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What are reworks? To summarize, they are updates of existing drawings to bring popular oldies or sketches/WIPs up to today's standards. But it's best explained visually, so take a look at the existing reworks! https://www.patreon.com/pixiveo?filters[tag]=Rework

What can be suggested? Either an existing drawing, a panel from a page/sequence, a sketch, or a WIP I might have shared on Discord, on stream, etc. If you don't already have in mind a drawing you'd like to see updated, here are my main content galleries:

Can anything be reworked? Almost. In some (admittedly rare) cases, I might not have much to rework. It's especially true for some of my most recent artworks and some oldies that consumed a lot of time back in the day. But either way, don't be afraid to ask! I'll respond quickly if a drawing I can't really update is suggested.

Can my suggestion keep votes from previous polls (carryover votes)? The 2nd place keeps 50% of its monthly votes, and all other suggestions keep 25% of their monthly votes. This bonus can be stacked from month to month as long as the suggestion appears in consecutive polls.

The rules:

  • I'll rework one drawing from the poll.
  • One suggestion per patron.
  • Please provide a link to the drawing or sketch you'd like to see reworked if it's already been published, or a description in the case of a WIP (I'll confirm with you in the comments if there's a doubt about which WIP it is, until I find a better way to share them with everyone)
  • Votes will be ponderated depending on the voter's tier : 1 for the Chubby Tier, 4 for the Plus Size Tier, 9 for the Super Size Tier.

If you'd like to suggest a rework, you have until November 16th to do so!



Question: do reworks have to be a replica of a past image or can they be an image redrawn from a different angle?


Partial shots can be extended (for example when a comic panel doesn't show a full body) and angles fixed when necessary, but the goal is to have the original and rework to be comparable, what excludes completely different angles.


Gotcha. As my suggestion for a rework tho, the fourth image from the Futaba sequence, the one of her slouched over while playing a video game with her big underwear covered butt exposed https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-media/p/post/64042184/7e599eb0908046d9992d27b29a6dda69/eyJlbmFibGVfZ2lmX3RyYW5zZm9ybSI6MSwicSI6MTAwLCJ3ZWJwIjowfQ%3D%3D/1.png?token-time=1669766400&token-hash=GVc1EvHXtODtoW8w7MTPJtQVXPLlaLUbXbfBqh8QmpU%3D