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Justin watched Michelle and Mindy get into an e-car and leave the swappers clubhouse. He felt a strange queasiness in his belly, and put his hand over his belly button, wondering if he would throw up. He was standing in a strange body after swapping with a stranger in a strange city and had no idea where he was supposed to go from here.

Think like Mindy. How would she have arrived?

He closed his eyes. He remembered arriving with Michelle just a couple of hours ago. They had taken the car from the hotel—


He had a vehicle. Something chic, streamlined…silver. He reached into his purse and found a fob.

Walking out into the lot, he pressed the fob several times until he heard a corresponding chirp from a silver Saab nestled in amongst the other auto-cars. He opened the door, and sat in the drivers’ seat. The seatbelt adjusted to his new form and secured him into his seat. He pressed the button.

“Where would you like to travel, Miss McTavish?” The disembodied voice was light and musical in the enclosed high-end vehicle.

“Home,” Justin said.

“Very well. There is high traffic on the I-80 corridor. Shall I route around it?”

“Yes, please.”

“Very well, Miss McTavish. Estimated time of arrival is 1:17 pm. Would you like a refreshment?”

Justin blinked. “You have those?”

“Of course, Miss McTavish. Would you like your usual, a vodka spritzer with a slice of lime?”

“No, just water please.”

“Very well.”

A glass rose from near where his hand rested on the console. Two ice-cubes clinked into it, and a spigot swiveled into position and gently filled it. After the spigot withdrew, he picked up the water and drank it all in one gulp.

“Shall I play some music?”

Justin nodded. “Yes, please.”

“Do you have a genre in mind?”

He considered that. “Just play my favorite playlist.”

“Very well, Miss McTavish.”

Music came from the sound system, rich but soft. Light jazz of a group he didn’t recognize.

Settling back, he watched the passing streets and sights of the city, nudging the control arm once in awhile to ensure good traffic flow.

The vehicle was beautiful. Probably cost a year’s worth of his wages. He inhaled, and could smell the gentle fragrance of the scented air conditioning; Lavender with a hint of roses. He exhaled relaxing into the luxury of the vehicle, letting it whisk him away to his new home.

He supposed he should have been more troubled by Michelle’s obvious disappointment in him. She had been angry, very angry, and he knew it was because he hadn’t communicated well with her about the life swap. It wasn’t that he intentionally hid it from her, it never really entered his mind to tell her for some reason, although they generally shared everything. Why hadn’t he told her?

He shrugged his shoulders and directed the vehicle to make another drink of water.

Sipping it, he pawed through Mindy…his, purse. Cigarettes, lighter, an e-reader, the tigerphone, sanitary napkins, lipstick, other various cosmetics, tissue, gum, sunglasses. He took a piece of gum, but eyed the cigarettes…

He could feel Mindy’s body needing one. He wondered if it would accelerate the suffusion of “Mindyness” however, would he completely lose himself? He put the sunglasses on, glancing at himself in the mirror and blowing a kiss at himself. Gorgeous.

The phone chimed.

He took it out, remembering the code and keyed it in, again marveling at his long nails. He saw a chip on one of them and distantly reminded himself he’d need to have them done before friday’s event. A text had come in:

“I hope ur happy ”

He glanced at the ID — Michelle.

“No, I’m not.” He sent.

“then why the fuck did u agree to a LIFESWAP”

“I didn’t know what I was agreeing to, froggie.” Froggie had been his nickname for her. He’d called her that ever since they’d been in college together.

“dont call me that MINDY”

He fumed. Glancing down, he took one of the cigarettes from her purse and flicked the small electronic torch. Inhaling, he moaned as the smoke coated his lungs, making his anxiety wash away with mentholated smoke. The air-recycler kicked on, quickly removing the smoke from the interior of the car.

“You wanted me here in the first place, remember?”

“yes but we were supposed to be together not miles apart”

“You can still come on Thursday. She said I have to have a procedure on Friday and you can come be with me for that along with the party Friday night.”

“that means I have to take the bullet all the way from frisco by MYSELF MINDY WTF were u THINKING”

He inhaled some more of the cigarette. 

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know what I was getting into.”


He sighed, exhaling more smoke. He was less that two hours into this body/life swap and already frustrated beyond belief by his wife.

He pressed the up arrow, forcing the phone to repost his last reply. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what I was getting into.”

No reply came for awhile. He stubbed out the butt of his cigarette and lit another one. If he was going to be in the body of a smoker who smoked, by God he was going to enjoy it.

