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Another sequence poll with stroooong contenders. Good luck picking your favorite!

Poll rules:

  • If the poll ends up in a tie, the order of suggestion prevails (entries are numbered by submission order).
  • Some suggestions kept votes from previous sequence polls. They are indicated with a "+xx votes" mention.
  • Votes will be weighted depending on the voter's tier : 1 for the Chubby Tier, 4 for the Plus Size Tier and 9 for the Super Size Tier. Please note that the results below aren't weighted yet!

Once the voting period of two days is over, I'll weight the votes and announce the results.



Folks really can't be satisfied with a sequence they've already seen in greater detail huh


Yeah, what's wrong with an OC that already had an entire comic/sequence from its creator. Jesus, it isn't that hard to see why people are slightly upset with the result.

Bluepen Greenpen

It isn't that, for me at least. Just found Losing Control really unpleasant in general. If she's what people want tho, s'fair enough.

Some Dude

Yeah if you didn't really enjoy Losing Control then I can see why the character wouldn't be for you.