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Starting today, there is a new type of content that you can expect to see from time to time: drawing updates. A name that should be explicit as to what it implies, but if it isn't, check this example! -> https://www.patreon.com/posts/43334738

Sometimes, I become unsatisfied with what I drew and published in the past. It can takes weeks, months, years. It doesn't happen with every drawing, but it happens often enough for me to have plenty of drawings to update. Some of the drawings I published here on Patreon are already concerned, though admittedly not many so far.

The goal of updates is not necessarily to fully redraw and recolor everything, but to improve it overall, and create a more qualitative drawing (there is no obligation to enjoy the update more than the original, though!). The style of updated drawings might change a bit, but their essence should stay the same.

Updates are something I originally wanted to do on DeviantArt, but my experiment with them a few years ago was unsatisfying. Unfortunately, you can't put multiple images in the same post on DeviantArt, turning an update into three different pics (the original, the update and the comparison), what was not practical at all and splitted comments/reactions all over the place. Let's not even talk about Twitter which doesn't allow you to edit tweets and is already a mess without duplicated content. But, for once, Patreon has a feature that others don't have, so I'll exploit it!

Please let me now if you have any suggestion or idea for that new type of content!


Berry's Bakery

That's just a sign that you always want to improve, so I don't think any of us would complain about that ^^


I'm honestly all for it. I think it'd be really cool to see what old works done with current skill would look like.


Updating old stuff is one of the things I enjoy the most for that reason, I love being able to do comparisons and see how it changed :)