“she isnt u”

“No, I’m me.”

“U kno wat I mean”

He frowned a bit at that. She wasn’t him? Of course not. He smoked a bit, pondering just what she meant. Usually, he made all the arrangements for trips, getting to the bullet on time, loading the bags, getting the food…she basically had to bring herself and that was it. He grinned, realizing now, what she meant.

“Guess that means you love me, wot?”

“Wtf does wot mean”

He frowned. He hadn’t meant to write that, but it seemed…right somehow. Strange. He inhaled some more smoke and continued texting.

“Nevermind. I’m sorry I’m not there to take care of you. You are always in my heart, mind, soul, and spirit. Never forget that, Froggie.”

Nothing for a bit. He smoked and watched the city speed by as they entered the city proper. Skyscrapers towered over the street, casting most of the area in shadow.

“U always kno wat to say”

“I love you. I always will. I’m sorry I screwed up.”

“U dint screw up I should have helped u”

“Talk later. Love you.”

“Luv u 2”

He exhaled as they arrived at one of the skyscrapers. The car pulled up to the double doors, and the doorman opened her door.

“Welcome back, Miss McTavish. Did you have an enjoyable time?”

“Yes, thank you.” Justin quickly noticed the doorman’s badge. “Wilson.”

“Do you have any bags needing to be unloaded?”

“Not today, thank you. I’m exhausted so I’ll be going up to lie down.”

Justin allowed himself to speak as if he were Mindy. Basically, he detached himself and found speaking like her no trouble at all. The accent even came out, though that was a bit unintentional.

“Very well, Miss.” The doorman pressed the “Park” button on the console of the car, and it scooted away dutifully.

Justin walked into the building and to the elevators. Wilson beat him to it, pressing the up button.

“Lovely day, isn’t it Miss?” Wilson’s eyes wandered to Justin’s cleavage. 

“Indeed, it is, Mr. Wilson.”

The elevator chimed, and the doorman pressed the 37th floor. “Have a good rest, and a good evening, Miss.”

He nodded as the door closed.

Justin exhaled. He’d passed the first test! The elevator ascended the building.

Mindy lived in a penthouse on the penultimate floor of the building. Apparently, the building owner lived above her and they had a “past” so I wondered if, perhaps, the apartment was payment of some kind given to Mindy.

He stepped out into a foyer, an enormous window filling the west wall of the building looking out over the City and the Pacific Ocean beyond.

“Hi!!” someone stepped out from behind a pillar, and Justin screamed a little.

The person giggled. “You scream just like her. I’m Jessica.”

Jessica was a quite a bit shorter than Justin, with blond hair caught up in a french twist and wearing a cream jacket and skirt combination. She held out her hand, and Justin shook it.

“I’m Justin,” he said trying to catch his breath. She had really frightened him.

“Mindy told me to meet you here to get you up to speed.” She held out a binder with plastic filled with plastic folios. “There’s a lot to learn, so I thought we could start by…”

“Do you mind if I take in the view a moment, and get used to this lovely penthouse?”

“Oh!” Jessica adjusted her glasses. “Of course! So sorry, please excuse me, it’s my first time dealing with one of Mindy’s swap partners.”

Justin smiles. “That’s okay. Can you take me on a tour?”

“Of course!” Jessica giggled. “This is the foyer.”

Justin grinned, “Lovely.”

“Real marble tile from somewhere, I forget where. Mindy loves rose quartz everything, as you will come to learn.”

Justin did love the flooring. It was an off-white with strains of pink and red mixed in. “It’s gorgeous.”

They walked through to the living area. Apparently, Mindy also enjoyed an open floor plan. The kitchen had stainless steel appliances surrounded by a marble countertop with stainless steel hoods and racks holding a variety of cooking implements. “She’s a terrible cook, so this is just for show, unless, well…”

“Unless what?”

Jessica laughed, turning red. “Well, unless you are entertaining someone who cooks!”

Justin blushed at that. “Did she have people over…regularly?”

She grinned. “Oh yes, Miss Mindy was quite…avaricious, you might say.”

“I certainly hope I won’t…”

“No!” Jessica stopped. “Well, unless you wanted—”

“No thank you!” Justin gasped, following Jessica into the bedroom…region, was probably the best way to describe it. It held a gigantic bed, along with white oak cabinets setup as a gigantic walk-in closet with a vanity and mirror toward the back.  

