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The next morning, Justin woke with a start, not knowing where he was, or in fact *who* he was. He’d had strange dreams all night, dreams in which he was a little girl in Manchester UK, orphaned at an early age and suffering from the hands of priests and nuns who used rulers on her backside and washed her mouth out with soap when she was caught smoking.

Jessica lay across his mid-section, hair strewn across his face. Some had gone into his mouth, hence the taste of soap.

He pulled it from his face and blinked in the dawn sunlight.

Jessica lifted her head and smiled lazily. “Mmmm morning, Miss.”

Justin pushed the hair back from her face, smiling and kissing her softly. “Morning.”

“How did you sleep?”

He shrugged. “I had some wild dreams.”

“I can imagine.”

“No,” he giggled. “Not those kinds of dreams. I think I dreamed I was Mindy as a little girl.”

Jessica nodded. “Miss had a difficult childhood.”

“Was she an orphan?”

Jessica nodded. “She doesn’t talk about it much.”

Justin nodded, holding her. He liked Jessica. She was a happy person, eager to please. Unlike Michelle…

He needed to put that out of his head. Michelle was his wife for fuck's sake. He wondered if she would show up today.

“In the mornings, Miss likes to do yoga out on the deck, then swim in the infinity pool. Would you like to follow her routine?”

Justin nodded, sliding out of the enormous bed. “She mentioned she would murder me if I didn’t.”

“That sounds like Miss,” Jessica said, giggling.

“What does one wear to do yoga and swimming?” he said.

Jessica led him into the walk-in closet region. She opened a pair of doors where bathing suits hung from half-plastic displays.

“Miss usually wears the yellow one.” She handed a two-piece bikini to Justin.

“Okay, I have no…” he gave it a moment's thought. “Oh, yes I do.”

He carefully set his breasts into the top, then turned the bikini around and tied it, and turned it back, nestling his breasts into the two cups. Then he tied the bottoms in place. The middle of the bikini rode ride up his backside, a string with nowhere else to go.

“How do I look?” He held out his hands.

“Perfect, Miss.” Jessica adjusted the top slightly, then put on a pink bikini herself.

“Would you like me to tie your hair up?”

“I need to learn this myself.”  He gave it some thought again, then found a hair tie. He worked all his hair into the tie, then coiled it around the tie on the top of his head until he had a bun, then twisted the ends into the hair tie.

“How’s that?” Justin said, looking at himself in the mirror. It had come naturally, like more and more of the details of living in this body.

“Good job, Miss!” Jessica gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You are becoming more and more Miss each day.”

“That’s not what I hoped to hear,” he said softly.

“Well, you are her, but you aren’t her, Miss. No matter what happens or how long you are in her body you will still be you underneath it all. I find you very kind.”

Justin smiled at that. He found himself warming to Jessica, her kind eyes and heart. She also had passion, a sensuality communicated through her fingertips, her eyes, and the way her skin moved next to his. He found it incredibly exciting and attractive.

Michelle, he thought in what was becoming a distant recess of his mind. You are married to Michelle, not partnered with Jessica. She is your one and only.

“Well, pet, let’s do this,” Justin said, walking out onto the balcony.

Jessica followed, instructing the home AI to play a particular yoga routine.

As Justin followed the instructions his breathing deepened, his senses becoming far more aware. Everything felt heightened, smell, touch, taste, sound. He felt more alive more full of life than he ever had in the past. How could Mindy give all this up?

After about an hour of yoga, they both were panting and sweaty from their workout.

Jessica pressed herself against his body and led him to the shower. They laughed and giggled as they took off each other’s clothing, and entering the shower.

Jessica soaped his back sensually, kissing his neck. He moaned at the sensation, turning in her arms, pressing his breasts to hers, their nipples turgid in the warm water cascading around them.

Panting, he allowed his nipples to gently grind against hers. They both moaned as Jessica pulled out another toy, slipping the clamps over Justin’s nipples and releasing them to pinch them hard.

He gasped, almost cumming right there at the pleasure and pain.

“Jesus, pet, you are turning me into a nymphomaniac.” He kissed her mouth, panting as she began to tease the folds of his vagina, parting the lips and tickling his clitoris with her finger.

“Mmm, I love a sensual Miss.”

He felt it slide up into his vagina, gasping as the beaded surface made him tremble.

