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Hello all,

A few days ago, Lai-E ended after three weeks and 11 pages. I tried something a little different from the usual sequences, including making part of it available at all tiers.

I'm creating this post primarily to gather feedbacks about the comic. Here are a few sample questions, but feel free to tell more if you'd like to, I'll take any feedback :)

  • Was it too long, too short, the right length? 
  • Did you feel it was enough to know more about the character?
  • Were multiple pages on sundays then an extra page on wednesday detrimental to the reading/enjoyment?
  • Would you have prefered another comic format than the single panel one?
  • Was the lack of background an issue?
  • Was the art qualitative enough?
  • Is this something you'd like to see again?

Thank you!


Jayix Chezro

Yes everything was absolutely perfect For it happening again as a full side comic could be voted on, perhaps or from the suggested Similar to when you vote a character and it’s size But it could possibly be its own poll But one, there’s already a lot of polls, unless you don’t mind And two, I think most people will agree that having a full side comic would be awesome and definitely worth the wait ^v^


The length was perfect and I think we def got to learn more about her. My biggest issue I had with it was the lack of background objects. Doesn't necessarily have to be anything super detailed like Log Myu but something similar to the other sequences you've drawn. Other than that, in terms of quality it was really good and I enjoyed it. As this was a longer sequence that was released over time, I personally wouldn't want to see this sequence format be the norm from now on but maybe do it for specifically Log Myu characters in the future if they get voted for.


Would love to see something like this again and a bit longer. She could be bigger


Loved the way you did It. multiple pages on Sunday is what I liked. You also did really great at telling Lai-E story


Everything was perfect the way it was. Keep doing what you were doing.


Test your blob limits


1. For me it was the right length but I wouldn't say "no" to a sequel. | 2. For a side character, yes. But she has the potential to become more relevant. | 3. I had no problem with it. | 4. For a gaining sequence a single panel comic is the best choice IMO. | 5. No, I enjoyed the focus on Lai-E, her gain and her thoughts. | 6. Yes, it is. More than just enough. | 7. Yes, definitely.


It was a very nice side comic. The progressive single panels were definitely something I'd prefer over a multi panel strip at least for a sequence like this. Where it started and ended were pretty much ideal. It was refreshing that she started off a little chubby, rather than the very lean body that usually happens in these sequences. There's a lot of weight gain sequences feel like: "i've been skinny my entire life up to adulthood but then something suddenly changed". This definitely gives you a nice contrast but it's kinda overused. Ending point was also good, though maybe a little too big for me. Opinions obviously differ, haha. One thing I would change might be the plain white background. I'm not asking for any levelnof detail, but it might be nice to have at least a soft gradient colour background or some vague pattern to indicate their location. Overall great comic. Looking forward to more from you!


It was really high quality, but I would have appreciated a slower weight gain, starting from a lighter weight.


I thought it was enough If you wanted to add maybe just a little back ground (simplify it like in classic Ed Edd eddy back grounds) I wouldn’t mind seeing more of it Release schedule was fine, just make sure not to over work/stress yourself over it


Loved every part of it, found no issues! Would love to see similar endeavors in the future!


Would definitely love to see more of these kinds of sequences as opposed to the typical ones

Bigby Lies

I really loved it. To be honest, it's been hard for me to follow Log Myu due to its length and slow-burn, but this short sequence/comic was perfect and I looked forward to weekly releases of new pages knowing it was short enough to keep my attention span lol. More short comics like this would be absolutely welcome in my opinion.


I loved the length of the story and the progression. Personally I would've liked a non-nude version, although I realize making 2 versions takes longer. Love the character arc in this one, esp since it is was expanding a side characters story (pun intended). Great work!


The length and progression were fine given that it was a fairly straightforward story without any great twists. I didn't mind the lack of background, but being more or less static images I think the progression of a single theme (such as changes to her wardrobe, or alterations to her apartment/furniture/work area) would have strengthened it overall.


It was perfect in every way. I wouldn't have changed a thing. I'd love to see more of these.

Viera Valen

Honestly I thought it was perfect, I think my only complaint was when it was over lol but otherwise I think this works excellent for your sequence art/shorts.


Worth the upgrade. Single panel was cool. The length was good, i loved the sequence. Very good art plus the extra pages per day were lovely. Character exposition was fine. I would love to see a handful more of these.