“This of course, is Miss Mindy’s bedroom suite with outfits on the left, pantsuits on the right, and the two boudoirs in the middle holding lingerie. She has shoes in the middle section of each unit with heels leading to flats and sneakers as you go clockwise around the room. I’ll help you dress each day until you can get the hang of it, Miss Mindy left specific instructions regarding her wardrobe for the 11 days of your visit inside her body.

“Kind of her,” Justin said, gazing around the closet.

“Her makeup, hair implements, and accessories are all stored here — “She opened a dual paneled white oak cabinet with full length mirrors that held what seemed like the equivalent of a cosmetics store and hair salon. 

“Skin care and bathing materials are all in the Master bathroom here—” She opened a frosted glass walled door. The bathroom was larger than Justin’s entire bedroom with a large whirlpool tub, waterfall shower, Japanese commode all in matching quartz and pink.

“Oh my god…” Justin said softly.  

“It is rather extravagant, isn’t it?”

“I’ve never seen anything like it!”

Jessica smiled. “You may want to take a shower or bathe tonight to wash off all the excitement of the day. Usually, Miss took a shower in the morning with a bath at night, but that is completely up to you.”

“Gosh, whatever will I do?” Justin said.

Jessica giggles. “Miss just wanted to make sure you knew her daily routine. You can make adjustments to any and all of it, of course, but she wanted to give you as much help and guidance as possible.”

“Very thoughtful of her.”

Jessica beamed. “She is a thoughtful person, Miss.”

Justin coughed.  “You can call me Justin. I’m never going to get used to being called Miss, or Mindy.”

Jessica frowned prettily. “Oh, No Miss! I couldn’t possibly. What if someone overheard us, Miss Mindy would be aghast!”

Justin rolled his eyes. “Okay, I can see where that would be bad, but maybe just in private?”

She nodded a bit. “Well, for tonight that is fine, but tomorrow I want to address you properly, so I don’t slip up!”

Justin nodded. “Very well.”

From the bedroom region they walked into the living area where an enormous white couch stood in front of what must have been a 100-inch smart screen.  Matching chairs, pillows, rugs, and other lounge furniture were artfully scattered around the room.  “And this is where Miss entertains guests—”

“Gorgeous.”  Justin said softly in awe.

Jessica nodded, almost reverently. “Miss has exquisite taste.”

A chime sounded from somewhere, and Jessica spoke into the air. “Answer please.”

“Hi, is Mindy home?”

“Whom might I ask is calling?” Jessica said.

“Oh! This is Jenni and Pam. We just wanted to see the new Mindy!”

Jessica sighed. “They are dear friends of Miss and knew of the swap. These two you can trust, they are Miss’s closest friends — well, beside me, of course.”

Justin nodded. “Should I see them?”

“They are dying to meet you.”

“Alright then, but maybe not for long.”

“Allow entrance.” Jessica said. “Come on in!”

Jessica led Justin back to the elevator. It opened and two…well, what could only be called midgets walked out.

“Hihihihi!” they said, opening their arms. One had dark very curly hair that cascaded out from her head and trailed down her back all the way to her knees. The other had deep auburn curls in a same style with a high ponytail. They both wore extremely revealing dresses and had over-endowed forms with large breasts and bottoms.

Justin practically knelt and allowed himself to be hugged. “Hello—”

They laughed, looking up at him with sculpted faces and exaggerated lips and lashes. “I’m Jenni, and this is Pam. We know you used to be a boy, but we wanted to meet you!” Their voices matched their bodies, being extremely high and giggly.

“Nice to meet you both as well.” Justin said, standing back up. They must have been each maybe a few inches over four feet and looked like well endowed munchkins.

“So, what was your name again?” Pam said, giggling.


“Justin!” Pam wrapped her arms around him, pressing her face under his breasts. “You don’t know how eager we are to meet you!”

“Why don’t we go into the living area, and I can bring us some refreshments.”

Pam and Jenni each took one of his hands and led him to the large couch.

They spent the next 20 minutes or so chattering and getting to know him. Their energy was infectious, and soon Justin found himself talking a bit like them, quickly and giggling and smiling with them.  Soon they were laughing and talking, both of them hanging, or laying on him as they sat on the couch.

Jessica sat a bit apart from them, and she glanced at her phone after an hour or so of their visit.

“I’m afraid I need to get Miss Mindy here to bed.”

“Can we share the tub with you?” Jenni said with a salacious grin.

