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Hello all,

Second part of the feedbacks post from a few weeks ago.

Compared to last year, fewer issues were raised, but one in particular appeared repeatdly: the dominance of OCs in character and sequence polls.

To give some perspective: last year, OCs have been suggested 49 times:

  • 20 times pixiveo's OCs
  • 29 times others artist' OCs (KipTeiTei's, BWS', Pocharimochi's, etc)

It resulted in 14 wins:

  • 9 times pixiveo's OCs (45% win rate)
  • 5 times other artists' OCs (17,2% win rate)

As you can see, when it comes to my characters, the win rate is significantly higher, but even when other artists' characters are suggested, the win rate is higher than any other source material having been suggested more than once. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not too surprised by these results: I'm in the best position to draw my own characters, and it's abundantly clear that characters from many artists of the community are loved.

Now, what are the different ways to solve this issue?

  • 1. Maybe most of you don't consider this dominance of OCs to be an issue, and that there's no reason to change things.
  • 2. Maybe only one of those two OC categories should be allowed:
    a) Only pixiveo's OC should be allowed.
    b) Only other artists' OC should be allowed.
  • 3. Maybe no OC should be allowed at all, and character/sequence suggestions be focused on mainstream characters.

So far I've not been able to settle on a specific solution. The issue isn't that easy to solve (adding a specific poll for OCs would create more problems than it would solve, for example), which is why I'm consulting you. I can understand the frustration of having OCs win with a relative ease, and I can understand why people are interested in suggesting OCs. Unless a majority of you vote the same way, this poll is most likely only a first step. Either way, I'll keep you informed!

So, should sequence and character suggestions allow OCs?



I feel like it should be like every other poll or something instead of a flat ban. I think the dominance is kind of boring but I don’t think a ban is better


I don’t like seeing the OCs dominate the polls, I personally don’t want to see them but I don’t want them gone forever from people who do want them

Bigby Lies

I support the idea of it being every other poll. I.e. March being established characters only, April OCs only or OCs allowed, in May established characters only, etc.


Why not make a seperate poll for OCs instead?


There should be a separate poll for OC's it's honestly tiring to see them dominate the polls every time


i would prefer a separate poll. i am not a personal fan of the domination of ocs in the polls. it might be harsh, but in my opinion if i wanted to see art of someone else's oc i would follow their account. im not as bothered by your ocs in polls.


personally I think that it should be maybe in like a cycle where one month OCs are in and then the next there aren’t any. I like seeing the OC stuff but it’s kinda tiring to see them constantly dominate polls whenever they appear in them. so maybe a separate OC only poll or OCs every other month or something could work?


I like the idea that some others have said here that you can have OCs allowed every other month. That way suggestions that lost to OCs will be able to use the carryover votes and win in the next month when OCs aren't allowed.


I love the idea many have shared of only allowing OCs every other month, and I'd like to suggest taking it a step further and having three distinct poll types. For simplicity's sake I'll call the different poll types A, B, and C. A doesn't allow any OCs, B allows only pixiveo OCs, and C allows only other artists' OCs. I think a rotation like A, B, A, C works well but there's room for flexibility.


If I may offer a suggestion, maybe only no consecutive OC wins?


Well, if they're winning the polls so often doesn't that mean they're popular and most people want to see them drawn?


I don't know if you have the tallying as a manual process or a script/spreadsheet, but possibly a decaying vote reduction for repeated franchises is the answer. I don't really notice a problem with OCs as much as I do with Nintendo and Genshin Impact.


A separate poll entirely should be able to solve the issue regardless. Just make it a completely free size poll, where the people who suggest the character also suggest a corresponding size. I don't think it makes anything more complicated by combining them into a single poll for drawings. As for sequences, you could just not restrict them from there. Or perhaps, something of an elimination style poll for OC's in order to get onto the Sequence poll could work. Where the OC that makes it out of the "Elimination" Poll is the only one placed on the sequence poll. So you would have suggestions for the Sequence Polls, OC characters would then go up on a separate poll first, and then the winner of that poll goes into the main sequence poll.