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He awoke slowly.

Everything felt strange, different. He had a difficult time getting his eyes to open, hell, even breathing was wrong somehow and he gasped for breath a little.

“Easy now.” A hand touched his shoulder. “The first time is always a little jarring.”

Sounds seemed clearer, as if from an excellent sound system. He inhaled through his nose and scented perfume — S'il vous plaît — but how would he know that?

“Justin?” Michelle’s voice, as clear as a bell. He heard overtones somehow, much different than before. “Can you hear me?”

He nodded and felt things…shifting.

“Wow,” he heard a man’s voice. “This is very strange.” He had a British accent, as if…oh, that was his voice. That’s Mindy. Speaking with my voice.

“Yes,” Justin said, and cleared his throat. “I mean…Oh, this is going to take some getting used to.”

“Are you okay, honey?” Michelle said, putting an arm on his shoulder.

He nodded. “Just give me a minute, baby.”

He opened his eyes. At first, he had to squint a little as the bright overhead lights washed out his vision making him tear up. But then things settled a bit, but oh God, the clarity! He’d never suspected he had vision trouble, but this was so much different! It was like opening his eyes and truly seeing for the first time.

“Oh, my God.” Justin said, in Mindy’s lighter voice.

“I’d never have believed it.” Mindy said, in Justin’s now accented voice.

“What’s wrong?” Michelle looked worried. “Did something go wrong?”

The attendant glanced at her tablet. “No, all appears normal. Is something the matter?”

Justin and Mindy stared at each other from opposing recliners. He looked down at himself, the massive cleavage, the rounded form. He ran long nailed fingers over his curves. “No, everything is fine, just very very different.”

“What’s so different?” Michelle said.

“All of it!” Mindy said. “Vision, sound, tactile sensations. Jesus they are so much more…there, somehow.”

He glanced at Mindy in his body. “Really? It doesn’t feel…duller to you?”

“Heavens no.” She looked around in wonder, climbing out of her chair. “I feel—wow. So much stronger than I used to! Everything feels so clear, so perfect, it’s absolutely amazing! I’ve swapped before and never experienced anything like this!” Mindy bounced up and down on her toes, then made a strongman pose. “Jesus, I love this!”

Justin got up off the recliner too, staring into Michelle’s eyes. They were of a height now, where before Justin had been many inches taller. It was eerie seeing her face like this, but he could see so much clearer, the rich vibrant colors, her skin practically glowing. He could see her brown eyes had flecks of gold and surrounded by almost a deep indigo. Why hadn’t he ever noticed this before?

“Welcome back swappers!” Came a booming voice from the central cube. “I know a lot of you are still acclimatizing to your body. I invite all swappers and companions of swappers into the clubhouse at this time to talk over last minute details of your adventure. Please follow your assistant at this time and join us for some refreshment and entertainment in our world-renowned LA clubhouse!”

Justin glanced at Michelle and Mindy. “Ladies’ first,” Mindy said, holding out her hand.

He rolled his eyes. “Funny.”

Justin took a step. Luckily, the swappers outfit included footwear of a non-life-threatening kind and he was able to at least follow the assistant out of the swapatorium and into the clubhouse. Michelle took his hand in hers, chattering effusively but he was still in something of a state of shock to pay any attention.

“This is so much nicer than the clubhouse in ‘Frisco.” Michelle said. Don’t you think, Justin?”

He nodded, feeling the way his new body walked. It was sinuous somehow, the hips moving from side to side, his new breasts swaying. He felt so limber, so light, like he could stretch all the way back and touch the backs of his legs.

“Do you work out?” Justin said, twisting from side to side, loving how easily his body moved.

“Yoga,” Mindy said. “Every day. You’ll need to keep up on that, darling.”

Justin nodded as they entered the clubhouse. Sandwiches, drinks, chips, and other food had been set out on a long table. They waited in line and Justin filled a plate.

“Fruits, Vegetables, and Protein.” Mindy said, taking off the chips and the sandwich bread from his plate. “You may eat a smidgeon of cheese each day, but if I come back to thighs the size of Texas, I will hunt you down, Justin.”

He laughed and was surprised when a giggle came out. “Alright, I will.”

