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Chapter 23

Stephen drove us to a small cottage he had rented in New Hampshire. We were all under assumed names: Stephen was now Frank Barnett, Karyn was Jessica Barnett, and I was Madeline Barnett, Stephen’s spouse.

I blinked when he gave us our identification information; drivers’ license, social security card, even a ‘birth certificate’ that showed me to be sixty-seven years old.

“Um, Madeline Barnett?” I said.

He blushed, fiercely. “I thought it would be easier to explain since we are only a few years apart, and Karyn could easily be our daughter.”

I shivered a bit at this, looking at Karyn. Her brow had narrowed as she looked at her new paperwork, but then shrugged. “It’s only for a short time.”

“Indeed,” I said, taking my own and putting it in my purse.

“Afterall, we’re going to stop Ambition from happening in the first place, right?” Karyn said.

Stephen nodded. “That’s why I helped you to escape. There’s a large resistance movement and I thought you both might want to help.”

“Well, we’re definitely in your debt,” I said, softly. “It was miserable down there.”

He put his arm around my shoulders, and gave me a soft hug. “Well, I feel responsible for you being down there in the first place. I mean, if I hadn’t—“

“Well, I was trying to get information about Ambition from you, so my intentions were less than honorable as well.”

“Let’s let bygones be bygones. I’ve been off the sauce for six months now, and promise not to send you any more, ah—“

“Dick pics?” Karyn said in a loud voice.

Stephen and I both jumped at that, and laughed. “Yes.”

The cottage looked out on a small brook and had lovely maple and oak trees surrounding it. Secluded, it was set back from the main road a bit and had a lovely blue and white color palette featured throughout. I didn’t see any portraits on the wall of any children, no dog on the front stoop, no cat lazily lounging in the sunlight.

“Did you just rent this?” I asked as we entered. 

“Well, I rented it a few weeks ago, but this is the first time I’ve actually seen it in person. Do you like it?”

I walked to the back and threw open the curtains on a lovely view of the brook and other cottages lining the opposite bank. “It’s gorgeous!”

He beamed. “I’m really glad you like it.”

I walked into the kitchen, and found a teapot, and immediately put the kettle on to boil. Pawing through the refrigerator and cupboards I found them to be well-stocked.

“I had to guess at what you might like,” Stephen said. “So I had a local lady make the kitchen preparation. We can get whatever you might need.”

“It’s perfect,” I smiled. “I’m making some tea, or would you prefer coffee?”

“Not this late,” Stephen said.


“I’ll take some tea also.”

Watching the sunset from the expansive window, I put the teakettle on a tray with two cups, some sugar and creamers, then brought the tray into the living room.

“So what are our next steps?” Karyn said, after sipping a bit.

I took a sip and closed my eyes. It had been months since my last cup. I savored the warmth and the feeling of the sweetness as it slid down my throat.

“There’s clothing in both of your sizes in the master bedroom,” he said.

“Oh, we don’t have to—“ I started.

“No, I insist. It’s the least I can do.”

I smiled sweetly at him. Perhaps men can learn afterall?

Ambition will take place in three weeks time. We have a plan in place that is being executed. I’ll introduce you to the other players at the meeting tomorrow night.”

I nodded, sipping my tea.

“Will we be onsite for the event?” Karyn said.

“Do you want to be?”

I looked at Karyn. She shrugged.

“We’re not sure. Maybe when we aren’t so exhausted we can discuss it?”

Stephen nodded. “Why don’t you both head to bed. We can talk tomorrow. I have people watching the cottage, so don’t worry about LMI, if something happens and we need to flee, we’ll wake you up.”

I put my arms around him, hugging him tight. “Thank you so much for all of this.”

“I’m sorry for putting you through it,” he said, and I heard the catch in his voice.

I could practically hear Karyn’s eyes rolling in her head. We made our way to the master bedroom, and I sat down on the bed. It was luxurious with a heavy comforter.

“Oh, Stephen, how can I ever repay you for this generosity!” Karyn said, in a breathy high-toned voice after closing the door.

“Shaddup, you.”

“You know he’s gonna me like Bow-chicka-wow-wow! The first time he gets you alone, right?”

“Look, it was pretty fucking gallant of him to rescue us, you have to admit.”

Karyn pulled back the comforter and slid in next to me. “He’s going to want to take his mighty steed and plow it through your dark woods.” She slid her hands down my body to my crotch.

“Oh, stop it you.” I giggled and pulled her in tight. I leaned down and kissed her mouth sensually. “You’re the only one I want plunging into my forest.”

“Mmm, good. And don’t you forget it, Lady.”

“I won’t.” We kissed again, snuggling against each other and enjoying the lassitude that was sweeping over us both.

