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Hi all,

I believe it's time to talk a little about the current state of Log Myu, and what's coming after it.

Log Myu has been running for a while now. It was initially well received, probably a bit too much as it created hopes that it couldn't nor was meant to fulfill. As time went on, people started to see it for what it is: a slow comic with parsimonious weight gain.

If you've followed me for a while, you're probably aware that I'm constantly trying to improve what I do here, be it the way I run my Patreon, its polls, the quality of my drawings, or in this case, comics. When I started to work on Log Myu, I wanted it to be an improvement over my previous comic. It was meant to be a slow weight-gain comic with a story, lore, a page format I could publish several times a week, and something that could help kickstart this Patreon. Log Myu is certainly all that.

Nowadays the comic is less popular than it was at first and I believe people's expectations of it might be more realistic than they used to be. However, its popularity didn't fall for no reason either. While its formula couldn't satisfy everyone in the first place (assuming it's possible!), Log Myu is far from being flawless. There are critics I agree with, others I disagree with, but at the end of the day, if I want the comic to be coherent with itself, I can't alter its current course, even if I feel like it's a liability. The story is still progressing and the beginning of the climax still a bit ahead.

What I can do however is to prepare what will come after Log Myu. I've already learned quite a bit creating it, even if its formula and horizontal format aren't meant to be reused for other long running comics. I'm currently starting to evaluate the different options as to what will come after it, and it's where you enter :)

You'll find below five weight gain comics ideas that are on the table, some of which I've already started to work on. Their descriptions are limited on purpose (they're less than forty words long) to make voting more easy. My question for this poll is pretty simple: which of the five options below intrigues you the most at the time?

Option 1 - When her elderly friend and neighbor Gil passes away, Lyra is surprised to learn that she is the sole heir to her considerable inheritance. But the mischievous old woman didn't leave it unconditionally.
Option 2 - In a world where appearance is key, Ezio's peculiar taste in women drove him to abandon love life. After a life-changing event, two of his coworkers, the maneater Janna and the shy Zelie begin fighting over him.
Option 3 - After years of nutritional excess without consequences, Kune's gluttony eventually starts to impact her daily life. Vowing to respect a past deal, her roommate Sarina tries to keep her under control.
Option 4 - Despite her small stature and numerous idol schools rejections, Nami dreams big: sooner or later she'll mesmerize crowds with her singing and dancing, and she'll do whatever it takes to achieve her goal.
Option 5 - In a disastrous financial situation, the fit Chae reluctantly accepts a job to harvest abyss sugar, a precious resource growing in a place full of waist-threatening dangers and merciless competition.

This poll won't be decisive. I'll probably do a few like it in the future, kick some ideas, bring others in, refine summaries. My current plan - once Log Myu will be over - is to release the first few pages of the comic ideas I'd have worked on the most, and do a popularity poll to see which one I should go with.

As usual, feel free to comment, whether about the poll, the ideas, the plan, Log Myu. Or even if there are themes you'd like me to try to work on for these comic ideas!




My main issue with Log Myu is that it seemed like it had a clear path, which was the slow and back and forth weight gain, which I am fine with or even fond of, but then a lot of the recent pages have had very little actual content beyond focusing on a sport that seems forced in and not related to the story. Yet nothing else has progressed for multiple pages because of it. I'm hoping it gets back on track because I really like the comic otherwise.

Terrance Watts

Honestly, I say while the story is a little slow, I say it's still a good read. The characters are interesting, their choices make sense, and I like the world building here and there. To me, the slower pace works so that we can know the characters better.


Honestly? I personally don't care. It's a fun story with enjoyable characers, how quickly Myu (or anyone else) fattens up is irrelevent.


ive enjoyed basically everything up until the introduction of linker sports. probably just because it feels a bit out of left field? i do see a path where it could work out, with zina in particular. it could still be entertaining, my only issue still is that it's just not what i liked about the comic. i was interested in myu, her friends, and the part of society invested in what is essentially competitive gaining n whatever


oh and the new comic ideas are all nice. it could just be my interest in idol type content and short girls but 4 sounds cute. again, all are nice though.