Lack of background was not an issue for me. Art quality was fine. Length was good, but I think she could've been heavier in the last 2 or 3 pages. I prefer the way you've been doing sequences before, but I think this method is a good fit for your own OCs.


In my opinion I think lengthwise it was as long as it could be while staying interesting without having to add other characters, and I've already mentioned the white blank background weren't my favorite in the Discord server. But overall that really didn't prevent me to enjoy the story, it would be great to see more of this format in the future ^^


For a short delve into a character it was good. The backgrounds weren't a big deal for me since this is just a short story. If you'd like to do something like this again of course I'd like to see more.


On length I think it was a bit long. Not in a "I lost interest" or " this was bad" way though. More that I don't know how feasible 11 page sequences are for you to do on a regular basis. If it's something you can see yourself doing then it's great, if not, then don't force that many pages. You showed off more than enough of Lai-E's backstory and the way her thinking evolved and changed over time. So good job! The posting times were fine. I don't see how anyone could complain about getting 3 pages in a day. I liked this single panel format, but maybe another sequence would benefit from a multi-panel format. Do what you feel is right. I really didn't pay any mind to the backgrounds so if it saves you time and sanity, then feel free to forgo them unless you're in the mood. Art was great! Quality was good to me. I'm totally down for this to be done again. As long as it's something you'd want to do.


I was a really big fan of this series, I really loved the story, the art was great, the release schedule was great, but if it was overly taxing on your end I wouldn't mind a 2+2 or a 2+1+1 release either. That said I was apprehensive going into it, mainly for the character choice. I much rather would have had someone that we know something about star in the comic, even if it was as simple as a name and an incredibly basic personality trait, like the idol whose name escapes me at the moment, or another established OC. For me personally I would have preffered it to star a character that wasn't interchangable for just being a cute fatty. I also would like to see some incredibly basic backgrounds, but that's a much more minor complaint than the one before, I just notice the VOID lol. But looking forward to the next one.


I'm not too sure how and when I'll start working on the next one, but creating an occasional poll with options I picked is my preferred option at the moment. It's too work-intensive to become a regular poll. Thanks!


Yeah, a couple people mentionned the lack of background, so it's clearly something there will be to some degree in future side stories. I couldn't make this format the norm even if I wanted, it's just too intensive compared to the usual format. Doing it whenever a Log Myu character wins the sequence poll is a good option!


You liked the multiple pages on Sunday because it meant more content in general, or because the story moved faster?


Yeah, future sequence/comics like Lai-E will probably be a tad longer and the character lighter at first. In the case of Lai-E it's part of the character that she was heavier from the start. Thanks!


Yes, backgrounds are something I'll work on next time. Not having them actually helped me to create it without being excessively intense (while still being intense), but I'll probably draw it over a longer period next time.


There will be more sequences like Lai-E, but given how long it took to create it, it's probably not something I'll be able to release on a regular basis. But they're planned :)


Given the feedbacks, I'll definitely create more content like Lai-E. Not sure when and how, but they'll arrive in due time :)


Thanks! The nude content could have been avoided in some pages, but it would have been a little strange in some others. I'll keep it in mind, though, with the right angles and thinking about it from the start, it's always possible to create both nude and non-nude versions without too much work.


Haha, I really enjoyed working on it, so ending it was also sort of a complaint on my side :p Thanks!


There will be more content like Lai-E, but it takes too much time compared to a regular sequence to replace it. The usual format will still be the main one ^^


Yeah, it's due to your comment that I wondered if the lack of background was an issue for other people, and it turned out to be the case. I'll definitely fix this in future similar content!


On a regular basis, this format would be impossible to do. The usual sequence format will remain the main one for the time being, but given the feedbacks on Lai-E, I'll work again on something similar in the future. With or without the character being the winner of a poll. Thanks! Thank you!


Glad you liked it! Regarding the character, it was more an opportunistic choice as she had won the sequence poll. But now that the character has been established, it's not impossible that I'll use it again, even outside of Log Myu. I understand the preference for an already established one, though! Backgrounds are something I'll add in future similar comics/sequence. It was never a big issue, but if it's an improvement, then I'll take the time to add them. Thanks!


Interestingly, the fact that she started bigger than most sequence characters is perceived both positively and negatively depending who you're asking. Similarly to how she ended up, for some it was too small. As you're saying, opinions differ ^^ Given the feedbacks, there will definitely be background in future similar content! Thank you :)


It certainly could have helped, yeah. It's something I'll try to improve in future similar content.