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Myu's subconscious be like "Shame. Shame. Shame."




Not going to lie this is a big sad moment. But it's to be expected, after a major life changing epiphany like that one can help but feel embarrassed not realizing it sooner. On top of that someone that struggles to change themselves for the better, only to find out that what made them unhappy turn someone else on. I hope Zina finds peace, Myu realize her mistake, and apologizes to her.

Conner K

I'm really interested to see what comes of this change in the status quo.




Myu did nothing wrong. Sure, she was pretty blunt when explaining her feelings, but it's not her fault Zina apparently lives in her own little world and interprets everything through such a narrow lens. She and Nadette have never hidden anything from her, they're still the same friends she's been living with. If all it takes is realizing something that she should have known years ago to drive a wedge between them, then they are better off with her leaving IMO.