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New round of character polls, starting as usual with the ultra/free size one!

You'll find attached to this post an image with all the suggested characters (on the left of each number) and their expected size (on the right of each number).

Poll rules:

  • I'll draw the winner of the poll
  • If there are ties, the order of suggestion prevails (entries are numbered by submission order)
  • Votes are weighted depending on the voter's tier : 1 for the Chubby Tier, 4 for the Plus Size Tier, 9 for the Super Size Tier, but these weights aren't visible in the poll below
  • Some suggestions kept votes from the previous poll, they are indicated with a "+xx votes" mention

Once the voting period of two days is over, I'll announce the results.




Almost no point voting this time thanks to the carryover votes. Would rather they didn't accumulate like that, makes it seem impossible for anything else to win.


Depends how you see it! When polls occur as a single event in time disconnected from other polls, there's only one winner and everything else gets discarded. Only the vote going to the winner has a decisional value, what can lead to strategical voting instead of voting for favorites. Carryover votes counter this. Because they matter not only now, but also in future polls, all votes get a value, not just those going to the winner. Even when not liking the current poll leader, it's possible to vote for something else, and boost its chances for future polls. At first it looks like it doesn't matter, but over multiple polls, it does, a lot. It's why Natsuki currently has such a lead, because past votes mattered, despite her outsider status.