“Oh…I think tonight I’ll bathe alone, if that’s okay with you girls. I’m still getting acquainted with my new body.”

“Aww,” they both pouted. “Maybe tomorrow?”

They both looked at her with mirrored faces, eyes open and earnest. He’d never had many friends in his life, certainly not friends that wanted to share a bath.  “We'll see?”

“Yayyy!!” They both said, jumping up and hugging him

He hugged them back. “It was lovely meeting you both.”

“It was nice meeting you too, Justin! You should come to the set tomorrow and watch us in action!”

I glanced at Jessica who shrugged then nodded. “Alright, I guess I don’t really have anything better to do.”

“Yayyy!!” They both said again, hugging her tightly.

“You two have a wonderful evening,” Justin said as they walked to the elevator.

“You too, Justin! Be sure to use Mindy’s special toys. They’re on a shelf over the tub!”

Justin blushed at that. “I’ll be sure to check them out.”

After they left, Justin glanced up at Jessica.  “Why are they so…”

“Short?” Jessica said.

Justin nodded. “That’s the style. You’ll see tomorrow.”

He yawned, stretching. “So, about that bath?”

Jessica giggled. “I’ll draw it for you tonight, Miss.”

Justin just nodded, not wanting to correct her, feeling exhausted. “It’s not even 5 pm and I feel like I could sleep for a week.”

“The swap does that, Miss. Your brain is aligning with a completely new ecosystem and that takes a lot of energy.

He nodded, following her back to the immense bathroom.

As the tub started filling, Jessica added some oils to the water. “With or without bubbles?”

Eyes closed; Justin murmured. “Without.”

Jessica giggled.

“What’s so funny.”

“You are starting to sound like her and not the heathen American.”

Frowning, Justin opened his eyes. “What do you mean?”

Jessica moved in behind him, beginning to unbraid his hair. “Just a moment ago, you had a slight European twinge to your speaking.”

Justin’s heart beat hard in his female chest. “Well, help me cut that shit out. I don’t want to get too much into all this girl stuff!”

Jessica nodded, running her fingers through Justin’s hair. It did feel soooo good.

“I won’t Miss,” Jessica said softly, unzipping Justin’s top.

He moaned softly as she released his breasts, unclipping his bra and letting them fall free. 

“What are you doing?” Justin said, eyes still half closed but feeling things he shouldn’t be feeling.

“Nothing Miss,” Jessica said, but he felt a soft mouth on his chest, kissing, warm and wet.

“Mmmm,” he moaned, feeling like he couldn’t get control of himself somehow, wanting more.

“You are very lovely, Miss.”

“So are you, dear.”  He put his hands into her hair, finding the little hair clip and releasing it, letting Jessica’s long hair to fall down to her shoulders.

The warmth went to his nipples, and he moaned as they began suckling on his breast, teasing the nipple to rise. Justin inhaled deeply, eyes closed, giving into the sensation.

“Did you give me something in my…drink?”

Jessica gave a soft laugh. “Just something to make you feel relaxed, Miss.”

Justin moaned as she took his nipple in her mouth, pulling a little, then releasing.

“Perhaps Miss would like me in the tub with you?”

“Mmmm, oh yes…” Justin moaned, helping Jessica off with her jacket, blouse and skirt. She unrolled her stockings one by one, watching Justin from behind half hair shrouded eyes.

He stepped into the tub. It was scalding hot, but felt wonderful on his sensitive skin. He lay back as Jessica entered, turning the water off and sliding into Justin’s arms, kissing his neck.

“God, you have to stop doing that…” he said in a soft voice, but moaning. It was like his body was one erogenous zone. His breasts, his skin, his neck. He panted softly as Jessica’s mouth found his.

Tongue sliding into her mouth, he felt a hand slide between his legs and moaned as fingers parted his new labia.

“Ohhh, careful. So…sensitive…”

“I will, Miss,” Jessica said, beginning to massage his clitoris with a finger.

“Oooh, God, stop…” he said, putting his hand down and grasping her wrist, wanting to pull it away, but finding himself pulling it harder against him.

“I don’t think Miss wants me to stop,” Jessica said, letting her finger plunge deeper into his opening, sliding in and crooking a little.

He gave a little scream at the new sensation, but parted his legs, unable to keep them together, wanting more…”Oooh, no. Naughty girl, you!”

She gave a soft laugh as she continued to press her fingers into him, slipping in two, then three.

