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Hello all,

It's been a few months since I last talked about the state of the Patreon. I'll start with a big thanks to everyone! Because you've been supporting my work since I opened this Patreon account back in May 2020, I'm now able to work fulltime on it. I believe the drawings I've released these past few weeks have been a tad more qualitative thanks to the extra time I got from quitting my part-time job, I'll thus do my best for this situation to last. As I mentioned a few months ago, I was on a very tight schedule, so this is a breath of fresh air!

Minor turmoil incoming

At some point during the next few weeks, I won't be able to have access to a computer for a couple of days. It's unclear when it will happen, but it will probably result in delayed uploads and poll results, that I'll catch up with as soon as possible. I have scheduled some suggestion posts and character polls, so at least those shouldn't be impacted.

Log Myu's progress

I believe we're past mid-point in terms of story, but it's quite hard to translate this in terms of pages, especially since we'll soon reach pivotal events that will take more pages to unfold than some previous ones!

Stretch goals

There hasn't been any new stretch goal for a while, it's time to fix this and give everyone some hindsight regarding what I can reasonably add to the schedule. For the time being, it will revolve around the amount of Log Myu pages:

  • $3.9k - Extra monthly Log Myu page, published on the first Wednesday of the month.
  • $4.3k - Similarly to above, an extra monthly page, what adds a new page every other week to the current schedule.
  • $4.8k - Additionnal Log Myu page every other week: a total of three weekly pages (on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)

Should the final goal be reached, I'll consider what I might be able to do next. But at some point I obviously won't be able to add anything more.

Updating voting powers

Voting powers in character polls are currently the following: Chubby Tier members votes count once, Plus Size Tier members three times, and Super Size Tier members six times. These values are multiples of the monetary amounts needed for joining tiers ($2 -> 1 vote, $6 -> 3 votes and $12 -> 6 votes). I've been considering changing these for a while to switch to a format where higher pledges get a a little extra, and finally opted to do it. The reasons for this change are both to add value to tiers with a higher cost and to go hand in hand with a change to carryover votes described below. Voting powers will thus be updated to the following:

  • Chubby Tier: 1 vote
  • Plus Size Tier: 4 votes
  • Super Size Tier: 9 votes

These changes will be implemented with the next round of character suggestions occuring in October.

Updating carryover votes.

Since they've been introduced, carryover votes in the character polls have mostly worked as intended as they've driven quite a few wins. The 25% bonus (applied for third place in a poll or belonging to the Super Size Tier) much less than the 50% bonus (applied for second place in a poll), but that was expected. However, there's been two issues with them:

  • when there is one or two massively popular option in a poll, because bonuses are a percentage of total votes, they can stagnate or even decrease,
  • while it was intended to carry less popular but dedicated suggestions, the 25% bonus doesn't translate into significant amount of bonus votes due to the recent increase of suggestions diluting votes.

I've opted to change a little the way bonuses work. Instead of being calculated on total votes (monthly votes + bonus votes), they'll now be calculated only on monthly votes, but they'll stack from month to month. In practice, it won't change anything for new suggestions, but on the long run less popular but dedicated suggestions will be given a chance to win.

These changes will be implemented with the next round of character suggestions occuring in October, and will be retroactive, implying that consecutive suggestions from these past few months having benefitted from carryover votes will get more votes if suggested again. If you've recently changed your suggested character or its size category after consecutive appearances, and intend to suggest it again next round following the changes I've just talked about, please contact me to make sure I take it into account.

Companion website

Development on the companion website is moving forward (finally). The first version will focus on automated suggestions and polls able to take tier weights and carryover votes into account. I have no estimated date of arrival for this first version, but the sooner the better!

To conclude, if you have any question on any topic related to Patreon or my work, feel free to ask :)

Have a nice day, and see you soon!



So when Log Myu does eventually end, will you continue the story of these characters in long term comics, perhaps from other perspectives? It would certainly be fun to continue exploring this world even after the log's over.


Like The Kitsushi's characters who are appearing in Log Myu, Log Myu's characters will appear in future other comics in some form, that's a certainty :)