative of him for doing so, and that’s all you really need to know, my sweet.” Mindy then kissed Michelle softly on the lips.

Justin coughed a little but remained quiet. She kissed her!

Michelle’s angst quieted at the firm hand and kiss. “Alright.”

Justin patted the back of his hair, making sure it was all still in place. Well done, he mouthed to Mindy, who smiled in response.

“Well, it looks like you are getting along famously, Justin. Thank you for taking this head on, so to speak, and helping me with this situation.”

“Have you made any headway?”

“Oh, a bit.” Mindy smiled. “I’ve been able to locate my daughter’s residence. I’m hoping to go over there next week.”

“That’s wonderful!” Justin said.

Mindy nodded, smiling. “I can’t wait to meet her, though I wish our situation was a bit different…”

“We could swap back so you could meet her in your real body,” Justin said.

Mindy gave that some consideration. “It would make it easier; I suppose. I wouldn’t have the added drama of trying to explain why I was in your body.”

"We could go to the clubhouse right now, in fact. And then you can go through this procedure. I don’t really understand why this is such a thing anyway.”

Mindy paused, looking thoughtful. “Well, the original issue still stands. If I were to swap back now, my daughter would know about my profession.”

Justin nodded. In a strange way he felt, well, glad that the swap wasn’t going to end just yet.

“But we could swap!” Michelle said suddenly.

Mindy paused, considering. “You would do that for me?”

“Well, yes, I mean…” she blushed, look he knew well and adored about her. “If you wanted a female body that wasn’t so obviously, well…” she pointed at Justin. “Her.”

Justin felt strange, a weird queasy feeling in his stomach. “Sorry to disappoint.”

“Oh, No!” Michelle took his hand. “I didn’t mean that, Min…I mean, Justin. I just mean that if she wants to visit her daughter using my body now that she has the information from the database, she can.”

Justin nodded, smiling. “I know, darling.”

Mindy rubbed her chin; a very “Justin” habit. “Wellll, the only problem with that is, I’d be visiting her under the auspices of a power inspection, at least at first. I’m not sure if I showed up as you…”

Michelle deflated a bit. “Oh, okay.”

Mindy’s eyes crinkled in a smile. “You know what, no. Let’s do it.”

“Really?” Michelle gushed, releasing Justin’s hand and grabbing Mindy’s. “You really want to swap with me?”

“Sure! I think it’ll be fun.”

Justin felt butterflies in his stomach and coughed slightly.

Mindy turned her head. “Assuming that’s okay with you, of course?”

Michelle turned her head, eyes wide, pleading at him to go along with it.

“Of course.” Justin said, taking out a cigarette. “You two swap.”

Mindy stared at them both. “I don’t know what to say. You two helping me like this is so…”

“Oh, don’t be silly.” Michelle giggled. “I’ve always wanted to swap with Justin, he just never wanted to. So now I finally can!”

Mindy nodded, taking Michelle into her arms, and kissing her forehead.

Jesus, Justin thought. He felt so strange, like he should be jealous, but wasn’t somehow. Of course, the sex he’d had since becoming Mindy had…done something to him too. He felt differently about everything, relationships, Michelle, all of it…it was all…strangely okay.

“Well, that’s settled then.” Justin inhaled his cigarette. “So, now about this procedure…”

“Why do they shrink people in the first place?” Michelle asked, echoing Justin’s own question.

Mindy gave a smile. “Soooo, think of it this way. In years past, they used to enhance the male penis, so it appeared to be an object of glory yes?”

Justin nodded, flicking some ash into the e-tray on the side of the chair.

“Well, think about the…issues, the male is presented with. He has this enhanced member always hanging between his legs, getting bashed around, painfully, at all times.”

Justin frowned. “So now they shrink everything except that?”

“Well, yes. Plus, by reducing the size of the staff proportionally, they can fit more action into the scene. It’s more than just the central focus, they can have more elements included. They do a lot with camera trickery, and it’s been statistically proven that having a shorter cast improves the camera angles, shots, sizing, and a great deal more. And actors who reduce their stature are also statistically proven to have higher income.”

