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You know things get real when Zina notices them.




Oohhh Zina looks so soft


I wonder how much Myu put on in the last 8 days, and how tight her work clothes have gotten


Shits just got rael when even Zina notices it

Geb Baserr

Everyones concerned, I wonder if myu will regret it when she too fat to turn back.


I like trying to predict the future in stories, IDK but I find it fun. I think that Myu can't eat a lot because Myu's (rich) parents paid for some kind of weight-loss operation when Myu was a kid. Thats why Myu gets sick every time she overeats. It makes sense with the small "clues" though out the story so far, kids usually don't get that fat unless they eat a whole lot.