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No, this is not how you deter Myu.

As previously announced, you can find attached to this post a ZIP archive with all Log Myu pages.




I love this new character with all my heart. Remind me to request her next time for size chart

Another Person

That moment when you have to consider what kind of cakes she is referring to...

Jayix Chezro

The lab is too small you say? I have a funny feeling it’s not the labs fault... The ‘whales’ inside however... 😜


Log Myu university arc her we go! In all seriousness though this is a really cool plot point


The woman on the right has the perfect amount of belly sticking through the doorway while it also being the main reason why she's stuck. I can already imagine an animation/gif of her jiggling, trying to get herself though.


Everyone download that zip, unzip, and watch in Windows slideshow mode