Justin nodded, stubbing out his cigarette.

“Plus, I happen to know that Jeffrey finds it a huge kink. I’m sure that’s part of the reason he…interacted with you yesterday.”

“Wait, what?” Michelle said.

Justin stood. “We should be going if I’m going to make it on time.”

“I agree,” Mindy said with a grin. “You will be okay if we slip out during your recovery period to perform our little swap?”

Justin nodded, smiling at Michelle. “Of course.”

Michelle squealed, gripping Mindy’s arm and giggling.


The clinic had an austere feel to it, with hospital pods gathered around a  central monitoring station. Surgical procedures had advanced to the point they were completely autonomous with an overall AI directing all the events happening in the hospital at any given time, and able to complete hundreds of auto synchronous and distinct procedures at one time.

Justin lay back in the pod as mechanized tentacles descended into every orifice and penetrated his skin at dozens of different juncture points.

He always hated surgery. But medicine could cure anything these days, with everyone able to live the healthiest, purest life imaginable without disease, deformation, or infection.

A woman took down a few last notes. “You’ve signed all the consent agreements and been warned of all the side effects. Do you have any questions before we begin?”

Mindy and Michelle stood hand in hand at the foot of his pod, both wearing reassuring smiles.

“Side effects?” Justin said.

The girl nodded. She had chrome-colored hair with matching lipstick and nails. Apparently, the synth look was back in fashion. “Yes, would you like to go over them one more time?”

“Yes please.”

She sighed and flicked her tablet letting a graphic display spring to life on the pod screen. “Be aware of any pain anywhere. This procedure will disable pain receptors at the brain level, so you shouldn’t feel any discomfort at all, but it is a major procedure, and like any major procedure care should be taken with recovery. No extraneous exercise for at least a week a week afterward, no alcohol, nicotine, or any other inhalants. Light food at first with complete bedrest for at least four hours after the event. No manual operation of auto-cars, no operation of life-threatening equipment, and there will be a period of adjustment afterward that can include some discomfort from the effects of the procedure as well.”

“How long of a period?”

She shrugged. “It’s different person to person, but most people feel normal less than 48 hours after the event.”

“I see.”

“If you have any symptoms at all: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, or any unknown pain get right back here as soon as possible.”

Justin nodded. “I will.”

“Okay, if I can just have you give me your thumbprint here,” she held out a tablet with a red square blinking in the middle. 

Justin pressed his right thumb into the middle of the square.

She glanced down as the box pinged from red to green. “Perfect! Well, enjoy your experience, Miss McTavish.”

“Thank you, darling.” Justin said, lying back into the cushioned pod.

“It feels so strange to see you, me, lying there. Are you okay?” Mindy said, clasping his arm. 

“Well, like she said, everything should go according to plan.”

Mindy nodded. “Well, thank you for doing this. It means a lot to me.”

Justin smiled, shrugging, already feeling groggy. “I think it’s starting to take effect.”

“We’ll sneak out and swap, and when you awaken we will be right here as each other.”

“I’ll be here,” Justin said softly, already slipping away. “Just a smaller version…”

The last image he had was himself smiling down on him from the side of his pod.


He awoke, shortly after. Blinking, he had no idea where he was. His head throbbed a bit, like his skull was too tight, a sausage whose skin was slowly shrinking.

“Okay, I feel pain,” he said softly, croaked more like it. Oh my god, my voice! It sounded like a chipmunk.

“That’s normal. It isn’t pain, just discomfort from the procedure.

“My head hurts, oh my god.” He said, keeping his eyes closed tight against the feeling. “Like I’m imploding.”

“To a large extent, that’s exactly what you are doing. I’m sorry for the discomfort, but I promise it will ease shortly.”

“No short jokes!” He said in his helium voice. “When does my voice go back to normal?”

“Well, I’m afraid that would be a billed procedure we can complete later. There isn’t much to do about it at this point, your vocal cords, in fact your entire body is still reducing.”

