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This was a Morpheus Tier piece that took me forever to finish. Hope you enjoy!

The Body Thief

Chapter One

by Raine Monday

Denise Peek, the redhead at table six, had a smile that could light up a room and green eyes that I swore could read every detail of my soul.

She came in frequently, at least three times a week, and I knew she asked to be sat in my section. She even called me Geoffrey, which was nice because almost everyone I knew always called me Geoff, and I hate the name Geoff.

I gave Denise’s party a couple of minutes before making my way over. Had to appear not desperate, you know? I created two heaping baskets of chips and salsa, then stacked water glasses onto the tray with the chip baskets perched on top.

“Good evening and welcome to Miguel’s. Can I get you started with something to drink?” I set out the chips and salsa, then put a water glass in front of each member of her party. Denise had three guys with her today; one was dark-skinned and wore a basketball jersey, one looked Hispanic and was covered in tattoos, and one was anglo and wore a three-piece suit.

The girl of my dreams wore a red shimmering dress with a scooped neckline that displayed her assets. Her hair was curled and caught up in a carefully crafted tousle of curls on top of her head. She always wore a fragrance that ignited my loins, and I couldn’t help but lean over her to hear her drink order.

“Hi Jeffrey! I’ll have my usual.”

“Do you have Gold Margaritas?” basketball jersey said.

“We do. Do you want it frozen or on the rocks?”

“On the rocks, but with salt.”

“I’ll have one of those too,” business suit said.

“Bring me a Modelo Negra, por favor,” tattoos said.

“Alrighty, one Dos Equiis for the lady, two Margarita Gold’s, and one Modelo Negra? Anything else I can get? Some appetizers?”

“Nachos,” jersey said. “Extra-Jalapeños.”

“Perfect,” I said. “Anything else?”

“That’s all for now, Jeffrey!” Denise smiled at me, and I wanted to melt down into the floor.

“I’ll be right back with all of that!” I turned on my heel and made my way to the bar.

Sergio worked the bar on this busy Friday evening, filling drinks, preparing cocktails, and pouring beer from the tap into the heavy glassware that made Miguel’s Mexican Food distinctive. He did it all with flair, speaking in a loud feminine voice. He wore a shiny gold blouse today and had glitter makeup.

“Ahh, La Puta is back!” Sergio said, giving me a grin. “You going to stick your gringo carajo into her, Geofredo?”

“Don’t talk like that, Sergio,” I said. “She’s not a whore.”

He mechanically made my drinks while talking to me without interruption. “She sex worker. Sergio know.”

“Yeah? And how would you know that?”

Sergio flipped open the two bottles of cerveza, then mimicked inserting one of them into his lipsticked mouth. “Take one to know one, gringo. Maybe you Sergio suck you carajo tonight!”

“Give me that!” I said, snatching the beer from Sergio and spilling a little on the counter. I set it on a tray then arranged the rest of the drinks, adding some bar napkins and tiny straws. Sergio was good people, but I got tired of his flamboyant nature sometimes.

He rang the bell above the bar loudly. “Pickup, pickup, pickup!”

“I’ve already picked it up, Sergio!” I said. He knew the sound of that bell embarrassed me. I felt my face flush as everyone looked over at me. I glanced at Denise, and she gave me a wink as she talked with the guys at her table.

It wasn’t just that Denise was sexy. She was. But I also knew she was smart, and sassy, and had a touch of class I just didn’t see in other women her age. She also had a temper; I’d seen her lose it on Sergio when he didn’t get her order right, but she never yelled at me. I loved the way the candlelight flickered in her green eyes when she looked at me and gave me that small secret smile I knew was just for me.

“Here we are!” I said, arriving at the table. The three guys continued their conversation as if I didn’t exist. They were talking about something sports related, and Denise giggled and laughed at what they said as if it was the most interesting conversation in the world.

Could she be a sex worker? Sergio said he’d seen her at night clubs and she picked up men regularly. I’d never seen her with the same dates twice, that was for sure. If she was, she must be very good at her job, and it didn’t bother me.

“Any questions about the menu?” I said. The guys continued talking over me, as if I wasn’t there.

“Give us a couple more minutes, Geoffrey,” Denise said, with another wink.

“I’ll be back in a bit.”

The guy in the basketball jersey nodded.

I made the circuit around my section, refilling drinks, taking plates, distributing bills. In the corner of my eye I kept track of Denise as she interacted with the men, talking loudly and laughing. God, what I wouldn’t give for her to pay that kind of attention to me, to go out on a date, to be with me. She was so perfect with her makeup, her clothing, the way the corner of the left side of her lip rose up in a grin. She had the best smile in the world.

The nachos arrived and I delivered them to their table, but they were still engrossed in their conversation so I told them I’d be back shortly. Denise gave me a look of commiseration and a little shrug when I asked about ordering again. I could tell she was hungry but didn’t want to interrupt.

I went to the point of sale station and printed out a couple of bills, then counted out my tips for the night. It was busy, and business was good.

Distantly, I heard Sergio yelling at someone, but I’d decided to go back and see if Denise was ready to order. I saw Denise stand up, and look toward the ladies’ room then walk in that direction.

“Any questions on the menu?” I asked the three guys.

“Uh, nah man. Let me have the Pollo Fundido.

“Is that good here?” Business suit said.

“I dunno, man, I always order the Fundido.”

The guy gave a shrug. “Make it two.”

“And three,” tattoo said.

“Perfect.” I took their menus. “I think I know what Denise wants, but will catch her after she returns to make sure.”

“You know Denise, huh bro?” Basketball jersey said.

“Yeah, she comes in here a lot.”

He nodded and gave the other two a grin. “You ever tap that ass, bro?”

I felt my face flush. “Nah, man.”

“You should, hombre.” Tattoo said. “She is fine fine fine.”

They all grinned, knowingly, and adjusted themselves in their seats.

“I take it, you all—“

They nodded. “She is and excellent lover,” business suit said. “Very creative.”

“She ever do that thing with her tongue, bro, like when she—“



They all laughed and started talking, as I looked toward the restroom to see if she was coming out. I saw an older woman yelling at Sergio who was walking away from the bar for some reason. He passed the restrooms just as Denise walked out.

Sergio grabbed her arm, suddenly.

“Hey!” I said, starting to run toward them. I didn’t know what was going on, but I didn’t like the way Sergio had grabbed her like that. Sergio released her, and she turned and started walking away. Sergio collapsed onto the floor.

Denise headed toward the exit, which I thought was strange. She hadn’t even ordered yet. I wondered if Sergio had hurt her or something.

“Denise!” I said, catching up to her and touching her on the shoulder. “Are you—“

She turned and looked at me.

Her eyes had gone completely black.

“What’s going on? Are you oka—“

She reached out and grabbed my arm.

I felt a strange rushing sensation like I was on the world’s fastest locomotive going the shortest distance.

My eyes slid shut.

When I opened them, I was disoriented. I wasn’t looking at Denise anymore, I was watching a man, turning and walking away. He opened the door and walked out into the street.

That was strange, he had the same haircut and was wearing the same clothes as—

I glanced down and saw somehow I was wearing a red shimmering dress the same color as Denise…

I put a hand to my head and felt soft but slightly sticky curls. I pulled one down.

It was red.

Somehow, I was in Denise’s body.

I felt a rushing sensation as the floor came up and caught me.



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