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These days I have been working on the website, I have improved the design and there are already more than 100 cars on the site, I hope this week finish adding all of them since they are more than 200. 

What do you think about the design? 😃

Site: https://thesimscars.wixsite.com/mods




Looks good but I liked the previous design a bit better.


What you liked more on the previous design? maybe I can add something 🤔


Like, I prefer how the cars were presented. I'm not sure about Pi though.


I've seen it the last days. It looks very well how the site grows. I also like the design. The models look realistic in front of the chinese mountains, only the carpet under the cars is a bit irritating for me. But all in all it looks very well. I'm happy to see the first missed cars in the site, like the '55 t-bird.


haha I found that place in Shang Simla and also I wasn't too happy with the carpet , but I think it combines with the background as it is chinese style so I decided to leave it like that :P


However, the place looks great 🙂. I hope to see the new models coming soon.