“Oh my god!” He said, still shutting his eyes. “Can you do anything about it, it’s so intense!”

We need you to stay awake as your cranium reduces. I apologize for the discomfort. About all I can give you is an inhalant that will—“

“Give it to me!” he nearly screamed.

The taste of the air changed a bit, becoming more metallic somehow. He inhaled deeply through his nose, and while the pressure in his head was still there, he just didn’t...care.

“Ohh that’s the ticket.” he said, feeling himself floating high high up.

He enjoyed himself for about 2 hours, humming softly in that little girl voice, giggling at the sound.

“She’s right over here,” he heard someone say.

Michelle and Justin appeared in his vision and he giggled again. “Hiya!”

“Oh my God,” Justin said. “Look at her! I had no idea she’d be sooo…”

“It’s perfect,” Michelle said. “How are you feeling, Justin?”

“They gave me some awesome inhalant stuff and I’m floaty floaty floaty!”

Michelle laughed, putting her hand on his arm. “I’m glad you aren’t feeling any discomfort.”

“I am, or I was but then they gave me this wonderful floaty stuff!” 

Michelle in Justin goggled at him, wide-eyed.

“Ooooh, that’s right! You two went and did the old switcheroooo!” He wiggled his finger in the air. “How do you feel, JUSTIN.”

She, he blinked. “Oh! Well, it feels a lot different. I haven’t had time to really get used to it, we rushed back here to make sure you were okay.”

“I’m okey dokily pokily!” He giggled, poking his arm. “But I sound like a chipmunk on helium. They said I had to pay to get my voice changed back, should I do that?”

Michelle shook her head. “Are you kidding? That voice is half the reason I wanted the procedure done in the first place. People love the little girl voice right now, not the low sultry tones.”

Justin giggled. “Well, I definitely sound like that now!”

“You just get some rest. We’ll be back in a bit. We’re going to get a hotel to stay the night.”

“Justin” nodded, enfolding Mindy in his arms. “I have a few things I want to, ah…unwrap.” He chuckled

“Michelle” blushed. “You don’t mind, do you darling? That…we…you know.”

“Of course not!” Justin giggled. “I say for the duration of this swap we fuck who we want when we want and to hell with propriety!”

“That’s always been my modus operandi,” Michelle said.

Justin nodded, giggling again. “I think I’m a take a nappienap. So tired alla sudden.”

“You do that. I promise not to keep her too long.” Justin replied.

Justin nodded, eyes closing.


“Wow, lookit you!”

Justin startled awake at the voice. Jenni and Pam stood at his pod, their heads barely clearing the side rails.

“Hi!” Justin said, shaking his head. “Sorry, I was having a nap.”

“Oh my God, listen to your voice!” Pam said, hopping up on his bed. “You sound just like us, now!”

Justin giggled as Jenni also hopped up on his bed.

“Oh, you are adorable.” Jenni stroked his hair softly. “You look like a little toy now.”

Justin nodded. “I haven’t been able to see myself yet.”

“Well, hello there!” Justin was startled by a deep but friendly voice.

He looked up and saw a dark-haired man, staring at the e-tab attached to his pod.

“You are the doctor, I assume?”

“I am the genomic technician, yes. How do you feel?”

“Good!” He said, “Well, better anyway. All the crazy pressure in my head has gone away and I’m not so, well…loopy now.”

“Let’s sit you up and see how you feel.”

Justin put his hands on and levered his upper body up. His breasts swayed crazily, and he frowned.

“Oh, they are a bit larger than before.”

“Actually, we just didn’t reduce them at the same rate as the rest of you. So they seem a bit larger in relation to your new stature.”

Justin nodded, his head spinning. He blinked several times, trying to focus.”

“That must have been sooooome trip you been on,” Pam said, patting Justin’s hand.

“Oh, it was wonderful,” Justin said, his head finally clearing.

He looked around, feeling very small indeed, like a child in her mother’s bed.

“I guess it worked,” he said.

“Indeed,” the Doctor replied. “If procedures didn’t work in this hospital we wouldn’t have any patients, now would we?”