I really want to see the origin of wave b and how she became a super sized super star. If you get around to making the comic I would love to see lyrics that involve wg kink stuff like being big, heavy or soft, eating a lot, being curvy, etc


I voted for 5, but option 1 is equally appealing. It's low votes disappoint me, despite how hypocritical that might seem. To talk on Log Myu very briefly, I don't dislike the direction it's taken. Even if that's a minority opinion, thought you should at least be aware that there's at least few people interested in where things are headed. Keep up the good work, and kudos to you for not settling for less.


I still like Log Myu, I just wish we would get to see a little bit more of Myu's cute tummy. The way the comic is framed, it's a lot of shoulders and faces. You could maybe work on combining the plot exposition with the WG. If Myu is snacking while they talk about the game rules, for example, and we can see a frame of her adjusting her waistband while the expository dialogue is going on... That would work super well, I think! If you can find a way to make your panels serve both goals, you will keep everyone including yourself happy. I like both options 1 and 2, though I voted for 2 because maybe Ezio would end up gaining a bit alongside the girls and there just isn't enough cute boys with bellies content out there... Though I know I'm in the minority, and I do still love your chubby girls. ❤️ The salt mines also sound very fun. Watching athletic girls go soft is delightful.


Isn't it a bit early to be talking about this? I got the impression there was still a lot of pages left in Log Myu. I don't want it to finish early. Well I voted for option three because it's the option that sounds most like a continuation of the Kitsushi. I was hoping we'd get that after Log Myu.

Some Aigis

I think any of these would probably be fun. Log Myu isn't perfect but it's a really good attempt for a first comic, so looking forward to seeing what you decide t make in the future!

Cassie, Woman of Culture

Just my opinion, but if you’re happy with Log Myu how it is, disregarding how popular it is or how its popularity may have changed, keep going with it! Don’t alter your art to meet the expectations of your audience, make what you want to make.


For what it's worth, the general direction of the comic has not changed. Explanations about Maia's sport project are something that I needed Log Myu to go through, so that future pages could make sense. I initially didn't plan to introduce everything the way I did, but I felt like spoon-feeding info about it would be detrimental and uselessly lengthen the current 'chapter' about Myu's exhaustion, so I condensed everything on a few pages. Definitely a mistake since doing so seems to have sent the wrong message, that the sport itself was a strong focus in the comic, which it's really not. Myu starting to work on said sport, however, is pivotal to many future events.


Yes, it's early to talk about this, and yes, Log Myu will be going on for a while more. As mentioned above, I want it to remain coherent with itself, so it's definitely not going to end earlier, it would make no sense to shorten it while there's still a lot on the table, including what many could consider the best parts. The reason I talk about it early is because I want to start preparing these future comics, what will take a lot of time. Regular Patreon content is the priority, so there's not much time left for them. My best option is to dedicate them a tiny chunk of my schedule over the (relatively) long period of time until Log Myu is over.


The point you're talking about is what I consider to be Log Myu's main issue. It stems from the mismatch between its page format and its story content. I first wanted the comic to be one big panel, plus one or two other secondary panels at most, but I now often have to cram as much content as possible to go through the story at a reasonable pace. Between the tiny panels and numerous speech bubbles, I'm limited as to what I can draw if I want to show character expressions and feelings, what often result in that visual novel look. Be sure that I'll draw what you're talking about whenever it'll be possible, though!


Hey don’t worry about how others view your comic, as long as you enjoy writing it you shouldn’t let your writing ideals be weighed down by expectations and ideals.


Bit disapointing that 5 seems to be winning. Would love to see 4 or 3.


Yeah I've really been enjoying Log Myu, I appreciate you taking the time to build up the characters and the world. And like, I've been trying to make some changes to my own body and sometimes it feels like ages before you see any progress... as much as I want to see Myu achieve her goals, these things take work! And it's really really nice to see Myu trying her best to accomplish that while navigating her own life's hurdles.