“God, I’m dying for a shower, but so exhausted I don’t want to leave the covers.

“Mmm, me either,” I said. 

And as I threaded my fingers through her damaged hair, oblivion intruded.


The next morning, I awoke early and took a long hot shower. You miss the little things when incarcerated, like hot baths, showers, razors, shampoo. We’d made do as best we could, but the thin stream from the water faucet only worked so well when trying to wash. I felt scummy and my skin had psoriasis from being so long without the sun. My gray roots had grown out, and I needed a hot oil treatment for my hair, but that would come later.

I used the body lotion as a moisturizer and began making a list on ‘Madeline’s smart-phone’ of feminine products we would need in the coming weeks.

Feminine products. I sighed. Robert would never have known where to begin.

Night cream, neck cream, nail care products of all types, hair product of all types, the list was rather prodigious. My bridgework was also a wreck and I’d need to get to a dentist soon, but I put that on a lower priority. I made a list of cosmetics for both of us — by this time, I knew by heart Karyn’s preferences also. Her menses was coming soon, so I put hot pads down as well, along with feminine napkins and other items.

I dressed in a cream blouse with brown slacks, and looked at myself in the mirror.

Joyce had definitely seen better days. My skin was blotchy and dry even after the lotion. 

My wrinkles had apparently multiplied, I assume, from the months living on nothing but paste. I had zero muscle-tone, and the skin on my arms hung like bat wings.

Sighing, I attempted to comb through my ratty hair, and gave up and pinned it into a messy bun.

Stephen was still sleeping apparently, so I went into the kitchen and put coffee and tea on, then made breakfast. A short time later, Karyn stumbled out blearily and mentioned something about coffee, and I poured her a cup with two sugar cubes.

“How the fuck are you able to function?” she said as I ladled eggs, berries, and bagels onto three plates.

“Oh, I’m a wreck too. I think I may just have to shave my head, this hair is almost beyond saving.

She nodded, and kissed me softly before sipping her coffee.

“Well, this is a nice surprise, Stephen said walking into the kitchen, and pouring himself a cup of coffee. He wore Tan slack and a button down business shirt and had obviously showered and shaved. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Good morning to you, too.” I said, handing him a plate.

We sat and ate at the small dining table as Stephen caught us up on world and local events over the past few months. The world had apparently continued to spin, politics and business were about usual, and there had been no sign of pursuit from his contacts inside of Lord Mallory Inc.

“Did we really get away?” Karyn said after we finished.

Stephen shrugged. “Ex always plays stuff close to the chest. I have a couple of inside informants, but aside from the response to our escape, it appears there isn’t a concerted or coordinated effort to reclaim us.

“He probably figures he can call us ex-disgruntled employees if anyone asks,” I said.

“Oh, he already did that. You left ‘in disgrace’ the day after you sent that email.”

“Oh? How did he explain all that?”

Stephen shrugged. “He had the IT department scrub the message, and paid off anyone who might have seen it before they said anything. After all, when he can steal your actual body, people tend to fall in line rather quickly.”

“I’m surprised he hung onto you, quite frankly,” I said.

Stephen smiled. “Oh, he can’t get rid of me. I’m HR Director…or was. I know where too many bodies are buried.”

“Literally?” Karyn looked at him wide-eyed.

Stephen took a sip of his coffee and nodded.

“I’m surprised he’s not mounting a state-wide BOLO,” I said.

“He probably has, which is why we’re under assumed names. We’ll also have to be careful in town to use our pseudonyms.”

“Speaking of town,” I said, putting down my smartphone. “I’ve made a list of essential items we’ll need.”

“Oh, Mumsie!” Karyn said, pitching her voice in a breathy soprano. “I simply must have the new e-phone 18! All my friends have them and I simply must have it or die!”

“Jesus, wept,” I said.

“What, don’t I sound like a petulant teenager?”

“Maybe one from the nineteen fifties,” Stephen said, and we laughed.

“Plus aren’t you twenty-one?”

“But, Mumsie!” Karyn said. “I haven’t had a chance to mature not like my contemporaries!”

I sighed. “This is going to be painful.”

“You said it.” Stephen grinned.

“Daddy!” Karyn said. “Mumsie is being ever so mean to me!”

“Aww, punkin,” Stephen responded. “We’ll straighten her out.”

I sighed. “Okay you two. I think we should head into town together.”

“Ooooh, as a family?” Karyn said.

“Yes, exactly.”

“I’ll get changed!” She giggled and leaped to her feet and ran back into the bedroom.

Stephen looked at me. “I think we’ve created a monster.”

I nodded, and we clinked mugs together.



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