He bit down on her exposed neck, licking and sucking. Never in his life had he felt something so wonderfully sensual as what she was doing with her…

“Ohhh my God!” Justin said, suddenly awash as an orgasm flooded through him, making him spasm, screaming, arching his back.

“Mmmm, there, Miss. Your first female orgasm.”

Justin panted, breathless, toes curling as the warm water flooded into his vagina where her fingers slipped out.

He opened his eyes. Her face was inches from his, and he kissed her mouth hungrily.

Pressing his own fingers down, he parted her labia and massaged her clitoris as she kissed him, deepening it.

Moaning, she ground her mound to his hands, hips gyrating with his.

“I know something we might both enjoy,” Jessica said, hand going up to a shelf above Justin’s head.

“Oh?” Justin panted.

“Just….close your eyes, a minute, lover. Okay?”

He did as instructed, still using his hands to gently slide in and out of her folds.

She stopped him, then repositioned herself.

“Don’t freak out, okay?” Jessica said, and she pushed something up into Justin’s aching slit.

“Ohhh!” He screamed a little, biting down on his lip. It felt so wrong, yet so right.

Then she positioned herself at the other end, letting the other side of the mechanical phallus enter her.

“Now,” Jessica kissed her lips. “You can open them again.”

He glanced down and could see a two-way dildo had penetrated them both. Each of them ground their hips together, slowly working it in, closer together.

“Oh, my God.” Justin said, feeling her slow rhythm and aching as it entered him. “Please…oh…make it…Oh nooo.”

She kissed him still grinding as she clipped something to his nipples, each one causing exquisite pain.

“AHHH!” He moaned, trying to pull away, but between the thing between his legs and the pain from his nipples he suddenly was close again. “Oh! No!”

She kissed him again as they slid together in the warmth of the bathwater.

The sharp pain in his nipples subsided a bit but the intense pressure there was…oh sooo good. Gasping he pinched hers in response and her tongue darted into and out of his mouth with each pinch and twist.

They came again, both screaming into each other's mouth, shivering and trembling in each other’s grasp.


Later they lay in bed together, naked, sharing a cigarette.

“Holy shit,” Justin said. “I never knew it could feel like that.” 

“Mhmm,” Jessica said. “Miss and I have experienced many sensual pleasures.”

“Really?” He inhaled some smoke, then handed the cigarette to her.

“We have many toys, playmates, and methods designed to enhance the experience.”

He shivered, even though due to the dryers he and his long hair were completely dry.

“So, you enjoyed your first experience as a woman?”

He nodded. “Oh yes. Very much.”

Jessica wrapped his arms around her tightly, snuggling back into him. “Good.”

“Do you usually sleep over too?”

She shrugged. “Me, Jenni or Pam. Or all three. Whatever Miss might be in the mood for.”


Jessica smiled, languidly stroking the smooth skin of his thigh. “We love sex. And have a lot of it.”

“I can see that,” he said.

“You should rest, however, so you can better adjust to the effects of your swap.”

He nodded, yawning.

At that moment Mindy’s phone blipped.

“R U Awake” Michelle.


Jessica turned over, and in a few moments, he could hear light snores coming from her. He instructed the lights to turn off as his phone blipped again.

“I miss u”

“Miss you too, froggie.”

“Can I see u tomorro”

Justin scratched his head. Tomorrow was Wednesday and Jessica had told him they had a barbeque in the afternoon with mutual friends, and he’d promised to go to the shoot with the girls’ after.

“Sure. I have a bbq tomorrow afternoon and supposed to go to some set after that to watch porn being made.”


“I know, but I am in the body of a porn star.”

“R U going to be on camera???”

“No, just watch some friends, I guess.”

“I wont come then”

He sighed. He didn’t mind her coming, but on the other hand, he did kinda want to explore this new life a little.

“Up to you, darling.”

“U never call me that”

“Call you what?”

“Darling thats a word from HER”

He frowned. In all his life he didn’t think he’d ever called his wife darling. Why had he? He shrugged.

“Whatever, it’s up to you if you’d like to come or not, FROGGIE.”

“Thats better”

The line remained silent. He stared at the blue screen, caressing it with his nail. He had another chip in his thumbnail. He needed to remember to tell Jessi to make him an appointment before Friday.

“What time”

“Whatever time you’d like, hon.”

“Ill txt and let u kno”

“Okay. Goodnight?”

“luv u”

“Love you, too.”



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