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Hi all,

For those of you who have been around for the past years, no surprise, here's the yearly feedback post! For the newcomers: every year I create a feedback post in which you can talk about anything (positive or negative) regarding the way I handle my Patreon, and tell what you'd like me to change. It's also the occasion to talk about the changes that happened the past year.

This time I'll also talk about the changes I'm considering, because I'd like to get some feedbacks about them before implementing them.

What has changed

Here's what has changed since last year's feedback post:

  • New sequences have been released every 5 weeks instead of every 6 weeks (from 8 sequences per year to 10).
  • Character suggestions have been split in two pairs of size (Plus Size and Free Size, Chubby and Super Size). The suggestions that used to happen every 6 weeks now happen every 5 weeks, and alternate between the two pairs.
  • Theme polls have replaced experiments: they allow you to vote for a theme before voting for a suggestion within that theme.
  • The second places of themed polls are now sketched.
  • OCs can't be suggested anymore, so that suggestions are focused on mainstream characters. I still create OC content, but it's now spread out all over the year.
  • Content is scheduled and released on specific dates, allowing patrons and potential patrons to know precisely the kind of content they can expect to see by supporting my work.
  • I've occasionally released extra content, primarily unplanned Log Myu pages.

What may change

Right below you'll find a list of the changes I'm currently considering. Feel free to comment about these potential changes so that I know if you think they're going in the right direction or not!

1 - New polls

The main purpose of adding new polls is to create a different type of content. Although I'd love to create more content, it isn't humanly possible without compromising on quality. New polls imply that existing poll categories and content may be spread out or replaced. I can't stress enough how important it is to make your opinion about this particular point heard! Would you rather have existing polls spread out, or replaced?

1.1 - Sequel polls

Sequel polls are almost self-explanatory, the idea here would be to create sequels to existing drawings: same character in a new pose and at a larger size (from chubby to plus size, plus size to super size, or super size to ultra size, ultra size to ???). Sequel polls are intended to solve some issues:

  • Sequences never go past super size for practical reasons (canvas size and canvas space usage) which can be disappointing for those who'd like bigger.
  • Sequences usually end up at super size, which can also be disappointing the other way, not every character has to be drawn so big.
  • While I do my best to improve the quality of sequences, single character drawings are usually still a notch above them.
  • There are usually fewer suggestions in the Chubby character polls, making it the easiest size category to win in. Having the possibility to win there then switch to the sequel polls could make it serve as an entry category of sort, balancing out the number of suggestions.

1.2 - Bigger polls

The purpose of Bigger polls would be slightly different from Sequel polls while solving the same issues. Contrary to the latter, the pose and clothes would be kept as close as possible to that of the original, so that the new drawing would be easily comparable to it. It would be the same, but bigger. I believe there's a different value that makes such a category worth considering, especially as I currently don't create sequences of identical poses.

1.3 - Coloring polls

Back in september I published five sketches. I then created a poll to have patrons pick their favorite sketch that I cleaned and colored. All sketches have since then been pushed to the Rework polls as the core idea behind both is to upgrade an existing drawing. Considering I intend to keep creating sketches and that they've received more interest than I expected, I've started to think that it may be a good idea to split reworks of old drawings from sketch coloring. Should such a split occur, WIPs would join the Coloring polls.

2 - Suggest or support

If you vote in polls, you've probably noticed that the suggestions can be... quite numerous sometimes. But actually only a minority of Super Size Tier patrons suggest characters. There are many reasons that could make patrons not use their suggestion power, but the one I don't want to exist is because polls are already too cluttered. So I've tried to come up with other ways to influence polls without necessarily suggesting a character. I have a couple ideas (feel free to suggest yours!), but so far I've only settled for one: supporting.

Supporting would be very straightforward. If you don't want to suggest a character, you could instead support the suggestion of another patron, what would grant their suggestion 10% extra monthly votes in the results. 20% if two patrons support it, 30% if three patrons support it, etc. Voting would remain the main instrument of power, while still giving another way for patrons to use their suggestion power.

3 - Renaming

Can you make the difference between the theme poll and themed poll? I can but often write one for the other and vice-versa. A clear sign that a clarification is in order. Good news, it's planned. I should go with "Theme poll" alongside "Whatever the theme is poll" (such as "Monster girl poll", "Non-Canon Log Myu scene poll", etc).

4 - Refocusing

Should either the Sequel or Bigger poll appear regularly, I'll probably refocus the free size category to ultra size only, without allowing a size reference anymore, since these two polls would be dedicated to go bigger. It would help simplifying poll categories that would be more numerous.


If you'd like to help me shape the next year of this Patreon by providing a feeback (thank you very much for taking the time to do this!), here are a few questions that could inspire you:

  • What do you think is the biggest weakness of my Patreon?
  • Conversely, what do you think is the biggest strength of my Patreon, the one thing I shouldn't change?
  • How do you feel about themed polls so far?
  • What do you think about the new poll ideas?
  • Would you like to see more sketches?
  • If I introduced new poll categories, would you rather have existing polls/content spread out, or replaced?
  • What would you like me to do that would improve, in your opinion, my Patreon?

Thank you!



First off I just wanted to let you know that I think you're doing an AMAZING job! The speed and quality at which you create art is astounding! Certainly worth my Patreon subscription. I'm a big fan of the supporting idea, I think it would help get more people involved and generally lower the amount of characters per poll overall. Kills two birds with one stone! I'm also a big fan of the sequel poll idea, but to be honest I feel that you are working very hard and drawing quite a lot so I personally think that you should only do it if you legitimately think that it wouldn't be very difficult for you to handle. In my opinion (and I bet a lot of other patrons share this opinion), your health and well-being comes first! I love your art and don’t want you to have to feel excessively stressed to provide it to us. That being said, if you're up to it, I like the sequel poll idea very much (and I personally prefer it over the bigger poll).


I like the idea of there being Sequel polls more then Bigger polls, it seems more straight forward in concept between the two. If you do go through with either/or, I'd recommend it being every other month to help avoid the risk of overworking yourself. I also like the idea of Free Size polls going back to being purely Ultra Size, because of it being the only size excluded from Sequences, and is also the only size currently that's not guaranteed to appear in rotation as it's suggestion based. It would help balance things out for how chubby/plus sized focused the majority of Log Myu has been.


Don't worry regarding the two new polls, it's simply impossible to have them without making room for them in the schedule or replacing existing content, I wouldn't have enough time in a week to create more content than I already do. I'll probably poll patrons at a later date as to whether I should make space for them or replace content. Thank you!


I would definitely be in favor of a sequel/bigger poll, and most of the other feedbacks seem good, the one concern I have is as someone who regularly suggests bigger than ultra size, that most people are content with ultra, and in a sequel poll, an ultra size would be competing against all the smaller sizes and the ultra size to get to the size I want. But overall I like your patreon and I am quite satisfied with your patreon I am more interested in the fanart. Sorry for responding so late