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The new themed poll is the following:

"Character in an eating contest"

What can be suggested? Any character from any manga, anime, game, series, etc. The suggested character will be the focus of the eating contest drawing, but because an eating contest isn't about a single person, you can optionally name secondary characters. Secondary characters won't appear in the poll and aren't guaranteed to appear in the final piece, but I'll likely include them if they're mentionned and that their presence makes sense.

Can my suggestion keep votes from previous themed polls (carryover votes)? While the themes themselves have carryover votes, the themed polls don't.

The rules:

  • I'll draw one fully colored drawing and one sketch from the poll.
  • One suggestion per patron.
  • Please provide a link to a visual reference of the character! I'll include it in the image showcasing all suggestions that will accompany the poll. References for secondary characters aren't needed since they won't appear in the poll.
  • Votes will be ponderated depending on the voter's tier : 1 for the Chubby Tier, 4 for the Plus Size Tier, 9 for the Super Size Tier.

Suggestions can be added until March 3rd. The poll to determine the winner will be available the following day.


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