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It was more than due time for a new drawing featuring a character who only appeared a single time back in 2015, in Rise of the Machine, character whose name is Taemi. She was originally planned to appear in a comic that was supposed to be published before Log Myu, but as you know, it didn't happen! It's also the reason why she's never been in a new drawing since then, as I tend to avoid publishing content with characters that I know will appear in a comic (the same is true for Kune, for example). If you remember the character recognizability poll from September, she ended up dead last for this reason.

The nude version is available right there -> https://www.patreon.com/posts/78269156 [Plus Size Tier and above]



Some Aigis

The links appear to have included your punctuation as part of your address, which gives a 404 error. For anyone who has this problem, just delete the ")" and "./," and they should work just fine.


I updated the links manually instead of relying on the auto-detection, it should be better!


Rise of the machine has got to be one of my favorite works...I really hope we see more of Taemi soon!