“Oooohhh!!” he said, almost losing his footing. “Careful! It’s…oooh my gawddd!!”

She bit into his neck, pulling the chains on his nipples taught, then releasing them as he moaned and gasped. He gave up trying to stand, moving to his knees as Jessica knelt with him, still sliding in and out of his slick pussy. He groaned loudly, panting as she increased the tempo, screaming as the ribbed surface caused him to cum loudly, mouth clamped on hers, shaking and quivering in her grasp.

“Jesus!” he said, standing again and rinsing off his hair. “I’ve never felt anything like this!”

“Mmmm there’s more where that came from, Miss,” Jessica said, releasing the clamps on his nipples.

“Aiii! Those hurt!” He rubbed his nipples gently, wanting to blow on them to get the circulation going again. “It’s almost worse taking them off than putting the on.”

Jessica giggled. “Yes, well. Perhaps someday we’ll take you to get some nice piercings in them.”

He shivered at that.

After showering, Jessica helped him dress.

“Casual attire today, Miss?”

Justin nodded. “Whatever you think appropriate.”

First came silk dark silk stockings, a lacy thong and a bra that helped his breasts to defy gravity into lush flesh bubbles.

 Next, she helped him into a light green silk pantsuit with a complimentary cream top with a plunging neckline that displayed his “Assets” nicely.

Sitting at a vanity, Jessica rolled his hair onto puffy curlers, then helped him with cosmetics with a light foundation, eyeliner, lipstick and mascara. She coached him through the process, letting him take over when needed, the skills part of his muscle memory and returning quickly.

They decided on a duplicate braid from the day before, and Justin sat down at the hair styler while it worked its magic.

“That’s a Delta 604,” Jessica said.

“Oh?” Justin blinked sleepily; the gentle fingers of the hairstyling AI felt so nice on his scalp.

“20 different types of massages, built-in styling products, over 7000 hairstyles with daily downloads from the Delta website for the latest. You hardly ever have to visit your hairdresser, though Mindy has made an appointment for you tomorrow before the evening event.

Justin nodded, struggling to stay conscious.

“And if you place your hands in the pockets in front of you, we can take care of those chips in your polish.”

Justin smiled as he slipped his hands into two pockets that had some kind of permeable membrane that conformed perfectly to the shape of his hands and nails. He felt something moving on his fingers and they began to tingle slightly, warming as the massage routine relieved his hands of tension.

He closed his eyes, feeling the effects of the pampering machines, moaning softly. “This is definitely the life.”

Jessica laughed softly.

Perfumed, coiffed, made up, and prepared, they made their way to the dining area where they ate a light breakfast.

“So what’s on the schedule for today?” He said, taking a bite out of lovely spinach and egg-white souffle that had magically been prepared by someone or something.

“I thought we’d take a tour of the studio and stop by your office so people aren’t wondering at your change of schedule. You don’t have any active film projects at the moment since you have the appointments tomorrow, but it’s typical for Miss to always show up at the office and maintain her business matters.”

Justin nodded. “I am quite the businesswoman, apparently.”

Jessica smiled. “You have no idea.”

“After that?”

“There’s a barbecue at Timothy’s that has been scheduled for weeks. It’s a great PR opportunity for you to mix and mingle, and of course, promote your upcoming releases.”

“Ahh, sounds complicated.”

“No, not really. You smile and giggle at the jokes, and we’ll talk about what you’ll actually promote when we get to your office.”

He nodded, finishing the soufflé. “This was delicious. Did you cook it?”

She smiles. “If I tried to cook that, it would not look like a souffle.” She grinned. “Miss took the liberty of prepping the house AI with menu items before she left.”

Justin nodded, smiling.

“I must say,” Jessica said as they stood to head down to the garage. “You are adjusting very well to your new life.”

Justin frowned at that. He heard his heels on the tile clicking with each step. It didn’t seem strange to his ears, as if it were the usual thing he heard every day. He was adjusting to this new life easily, too easily. It worried him.

“Yes, I’m a bit worried about that, actually.”

“How so?”

“Well, I was male up until about 24 hours ago. And pretty happy as one. And now, well. It’s like it’s become this distant memory somehow.”

Jessica nodded. “Well, I’m sure there’s a period of adjustment where the brain recoils and has to protect the identity. Perhaps that is what is happening.”

Justin shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.”

