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They met with Mindy later that afternoon.  She chose a small bistro in Hollywood to meet, so Justin and Michelle caught a bullet down from San Francisco.  The trip took a couple of hours, and Justin’s stomach was roiling the entire time.

“Oh, stop moping, sour pants.”  Michelle giggled.  “You act like you’re going to your execution.  This is only a meeting.”

He nodded, looking out the window as the countryside streaked by.  

Michelle had practically memorized Mindy’s social calendar and friends.  She’d been pouring over it since he’d agreed to meet, approaching it with a single-minded intensity she usually reserved for her college finals.

“You need to ask her about the event on Friday, if you can make it a plus one.”

“I know,” he said.

“And ask her if she can leave contact info for all her swapping friends so we know who to talk to.”

“I will.”

“And give me a kiss and tell me that you love me.”

He turned, smiling at her.  “I love you.”  He kissed her softly on the lips, touching her on the nose with his index finger.

She grinned up at him, “Thank you for doing this, Justin.”

He shrugged, turning to look back out the window.  “I’d do anything for you, Michelle.  You know that.”

She leaned into him, pulling his arm over her shoulders, and laying her head on his chest.  They sat like that for the rest of the trip to LA.


The Bistro was upscale, and filled with young people of all shapes, sizes and sexes.  They all wore the most fashionable clothes, carried thousand-dollar handbags, were perfectly coiffed and made up, and teetered on heels from expensive stores around the world.

They laughed and giggled and chatted calmly in the carefully prepared atmosphere of the bistro, eating succulent food prepared by real humans.

Mindy Montana sat at a table for three, dressed casually in a micro tube dress that bunched up along the sides and displayed her famous cleavage for all to see.  She wore sunglasses that hid her eyes but allowed her perfectly sculpted brows to be seen by everyone.

Michelle gave a little squeal and pulled Justin over toward the table.

“Ms. Montana?”  Michelle said, her voice barely contained excitement

She rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses.  “Please, call me Mindy.” Her voice had a trace of a British accent, and briefly Justin wondered if he’d have to imitate it, or if it would somehow be included in the swap.

“Hi, I’m Michelle, and this is Justin.”

She nodded and looked away.

Justin held pulled out a chair for Michelle and they both sat, not waiting for an invitation.  When she didn’t speak, Michelle prompted her.

“Soooo…how does this work?”

She rolled her eyes again.  “You know how it works, or you wouldn’t be here.”

“I mean…how does it work for you?  Is there anything you need to know about Justin or anything.”

She inhaled, then exhaled slowly.  “Michelle?  Is it?” Justin was falling in love with her accent. He could see why she’d be such an attraction. It wasn’t just her voice, but she exuded a magnetism that drew you in, making him want to hear every word.

Michelle nodded, giggling.

“I hate to be rude, but do you mind if Justin and I talk alone for awhile?  I know you are his life partner, but I’d like to speak to him privately.”

“Oh!”  she stood, abruptly.  “Of course!  I’ll be at the bar.”

Justin started to say something getting up.

“No Justin,” she said.  “It’s alright, really.”

She looked at him with eyes that said it wasn’t alright, but she would grin and bear it anyway.  “Send me a prompt when you’re through and I’ll come back over.”

She left and Justin ran his fingers through his hair.  Beautiful women always made him nervous. He worried what he would say, how it would come out of his mouth, worried about offending her unintentionally.

Mindy McTavish had long platinum blond hair crafted into the latest style which was a rather exuberant mane of curls over one shoulder.  Her face was hidden behind the dark glasses, but her lips pouted perfectly and were expertly made up to draw the eye.  She had enormous breasts that spilled out of the tube top, with a tattoo over one that said “Slut” in a flowery script. 

“Like what you see?”  she said, her voice breathy and high.

“Oh.  Y.y.yeah...”  He said, stammering.

“Relax Justin, I won’t bite.”

He nodded and exhaled.  “Sorry, I just have never been comfortable around beautiful women.”

“You think me beautiful?”

He nodded.  “Well, yes.  Of course.”

She smiled softly. The waiter came and took their drink order.  Justin ordered water, and Mindy asked for a pineapple vodka.

Justin winced at the strange drink combination but didn’t say anything.

“Water, Justin?  Really?”

He shrugged.  “I’m nervous enough already.”

She shook her head but took off her sunglasses and put them into a microscopic handbag.  Her eyes were large, with peach mascara that complimented her lips.

“So,” she said after their drinks arrived.  “What do you know about me?”

Justin took a long drink of water, not wanting it to end so he didn’t have to respond.  

“Um, w.w.well?”  He paused.  “I know you’re in the…um…film industry?”

She laughed at that, throaty and deep.  “I’m a porn star, baby.”

He nodded.  “Don’t they call them something else now?”

“Is a duck still called a duck?”

“I suppose so.” Justin smiled.

“I fuck people for a living on camera.  Porn star.”

He smiled.  “It looks like a very good living.”

“Well, it’s got its ups and downs, Justin.” Her face fell as she said the words, as if under a huge weight.

“Like what?”

She gave a small shrug that made her breasts bounce slightly.  “Ohh…”

She paused, taking a large drink.  “I suppose I need to tell you, since full disclosure and all that.  It’s why I asked your friend to leave us.  I prefer this be kept in the strictest of confidence, especially if you decide against living in my skin.”

He nodded.  “Of course.”

She nodded, then took a deep breath and looked into his eyes.  They were a deep chocolate brown in contrast to her platinum curly hair. She pulled out and lit an actual cigarette, inhaling deeply and letting the smoke out through her nose.  “I have a daughter.”

