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(This is an oldie but a goodie. Those of you who don't like bimbo-type stories might want to skip this one. I think I write the 'smart' bimbo, but it features a porn star.)

They lay in their king-sized bed, both scrolling through feeds on their tabs. Michelle lay on Justin’s chest, her long blond hair spilling over his naked upper torso.

“Oh my God!”  Michelle said, holding her tab out from her.  

“What?” Justin said, glancing up.

“Fucking Mindy Montana clicked on your sign!”

Justin frowned.  “Mindy Montana?  Isn’t she…”

“A PORN vid star, Justin!”  She giggled and held her tab out from her, tapping the display with one long-nailed finger.

Justin looked at the surface.  His profile was there, with a list under it.  Not many on the list, but right at the bottom, he could see Mindy McTavish.

“Says, Mindy McTavish,” Justin said, looking back at his own tablet. He’d been scrolling through sports feeds, and he saw the Leopards hadn’t beaten the Otters, which surprised him.  The Otters had been favored 3 to 1 and he’d even put down a few virts on the game.  Damn.

“You TOTALLY have to swap with her!”

Justin made a face.  “Why the fuck would I do that?  I mean, she’s a she for fucks sake.”

“I know!  But, Justin, aren’t you the slightest bit curious?”

He looked down at her, his brows narrowed.  “Absolutely not.  One of us in a gorgeous big-breasted body is enough.”  He reached down and fondled one of the large mammaries of her own borrowed body.

“Yeah, but I have to give this back,” Michelle said.  “Tomorrow, I go back to little mousy Michelle again.”

He put his tab down and pulled her up into his arms. “I much prefer them on you.  Maybe if you reach out to her, she’d swap with you instead?”

She sighed.  “She clicked YOUR sign, Justin, obviously she wanted to be a male.”

Justin chuckled softly, wanting to change the subject.  “We can give your body one more sensual workout.”  He massaged her breasts, feeling the nipples rise.

She moaned, leaning up to kiss him, her mouth parted and sensual.  He kissed her back, tongue dancing with hers.

They made love again, the fourth time that afternoon.


“It sucks, you know?”  Michelle said the next day, after she’d swapped back.  They’d grabbed some tacos from a drive-through on the way home and they ate them now, sitting in front of the room tablet and watching some inane romcom.  

“What sucks?”

She flicked a hand over the roomtab screen and it parsed over to the swap club’s site.  Michelle’s profile filled the screen, with a short list of three below it.  “I had to PAY to get the body I had yesterday, the only people who want to swap with me are either older than me, girlie boys, or desperate swappers seeking an escape from their life.  You have fucking Mindy Montana who wants to swap with YOU and you deny her!”

Justin sighed as Michelle flicked over to his profile.  Not only had she expressed a desire to swap, she’d left a personal message wanting to get together.  Justin hadn’t followed up; it had made him uncomfortable.

“I have no desire to be a woman,” Justin said.

“Oh, you are being SUCH a prude,” Michelle said, flicking back to the romcom.  

He slid his hands down her body, massaging her much smaller breasts.  “We could…”

“No fucking way, Justin.”  She said, pulling his hands away.

Hurt, Justin fumed.  “Why?”

She didn’t answer but turned the sound up on the program.

Justin didn’t press it, merely holding her as they watched the show.


Later, that evening, they lay in bed.  He’d made some overtures to making love again, but she had rebuffed him, silently, taking his hands from her body and pushing them away.  It made him feel small, inadequate, unwanted, and unloved. 

He frowned up at the ceiling in the darkness. He could hear her breathing and knew she was awake.

“Why?”  he said softly, still staring up at the ceiling.

She lay in the darkness, silent.

“So, you’re still giving me the silent treatment?”

She got up from the bed, walked quietly to the closet, and took out a quilt and pillow.  She closed the closet door with her foot, shrugged, then walked out of the room.

He fumed.  He hated it when she did this shit.  He should consider the silent treatment a reward, a time when she wasn’t talking should be nice blissful and quiet.  But instead, his inner head felt turmoil, roiling around, teeth clenched against the impotent anger that rose within him.  

Fine, she wanted silence, silence is what he’d give her too.  He rolled over and stared at the wall.  A picture hung there, their wedding day, both grinning, mouths open.  She rode on his back, piggyback, and the photographer had caught them in a moment of pure joy, nothing staged or tended.  Every time he saw that picture it brought tears to his eyes, a perfect representation of what he felt for her, his love for her, their love for each other.  