They both got into Mindy’s car, with Justin in the passenger’s seat, and drove into downtown LA.


“This is your executive assistant, Marci.” Jessica indicated a gorgeous young redhead as they entered the suite of offices.

“I thought you were my executive assistant.”

Jessica smiled. “I’m your personal assistant. Marci is me, just with the business matters.”

“And obviously you know the situation since I’m being introduced.” Justin held his hand out to Marci. “Nice to meet you. Up until yesterday, my name was Justin.”

Marci giggled and shook his hand. “I know, and welcome to McTavish Productions.”

“Wow,” Justin said. “Sounds fancy.”

Mindy stood up and took Justin’s hand, leading him to the back office. “Oh, we are fancy. Our Mission is to create seductive imagery for everyone that excites, titillates, and permeates the norm.”

“I see,” Justin said. “Permeates?”

Marci giggled. “Yes! Miss McTavish has groundbreaking ideas in the areas of sensory hallucinations. She likes to call them: Masquerade.”

“Sensory hallucination?”

Marci nodded, opening the door to a deluxe office suite. Everything was in cream with highlights of lavender. A large sofa stood on a deep piled cream carpet with a window that looked out over downtown LA.  “Here, have a seat and I can play something for you.”

Justin sat in the office chair, which immediately comforted to his body shape, and supported it perfectly. God, did this woman want for nothing?

Marci handed him a pair of glasses with four leads two for ears, and two placed just under the nostrils.

“Now sit back, and enjoy,” Marci said, pressing the chair backward, so Justin was staring up into the ceiling through the glasses.

Marci pressed something and a hud popped up in his field of vision.

“Just blink your eyes on the start button. You can control everything through eye blinks, start, stop, rewind, etc just by staring at the button and blinking.”

“Alright,” he said. He saw the button with the sideways triangle and blinked at it.

Sound started in his ears, high-pitched, breathy moaning, and a logo came up in his field of vision. A McTavish Studio Production.

What followed was not quite what he was expecting. He saw, well, Mindy, as a Dominatrix, all in leather and whipping several “boys” who all turned themselves over to her tender care. She was so sexual, her voice, her moves, the way she walked and talked, all toward one end, attracting another person and making them bend under her booted heel. 

The added additions of aroma made the experience all the more real with the 3D images having another layer of reality. He could smell Mindy’s perfume, the food and wine, and other essences from the 3D experience. It wasn’t just a porn ficklest like Justin had seen in the past this was a completely different level of experience.

After it was over, Jessica came back in. “What did you think?”

“Wow,” he said, still stunned and very aroused from the experience.

“You’re flushed Miss.” She knelt in front of him.  “Would you like me to bring you ecstasy?”

He looked at the kneeling girl, so much like what he had just seen in the fantasy experience on the screen. “Well, yes.”

Jessica smiled and her arm snaked under Justin’s skirt, finding his vagina and massaging his clitoris with her thumb and inserting her finger deeply into him, then crooking it to find just the right spot.

Justin began to pant, moaning softly, hips gyrating as Jessica brought him to orgasm in a short time. He felt himself release, gasping, and she withdrew her hand, wiping it on a towel attached to the chair.

“Mmmm, did you enjoy that, Miss?”

Justin nodded, still panting a bit.

“You can see the kind of product Mindy produces. What did you think of it?”

Justin shook his head. “That was one of the most sensual experiences I’ve ever had.”

Jessica smiled, helping Justin to his feet. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, seeing as you will be participating in it shortly.”

Justin frowned. “Mindy told me…”

She nodded raising a hand. “I know, believe me It’s why she scheduled the procedure tomorrow. But it’s going to take a severe toll on our production schedule to have you out for two weeks, Miss. So I hope I might be able to convince you…” she slid her hand under Justin’s skirt again, kneading her thigh gently.

He felt a queasiness in his stomach. It was all happening so fast! “Justin” his life, was becoming a distant memory while “Mindy” was more and more becoming him. He wondered if maybe they’d assessed him wrong or something, this didn’t feel right. He didn’t remember Michelle going through this kind of identity crisis, so he wondered if he was alone.

“I guess we can see and play it by ear?”

Jessica nodded and gave his thigh a squeeze. “Of course, Miss.”


After spending time at the office and observing some of the productions in progress, they attended a barbecue. Justin felt very out of place as they pulled up to the bungalow overlooking the ocean.