Mindy loaded her plate as Justin carefully selected vegetables and some of the meats. They made their way to an out of the way booth and sat down.  Everyone around them was talking excitedly as they discovered their new bodies.

“So, I think we should set some ground rules,” Michelle said.

He took a bite of carrot, and immediately winced as he bit the inside of his mouth. “Oww!”

“Be careful, darling, it always takes a bit of time to get used to new dental configurations.” Mindy put her hand on Justin’s--nylon encased thigh.

Justin closed his eyes. The pain was very intense, making his eyes water. “I will.”

He took smaller bites, chewing carefully. It was a very strange feeling. The teeth in his mouth were in different places, and his jaw moved in a different way. It took conscious effort not to bite his tongue or inside cheek.

“I’m going to be lucky not to starve to death,” he said. “I have to think to chew. Is that normal?”

“Of course, it’s normal, Justin, you have all new teeth to get used to!”

“You will adjust, of course,” Mindy said taking a huge bite of a loaded hot dog. “But, yes, it will take a bit to get used to it.”

“So, back to ground rules…” Michelle said, looking at Mindy. “Anything we need to consider?”

Mindy frowned a bit in confusion. “I’m sorry?”

“Anything we need to know before we go our separate ways? You mentioned a party, and access to people you know who swap?”

Mindy stared at Justin for a bit. “You did tell her, didn’t you, Justin?”

Justin finished chewing a piece of celery. “Tell her what?”

Mindy closed her eyes and sighed. “Michelle, I’m terribly sorry. Justin is so new at this I just assumed he had told you.”

“Told me what?”

Mindy took Michelle’s hands from across the table. “We agreed, due to some certain, ah, circumstances, to have a life swap as well.”

Thunderstruck, Michelle looked at Justin. “Is this true? Oh my God, Justin, did you really agree to that?”

Justin shrugged, his breasts bobbling slightly. “Yes? Is that bad?”

Michelle dropped Mindy’s hands and folded hers across her chest. “You’re an idiot!”

“I thought that was want you wanted me to do!”

Michelle shook her head. “A lifeswap, you idiot, means you go back to Mindy’s Penthouse now, without me! And Mindy, here, comes with me to our home in San Francisco!”

Mindy looked down, shaking her head. “I’m sorry, Michelle, I should have gone over this with you during our meeting. I left it to Justin to fill you in.”

Justin swallowed.  “But we can still see each other, right? You said she could come to the party on Friday.”

Mindy nodded. “Yes, that’s fine. And she can definitely come and visit you as early as Thursday and stay the weekend. But we both need to lead as normal a life as we possibly can as each other.”

“How in the world is he supposed to be on camera, or whatever, as you?”

“I’ve told everyone I’m taking two weeks off due to nannite procedures. You do remember agreeing to attending those in my place, right Justin?”

He nodded, a bit worried now and strangely, wanting to cry.

“Wait, what procedures?” Michelle said in a rising voice.

“Shh, it’s nothing too painful. Another breast augment and a height and limb reduction.”

Michelle laughed at that, standing up. “Oh, my God. I’m going to see if there’s any alcohol up there. Do you want one, darling?” She said to Mindy.

“I’m fine for right now.”

Michelle shook her head, leaving with tears streaming from her eyes.

After she had gone, Justin and Mindy sat regarding each other. “Poor move, not letting her know. I’m thankful you didn’t reveal the reason for this, but you could have filled her in on the basics.”

Justin shrugged. “She would have been hysterical anyway. At least now she can’t talk me out of it.”

Mindy nodded, eating another hotdog. “Jesus, I’m so hungry. Do you always walk around starving to death?”

Justin chuckled. “Basically, yeah. You can eat anything, and it never does a thing to you.”

“Oh, I’m going to love being you. I’ve been on a diet since I was born, practically.”

Justin ate a piece of cauliflower and felt strangely full. “I’m already full.”

She nodded. “Stomach reduction, one of my first surgeries. You’ll need to eat often, but small amounts. Again, of Fruit, vegetables, and protein.”

“And protein.” Justin finished with her, and they both laughed.

They gazed at each other for a bit, as Mindy consumed the rest of her plate. She finished and dabbed gently at her mouth.