He sighed, rolling over again.  He put his pillow over his head to stop the noise of memory.

In the morning he awoke early.  He padded into the kitchen and started coffee.  Pulling the tab on a couple of instant egg sandwiches, he let them cook on the counter inside their brightly lit packaging.  He poured two cups of coffee, unwrapped the hot sandwiches, and loaded them onto a tray with a sprig of white flowers in a vase.

Picking up the tray, he walked into the living area where she still slept on the couch, back facing him.  He set their breakfast down on the coffee table, then put his hand on her shoulder.

She came awake, slowly, glancing up at him, and smiled briefly before her brow narrowed into a frown again, and she turned her head from him abruptly.

“Too late, I already saw the smile,” he said, placing a cup of hot coffee in her hand.  “I made breakfast.”

She gritted her teeth, turned back to face him, then sighed.

“Look, let’s call a truce through breakfast, then you can resume your treatment of silence.  I will call it a conditional cease-fire for nourishment.”

She sighed, taking a sip of coffee.

“Mmmm there we go, progress has been made.”

She picked up one of the sandwiches and took a bite, chewing slowly and regarding him.  “I’m mad at you.”

“I know, but I need to know why so I can correct it.”

She ate some of her sandwich and took a sip of coffee, closing her eyes, savoring it. 

“I guess I’m not mad at you I’m mad because of you.  I’ve been swapping for years, and you come along and have never had one and get a primo swapper like Mindy Montana but you won’t even consider a swap.”

He stared at her, open-mouthed.  “Really?  So, because I won’t jump into the body of a porn star, you’re mad at me?  Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t you just riding my cock in the blond body you wore yesterday?”

She took a sip and turned her head away.  “You wouldn’t understand.”

He sighed, sitting down.  “I want to understand, I just don’t.  Can you help me?

She ate some more sandwich, looking thoughtful.

“Look, it’s like this.  When you were a kid in the primary levels, did you ever play a team sport?”

He shrugged.  “Basketball, sure.”

She nodded.  “And how did they select the teams?”

He shrugged.  A couple of us were captains and we each chose people.

“Did everyone get chosen?”

He sighed.  “No, not everyone.  You had to have at least some basic skills.”

She nodded.  “Were you ever one of the ones not picked?”

He nodded.  “At the very beginning, yes.  But then I got better.”

“How did it make you feel to not be picked for either team?”

“Pretty shitty, I guess.  Like my friends didn’t want me.  But this is different.”

“Yes, it is different.”  She got up and poured them both more coffee.  “You have the opportunity to see what life would be like behind her eyes.  She’s rich, Justin, and has a lot of friends.  You would be her, and you could introduce me to them. Don’t you see?  Look past yourself for once and see what benefit I might be able to receive.  She has a ton of friends, both in the industry and outside of it and you could take me to all their parties and events.  By networking like that, I could line up more and different swaps with people and maybe finally find someone who could relieve me of this.”  She waved her hands down, indicating her body.

He stood up.  “I happen to like this.”  He pulled her into an embrace, holding her.

She hit him on the chest.  “Of course, you do, you love me.  But that isn’t the point.  I hate everything about my body, being short, no curves, terrible hair and skin…you know this is why I started swapping in the first place.”

He shook his head, holding her.  “So, I’d only have to do it a short time, and just to help you network with all of Mindy’s friends.”

“Yes!”  she said.  “No longer than two weeks tops.”

He winced.  “Two weeks?  But that would take me right up to my tip point.”

“I know that Justin, but those kinds of parties don’t just happen every day. They take time, you have to prepare, all of it.”

She looked up into his face and he could see the intent behind her eyes, the hope.  He cradled her face with both his hands, looking down at her and kissing her lips.  “How can I refuse this face?”

“So, you’ll do it?”  She said, her voice animated.  She bobbed up and down on her heels, her mouth pulled back in a wide grin.”

He sighed.  “I suppose.  If you can bear to have a porn star living with you for the next two weeks.”

She squealed.  “Oh!  You are going to have so much fun!”  She clapped her hands gleefully, giggling.

He shook his head, closing his eyes.  “Yeah, we’ll see.”


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