“We’ll need to change once we get inside,” Jessica said. 

Justin nodded, wondering briefly what they’d be changing into, but let the matter drop.

People gathered around an outdoor seating area. The host approached, handing them both a flute of Champagne.

“Mindy, Jessica darlings! So good to see you.”

Justin had been warned that Max, the host had no idea of the swap. He would have to play Mindy as best as he could, and if he got into trouble, he’d announce he had a “headache” and Jessica would take him home.

Max kisses each of them on the cheek. Justin gently held his arm. “Max, so kind of you to invite us!”

Jessica mouthed the word “Perfect” after the greeting took place.

“We have all kinds of food and drink. Ribs, steaks, hamburgers, chicken, all around the area. I assume you’ll want to change?”

Justin nodded. “Yes, if you have somewhere we can get out of our office attire, that would be grand.” It took a second to get the accent just right, but he could do it now almost without any effort.

Max smiled wide. “Right this way, ladies.”

He directed them to a dressing area just inside the pool-house.

“A bit modest, so please excuse the decor.”

“It’s lovely, Max. Thank you so much.” Justin said, touching his cheek. “This will do perfectly.”

Once inside, Jessica reached into a large shoulder bag she had carried for the occasion.

“Now, don’t freak out.” She pulled what appeared to be several strings out of the bag and held it out to her.

“You want me to tie you down?”

Jessica laughed. “No, silly, it’s your bikini.”

Justin took it, holding it out. “If anything, this is even smaller than the one you gave me this morning, and it’s see-through!”

“Miss enjoys the lustful looks the men give her when she wears this.”

“They are going to be raping me with their eyes!” Justin put it down. “Don’t you have something a bit more…modest?”

“Not if you want to stay in the guise of Mindy, I don’t. Miss always likes to make a statement and this see-through suit has just the right amount of kinetic paint in it that you can barely see the good stuff.”

Shaking his head, he repeated the process from the morning, sliding the two-inch-wide triangles over his nipples, and making sure his vaginal lips were covered, barely, but the teeny piece of widened string.

Jessica plaited his hair again, quickly, adding in some oil to make it stay together nicely. She then held up an atomizer. “Hold your breath and close your eyes.”

He did as instructed and Jessica spritzed him from head to toe.

He opened his eyes and went to the mirror. It appeared the atomizer had coated him in gold sparkle dust that gleamed from every square inch of his skin. 

She then took out a much more modest suit for herself, a one-piece.

“What, no gold treatment for you?”

Jessica giggled. “That’s actually Spf-150, so you won’t burn. It has the added effect of glittering gold.”

“Like I said, don’t you need suntan spritzer too?”

She took out a lotion bottle and held it out to him. “Do my back?”

He nodded and she squeezed some of the lotion into his hands.

After working the lotion into her back and neck, she completed the rest herself

“There, we are gorgeous,” she said.

“I look like a character from a movie.  GoldenPussy,  or something.”

She smiled. “You are something from a movie, and they expect their breath to be taken away when they see you, Miss.”

Justin sighed, stepping into the golden 4-inch stiletto heels Jessica had thoughtfully produced, and they went back out to the party.

As they rounded the corner from the beach house, Justin literally heard gasps when they saw him walk onto the deck. 

He held up the champagne flute, striking a pose. Several flashes went off, and he looked around to see guilty faces.

“Sunglasses?” he whispered to Jessica. 

She produced a cats-eye retro turtle spotted pair, also in gold.

“Jesus, don’t we have any other colors?”

She shook her head, giggling.

Justin donned the sunglasses, and they mixed into the crowd.

He entered a kind of haze, maybe from the booze, maybe from the swap. People greeted him, warmly, some kissing him on the lips, a couple of them deeply.

He noticed that many of the women under 5 ft. Jessica told him it was an indication of someone “in the industry,” but he still didn’t understand what they meant.

He chatted with everyone, drank, smoked, and in general enjoyed the experience. It was exciting to be regarded as a central focal point, with all eyes on him. He couldn’t help but enjoy himself and the attention it provided. He’d always been the guy in the back, gazing fondly at the gorgeous women in the room. Now he was one of the gorgeous women and he found he really liked the attention.

"You realize, I couldn't possibly take my eyes off of you," A man wearing a black speedo said beside Justin. He felt himself blush and took a quick drink of champagne.

