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It's (almost) all her fault!




Rena is so cute

Jayix Chezro

Moar Cakes hehe~ I wonder how Zina and Nadette are UwU


So just to clarify... The people really into the gaining scene, treating them like pop stars/idols, are a niche subculture, right? So most people in this world are still prejudiced against fat people, or at least wouldn't understand someone wanting to gain weight on purpose?


That face of 'konsern' lol!


It's a bit hard to reply strictly by just yes or no, as your questions are tapping into elements of the lore I created around Log Myu, so I'll detail everything. The text below is not a spoiler as it isn't directly related to Log Myu's plot, but a small dive into its lore: As a prelude, the society being depicted in Log Myu is a post-dystopian one. For a long time it was a midly-oppressive and utilitarianist society relying on eugenics. It gradually changed over the years until roughly two decades before Log Myu's events and the formal end of the "Bos Protectorate". Before, fat was usually considered a tool and needed to have a reason to be. In most case however, it was deemed useless, and being a waste of resources. Nowadays, older generations are still mostly in that mindset while younger ones are more lenient, even if they also have their fair share of traditionalists. Being overweight is often seen as a form of defiance or even activism against the values of the old world. The gaining scene is currently limited to people like Nadette, who display the kuma/ursus phenotype, and have the ability to hibernate. Mainstream society has always done its best to prevent ursus from needing to hibernate, both to make them more functional as citizen and to allow them to stay awake during winters, in a sort of win-win move. Since the end of the Protectorate, there's been an activist movement claiming that mainstream society is oppressing ursus and preventing them from being in harmony with themselves by subsconsciouly forcing them out of hibernation to be part of the daily grind like everyone else. The gaining scene is derivated from that "go natural" movement, it's sort of a glorification of being ursus. At its roots it's a very ursus thing, and something popular amongst ursus people. It's mainstream for them. To the average person, it's something that will feel foreign as it's not about them, but it's something most people will know about. The growth in popularity of the contest that was mentionned in Log Myu comes from an audience that previously didn't exist, basically non-ursus people. For them it's definitely niche. Sumo from the viewpoint of a westerner is actually a good comparison for how non-ursus see the GKL: the average person know it's a japanese sport with fat people, but they don't know much about it and never see it done around them, yet there are still some fans in the west. The answer to your second question depends on a lot of factors. The two main issue with being fat are that you'll be seen by some as having a useless body hindered by weight, taking extra space, needing extra maintenance, etc, and that your intent will be ambiguous. People won't know why you're fat, if it's because you enjoy it, because you just happen to be bigger for another reason (lack of control, lazyness...), because you want to be "in", because you're trying to make a point, etc. But because being fat can be understood as activism, willfully being/gaining/staying fat can be considered as a passive support of that activism. It's more likely than not that you'll run into issues with other people who will take offense of what they perceive to be an aggression of their values. An IRL comparison would be colorful hair dying (like the blue/green some typically associate with feminism). Some people will have prejudices about it because they feel like it's part of a subculture working against them. While in fact someone could very well dye their hair because they enjoy it, without any activism behind. But because they still made the choice to dye their hair despite knowing some will assume they're activists, they must be supports, so either way they're in the "wrong". To clarify a little more: in Log Myu's world there is no prejudice about fat being considered ugly by most people (though some do), or unhealthy. It's all about utility, perception of oneself and conflict of values. I believe you asked these questions due to what Rena is saying. Her viewpoint here doesn't express an opinion on being fat (she's not a lightweight herself), but a worry that Ilya is unintentionally making Myu fat, what will make her run into trouble sooner or later.