Justin giggled. “I suppose not.”

“Let’s get you some water, and let you settle for a bit. Then we’ll try standing after you feel more aware.”

Justin nodded, as Pam and genie gripped both her hands. 

He smiled at them.

Jessica came in sometime later. “I saw Justin and Mindy had left, so thought I’d pop by,” she said, plopping herself down in the chair beside Justin’s pod.

“We’ve just been chatting about life!” Jenni said.

“Oh? And what have you decided?”

“That being reduced is the best life there is!” Pam giggled.

Jessica laughed softly. “Well, I hope you don’t get infected with whatever they have.”

“Too late!” Justin chirruped. “I’m part of the helium squad now!”

Jessica rolled her eyes. “You do that just a little too well.”

“Aww, come on Jessie. You know you wants to join us.” Pam jumped down and climbed into Jessica’s lap. “We’ll have such fun!”

Jessica smiled and pulled the small woman into her arms in a bear hug. “How about I just get lots of kisses and hugs as an “honorary member.”

“We can do that!” Jenni said, sliding into Justin’s arms. “We give the best hugs.”

“How are things at the office,” Justin said.

Jessica sighed. “Oh, the usual. Actors fretting about not being paid enough, producers fretting they are paying too much, creative staff fretting about budget, and the bank about ready to close it all down.”

“Wait, what? The company is in jeopardy?”

“Oh, yes. Why do you think Mindy finally acceded to this reduction procedure? No one likes the old styles anymore, this bubbly anime shit is big bucks!”

Justin nodded. “Well, I hope Mindy gets back to being…well, me before anything catastrophic happens.”

“We can talk about that all later,” she said, stroking Pam’s hair. The girl appeared to have drifted to sleep, as had Jenni in Justin’s arms.

“It’s like they don’t have a care in the world.” Justin stroked Jenni’s hair softly. “Is that what Mindy wanted? To not have to stress so much about the production company?”

“I’m not really sure what her goals were. I know the need for reduced is huge, so it was strategic in that sense. I also know she adored these two, so she thought by being more on their level she might be a bit more accepted.”

“And you?”

Jessica shrugged. “I just want Miss, you, to be happy. It matters not what form you have.”

Justin smiled. “Thanks.”

“And how are you feeling?”

Justin stretched, trying to escape from under Jenni. He let the girl lie back, and lowered the side of the pod. “A bit groggy, but ready to see the damage.”

Jessica took Justin’s hand as he levered himself down from the pod. It was quite a bit more of a jump, now, then when he’d started. He stood up on the floor, gripping the side of the pod for stability.”

“Oooh wow.” He said, looking down at the floor as his head spun.

“Give it a minute,” Jessica said. “Don’t rush anything.”

The world slowly stopped spinning and Justin was able to look up at Jessica.

He now stood basically chest high to her. “Wow, it’s…quite the difference.”

Jessica nodded, stroking his hair.

“Good!” a deep voice came from the doorway. Dr. Parkin entered, making some notations on his tab. “I see you are up and around. How do you feel?”

“A bit unsteady, but alright overall.” 

“Perfectly normal,” Dr. Parkin said. “You’ll find you’ll lose about another three inches or so as the afternoon wears on. Then another two or so over-night, and one more inch probably tomorrow.

“Oh my God, you’re saying I’ll shrink another six inches?”

“Yes, but it should all be complete by tomorrow afternoon around this time.”

“And there’s no way to just stop it right now?”

The Doctor frowned. “No, I’m afraid not. The target heigh was to be around 4’4”. You are just under 5’ now, so we should achieve the target by tomorrow night.”

Justin felt the bottom drop out of his stomach. This all felt surreal, like it was happening to someone else, not him! He wasn’t this little woman, soon to be even littler. He was Justin, tall, laid-back, taking things as they come, going with the flow. 

“I suppose that’s what she wants.” Justin said in a small voice.

“Hey!” Jessica said, taking his hand. “Don’t worry, okay? You’ll be back to you soon, this is just an excursion.”

Justin nodded, wondering if that would really be the case. 


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