He was slightly taller than Mindy's body, maybe 6'3" with dark wavy hair and a scruff of a beard. His muscles looked chiseled from stone, and she couldn't help but notice his speedo was full near to bursting.

"Mmmm," he said softly. "I can see you're happy to see me too."

"You are absolutely the most gorgeous creature I have ever seen."

Justin gave a giggle. The man had a European accent as well.

"I'm Jeffrey."

"Mindy McTavish," Justin said holding out his hand. The man took it in both of his, kissing his fingers softly.

"I know you well, of course. I've followed you for years."

"Have you?" Justin suddenly knew this man, like a faucet had turned on in his brain. He was one of the premier producers in this industry, and Mindy had been trying to land him as a partner for years.

Justin leaned in close, sandwiching his leg between Jeffrey's, and pressing his chest to his upper body. 

"I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage then," she breathed in his ear.

Jeffrey closed his eyes. "Jesus, you really shouldn't do that to a man in a speedo at a party."

Justin blinked, pouting his lips and running his fingers over Jeffrey's cheek. "Why ever not?"

He pushed himself into Justin's crotch. He could feel the hardness there, and the old Justin screamed in his mind...but the new Justin..purred.

"Mmmmm, perhaps we should go somewhere a bit more private."

Jeffrey gasped slightly. "I'd like that very much."

Justin took his hand and placed it on his shoulder, walking toward the house, swinging his hips which made his ass brush Jeffrey's cock with each sway.

As they passed the rest of the crowd, Max stepped out of the haze and whispered in his ear. "Up the stairs, to the left. First door down the hallway. Lock it."

He giggled and led Jeffrey into the house.

"So, Mindy." Jeffrey said, taking his hand. "Tell me about yourself."

"What's to tell?" Jeffrey took a sip of champagne. "What you see is what you get."

Jeffrey moved in close, sliding his hand over Justin's bare middle, sending shivers up his spine. "And what do I get when I do this?" He kissed the side of Justin's neck, causing him to pant slightly.

"Mmmm, well..." Justin turned, pressing his body to Jeffrey's, his breasts in their barely enclosed bikini threatening to spill out.

"I guess you get me," he said softly and kissed Jeffrey, sliding his hands down to stroke the outer fabric of his speedo.

Jessica slipped her hand in his sometime later.

"You about ready to leave Miss? We have a busy day tomorrow."

"What time is it?" He noticed it was dark, but the lights from the outdoor seating area gave just the perfect amount of illumination.

She gave a little smile. "After midnight."

"Oh, my word. Yes."

She stood, having been perched on a stool near the outdoor bar. She gave a bit of a stagger as her head caught up with her motions.

"I fear I must leave you all," he said in that "Mindy voice" he was becoming more and more used to using. "I do have appointments in the morning."

"Awww," several of the guests said. 

"Fear not," he said. "I shall see you soon. You are all invited to my party on Friday, where we'll celebrate my new stature."

"You're going to get short too?" one woman asked.

"I am. I won't be this gorgeous statuesque entity you see before you."

Several of the women gave his cheek a bus, and most of the men kissed his fully.

"Farewell, my love," Max said, seeing them to the door and kissing his cheek.

"Lovely party," Justin said.

He smiled. "Well, it was interesting to say the least."

"Thank you for everything, my darling." Justin said. "I hope you'll come on Friday?"

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it!"

"Excellent," he said, smiling Mindy's smile. "We'll see you then."

They drove home mainly in silence as Justin glanced through his social media on Mindy's phone. Several people had sent connection requests.

"Jeffrey Ofenthal sent me a request," he said checking the "accept" button on easily the highest earning producer in the industry.

"Oh my God. Mindy is going to be so elated to hear that!"

Justin grinned. "So I did okay?"

"Landing Jeff was one of Miss's biggest objectives of the year! You did it in your first outing. Yes, I'd say that is cause of celebration."

"Mmmm," he murmured. "Wonder how we should celebrate."

"Did you fuck him?" Jessica asked suddenly.

Jeffrey cocked his head a bit, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "Perhaps."

"Oh my Gawd, you are becoming more and more like her! Doesn't that bother you?"

Justin shook his head. "When in Rome, my dear. I'm a gorgeous sexy porn star, stuck in a life I didn't really want. I'm going to enjoy it while I can."


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