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[Edit] Updating the suggestion topic as I forget to change the limit date, which is January 16th.

With the character poll results out, we can move forward with this month's experiment poll.

What are experiments? Anything that I'm not usually drawing but that you'd like me to draw. I usually name the same few examples as they've been requested in the past: fit girls,  furry, boys/bhm, expansion, hyper breasts/butt, monster girls, etc.

Important: I might decline some suggestions if they're not compatible with Patreon's rules or are about things I'd be uncomfortable drawing (vore or slob for example), but don't be afraid to ask! I'll reply to each suggestion so that you know if yours is ok or not.

A few things to know about experiment suggestions:
- one suggestion per patron,
- suggestions that are too close to previous winners might be declined,
- I'll either design a new character for the drawing or use one of mine if fitting,
- optionally, you can mention an action/setting if you'd like to (e.g. "giantess with her belly resting on a building", "hyper breasted girl floating in the ocean").

You can suggest your idea until January 16th. The winning suggestion will then be voted in a poll by all patrons as usual.



Bunny. Suits.


How about new outfits for your characters? Maybe futuristic suits, or suits of armor? It's be kind of cool to see all the characters in the Pixiveo universe sit down for a Dungeons and Dragons style adventure, just to see what class they would dress up as.


Interesting idea! I normally don't do multiple characters, so if this won, I can't really say how many I'd do, though. Fine with me!


Considering last month winner was already a bigger than ultra size character, I can't accept this suggestion for the time being. I somehow didn't add it the usual monthly rule to the post, I'll fix that.

Jayix Chezro

Oh for sure, understandable

Jayix Chezro

A small girl like a few inches tall Being stuffed ( idk what to call that lol I hope it’s not too late to suggest )

Jayix Chezro

Awe thats cute ☺️ But Awesome okay