Justin nodded, not speaking.

“I had her when I was very young.”

“And how does this involve me?” Justin said.

She smoked some more, as a waiter brought an ashtray.  “You work for Estine Utilities, yes?”

Justin frowned a bit, taken aback.  “Well, yes.”

“And you have access to customer records?”

Justin nodded, wondering where this was going.

“I happen to know she is living in the area.  And I have an address but wanted to confirm it with Estine Utilities Database.”

Justing shrugged.  “Hell, you don’t need to swap to do that.  I could probably…”

“I want to visit her.”

He nodded, falling quiet again.  

“As you.”

Justin took a drink of his water.

“There’s no other Estine Utility employees in the swapping club, I checked.”

“Ahh,” Justin said.

“And, well, you are kind of cute,” she said with a grin.

He blushed at the compliment.

“But we’d need to handle this a bit differently than just a body swap.”

“How so?”  Justin said.

“Well, think about it.  It would raise eyebrows if I went back to my penthouse in your body, then went to your job tomorrow so I can access the database to find my daughter.”

“So, what does that mean?”

She gave a soft smile.  “It would mean a life swap.”

“Which means…”  Justin felt his stomach tumble.

“Which means exactly as it sounds.  We’d swap lives and bodies.  I’d go home with Michelle; you’d go to my penthouse and live my life.”

“You suck cocks for a living.”

She blinked, frowning “No need to be rude.”

Justin winced, glancing over at Michelle who sat at the bar purposely not looking in their direction.

“Look, this isn’t going to work.” Mindy stood up. She took out her sunglasses and stubbed out her cigarette. “You take care of the check.”

“I’m sorry, I…I’ve never done this before.”

She shrugged. “That doesn’t excuse rudeness.”

He put his hand on her arm. It was lightly tanned, warm, and was moisturized with something. “I’m sorry, really.”

She stared at him a moment but sat back down. She crossed her arms under those breasts.

“So, I’d have to live your life.”

She nodded. “I took a couple of weeks off, but there’s nothing wrong with sucking a cock, not when you look like me.”

Justin shifted a bit in his seat.

“You can hang out in my penthouse for all you want, but I do have an enhancement appointment I’ll need you to keep.”

“Aren’t you already…”  he glanced down at her cleavage.

She gave a wide grin.  “Indeed, but they’ve been building up my back muscles so I can be truly stupendous.”

Justin nodded.

“A bit of height reduction too.  Some of the vid directors want to be able to capture an image of all of me and being nearly 6 feet tall makes that difficult.”

Justin nodded again.  “Will it be painful?”

She shrugged.  “No pain, no gain, honey.  But they’ll give you some nice pain blockers.”

“And as part of the life swap, you’d be living my life?  With Michelle?”

She nodded.  “I can give her some new tips and tricks on how to please you.”

Justin thought about that.  “That might be i.i.interesting.”

“Honey, I can have her making you beg for more, of anything.”

“And you would contact your daughter, and reveal the swap and that you are her actual mother?”

She smiled and took another drag off her cigarette.  “Yes.  And perhaps arrange to meet, have coffee or lunch.”

Justin nodded. “So how long a swap are we talking?”

“We’d need to be rated, but I was hoping to swap right up until the tipping point.”

He winced. At least two weeks then. He looked at her, the way she held herself. What would it be like to be within that tanned, voluptuous body? To be stared at by everyone, undressed by many eyes…

“Would I have to…you know…learn your accent? Not sure I can pull off that.”

She gave him a soft smile. “The longer you are in here, the more your speech will settle to be like mine. As mine will settle to be like you. Past the tip point and we would essentially be each other, but I don’t intend to let it get that far.”

His palms were sweating. He could see she wanted an answer but was having a hard time vocalizing anything.

“Look, I’ll leave plenty of vids on my life, what to wear, my schedule, all that. It’s two weeks in one of Southern California’s most luxurious penthouses. I have a rich social life, and you’d be able to go to the parties I’ve been invited to, meet other people, my friends, relatives, everyone. You’d see what life is like as a beautiful woman, Justin, haven’t you ever been curious?”

He shrugged. “Not really, I guess.”

She frowned a little. “Then why did you agree to our meeting in the first place?”

“Well…” he glanced over at Michelle. “She has never had someone of your stature click her sign.”

Mindy nodded.  “Ah, I see. And you are hoping to make her happy.”


Mindy looked at him then, really looked. “Well, this would be a wonderful thing you are doing then.”

“So Michelle could come to the Penthouse?”

Mindy shrugged, lighting another cigarette. “I don’t see why not. I have had many people to my home over the years.”

“She also hoped to be in contact with other friends you have who swap.”

Mindy inhaled, letting the smoke out between her nostrils. “That would not be a problem. She can go with you to any of the parties. You’d just have to introduce her as a long-lost cousin, or something.”

“And in return you get to connect with your daughter?”

Mindy nodded.

They sat there, regarding each other for a few moments. Mindy smoked while Justin ran his hand over his scruffy beard.

Justin took a deep breath. “Well, okay.” He felt butterflies explode in his guts as he said it and wondered if he’d need to run to the restroom.

Mindy gave a wide smile, and Justin noticed her teeth were perfectly even and very white. “Are you sure?”

Justin nodded.

Mindy took his hand in hers. “Thank you, Justin. You are giving me a wonderful gift.”

He shrugged, sending Michelle ping. “Well, I do hope you can find your daughter.”

Mindy’s face fell a bit, looking wistful. “I do too.”


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