“So, look,” she said around the last bite of food. “I am, or was, quite popular in certain circles. I have a very professional…persona, as Mindy Mountains, but I try to keep my private life, private as Mindy McTavish. People can and do figure it out at times, but it’s important we keep this swap under wraps as much as possible, especially your true identity until I can finish the business with my daughter. I promise to do it as quickly and efficiently as I can, but if there is any exposure at all, please get in touch with me as soon as you can so I can help you mitigate the damage.”

Justin nodded.

“Now, as for the swap…if you haven’t already felt it, little bits and pieces of me are going to start filtering through. With an 11-day swap like this, you will have an increasing awareness of being me that will accelerate right up to the last day. It won’t be a complete disaster if we accidentally pass our tipping point, but we both should agree that if that were to happen, we’d immediately arrange for a permanent swap.”

Justin frowned. “Wait, what?”

“What he’s saying MINDY, is that if you go past your tip point, you will essentially be Mindy and that you will promise to arrange a permanent swap into Justin.” Michelle plopped back down in her chair with a tall drink with an umbrella in it.

“Yes, exactly,” Mindy said in her accented voice.

“Well, of course!” Justin said. “I don’t want to stay like this!”

“Shhh, it’s okay, darling.” Mindy said, patting his hand. “We won’t. But we must agree in front of our witness here.”

“I agree,” Justin said.

“As do I,” Mindy said.

“Good, it’s all fucking settled then,” Michelle said taking a noisy slurp of her drink. “You two will swap back no matter what happens.”

Justin glanced at Michelle and tried to take her hand in his. “I’m sor…”

“Shhhh!” Michelle said, snatching her hand away. “Look, Mindy you better get used to this situation you’ve gotten us into. For all intents and purposes, YOU are Mindy for the next 11 days, so you might as well get used to it!”

Stung, Justin pulled his hand back.

“Baby, I’m going to get us an e-car to the bullet. I’m ready to go home. Finish up with MINDY here and meet me outside.”

“I’ll be out there momentarily,” Mindy said.

She spared one long hurtful glance in Justin’s direction before turning abruptly and leaving the clubhouse.

“Guess I have my work cut out for me,” Mindy said in his voice.

“She’s always very passionate.”

“I can see that. I adore passion, it just has to be directed wisely.”

Justin nodded, exhaling. Already, he felt better. Maybe it was good they were taking a bit of a break from each other.

“If you look in your phone, you’ll find several numbers with asterisks beside the name. The top one is Jessica, my assistant. She knows everything that is going on, everything we’ve done today, and basically, everything about being me.”

He pulled a phone out of “her” purse. It had a tigerskin case with a jeweled front. He touched it, and a combination lock screen popped up. “PIN?”

Mindy gave a smile. “Try to think of it, yourself.”

He stared at the screen. Why would he— Almost instantly his long-nailed thumb entered 1452505 with a practiced ease.

Mindy laughed. “I knew it would come to you. The longer you are in there, the more me you will be, so give it some thought first before asking Jessica or I for advice. At this point, the more “Mindy” you can become, the better.

He nodded, amazed, as the homescreen of the phone lit up. He touched contacts and saw the ones with the asterisk.

“And the others?”

“All the ones with the asterisk know about us. Anyone else, does NOT. So, if someone calls, make sure they have an asterisk before their name, otherwise you’ll need to pretend to be me for the duration of the conversation. Does that make sense?”

He nodded.

“Good.” Mindy stood. “Talk to Jessica tonight, she’ll give you all the info you’ll need.”

“So…and Michelle? I can have her come down on Thursday, you said?”  Justin stood up.

“Yes, and she can go with you to your appointment Friday morning too, if you’d like.”

He was starting to feel panicked. He was really going to have to be her! “Oh gosh! I don’t know if I can do all this.”

Mindy embraced him, stroking his long braid. “You’ll be fine, Darling, don’t you worry. Thank you so much for this opportunity, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.”

Justin hugged him tightly, feeling the strange sensations of his breasts pressing into his former body.

“Now, I just have to go placate my “wife.” He chuckled.

“Good luck with that…Justin.” 

“Thank you…Mindy!”

Justin shivered as he said those words.

As he walked out to the parking lot, he suddenly had no idea how she had arrived there, or how “he” was going to get “home.”


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