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  • 221124_Sauna_Switch_Animation_So_Far_H264.mp4
  • 221124_Sauna_Switch_Animation_So_Far_Alt_H264.mp4
  • 221118_Sauna_Switch_Fox_Fisting_Loop_H264.mp4
  • 221124_Sauna_Switch_Fisting_Loop_Alt_H264.mp4
  • 221124_Sauna_Switch_Fisting_Loop_Closeup_H264.mp4




I've finished rendering out the fisting loops and have included them along with the animation so far.

After everything that's been happening recently preventing me from doing work. this is like being kicked when I'm down. I've got the sore throat shortness of breath and energy levels so low I need to keep taking naps. No idea how I could have got... anything this time. Not testing positive yet but regardless of if this is another cold (made worse by previously having covid) or covid for the second time the results are the same.

Normally I'd try to push through and do some work, but that choice has been taken out of my hands I'm too tired. I just can't do it any more. As I was going to look to take some time off at the end of December for the holidays anyway I've decided to suspend patreon for the month.

If this shit keeps happening I might stop doing patreon art on the schedule I've been doing and rethink things, changing from me posting weekly to when I can. Looking back at my output post covid this virus has really messed with my ability to concentrate and do good work. 

If it really is long covid I'm dealing with, running to the schedule I have been is likely making things worse or preventing a proper recovery so I may have to slow things down. (and I know I was not that fast to begin with) :/ all I can say is I'm sorry and I hope non of you have to go through anything like this. 

What's going to happen now is I'm going to hit pause on patreon, because I switched over to the new 'subscription' method meaning people get charged the day they join and the same day each month. This also means during a pause new people can no longer join to see the backlog. (I have no fucking idea why patreon thinks this is a good idea but still)            

I'm waiting to hear back from patreon exactly when payment will be going out for current people after the pause ends because their FAQ is not clear muddling up all payment methods with contradictory statements rather than having a section for each detailing how each work.  

Anyway the point is if either 1. they don't get back to me or 2. they say the charge will happen the day the pause period ends (sticking it right at the end of December) I'll log back in on that day and pause for another month. The last thing I want to do is put anyone out with an unexpected charge during the holidays. (and all this bullshit is exactly what I need to deal with when I'm finding it hard to think)

Edit: The wording I got when I paused was "If you unpause before the date billing resumes, you won't be able to go back and charge patrons whose billing date was skipped while you were paused." indicating that billing dates don't change so in other words if you are charged on the 1st of the month, you will not get charged on 1st of December and the next time will be the 1st of January. I'll still keep tabs on things and if that's not the case I'll sort something out. 

So there we are, this virus has royally fucked me up and I'm having to stop doing something I enjoy whilst I recover. I'm sorry if anyone thinks I've been messing them around I've been doing my best to keep on top of things and it's just all slipped away from me. 

I do hope everyone has a good holiday season and I really hope I'm able to come back after a break and be more productive. 



No worries. I'm in the same boat, previously had covid, don't have it now, but whatever it is has kept me out of work for 5 days now.


People who haven't had it don't know how bad it can get. I hope we both get better soon.


take care of yourself


Your health and personal well being should come first. I hope you have a good break and more time to focus on recovery and rejuvenating the creative juices. ❤️


Same here as the Patrons before me get well - Your Health is important - Wish you the best and just in case happy x-mas and a happy new year ^.^


Echoing what other people have said; your health comes first. As a patron, I'm contributing every month for YOU, not your work. I think taking your time to get better, get rested, address mental health, be human, is part of the "contract". I've been burned by a patreon creator before and you're nowhere near that level. Periodic text updates (even with no content) every few weeks is enough. IMO I don't even think you need to pause your patreon.


I appreciate the sentiment, its very hard for me to gauge what the 'right' thing is to do, one point of feedback I get about my work is the 'exit survey' people do when they stop supporting, out side of 'My financial situation changed' one of the more popular choices is 'PxlFur wasn’t as active as I expected', I really do try to put out as much content as possible. Pausing the patreon is like a 'release valve' it removes that nagging feeling that I should be doing more work.


Hey man I think you’re being quite hard on yourself here. While I’m sure everyone am has enjoyed the regularity of your update, we also all understand that life is a variable that happens you know? We aren’t going to charge at you with pitchforks because life happened! Health, both physical and mental, are so important, and they always come first. If you don’t take care of yourself first and foremost then not only will your quality suffer, your passion, drive, self worth and happiness will suffer far worse. For what it’s worth, and others have echoed similar sentiment, I’m here to support a really unique and awesome 3D artist. The stuff you output really is just a bonus. I like to see folks thrive and I really don’t expect all to much in return for it. Take a well earned break. Get well. Then take an additional vacation :) we will be here when YOU are ready to return.

PEACEWOLF (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 01:52:47 We're here for dude, I'm sorry I can't write detailed public messages but if EVER you need an ear lent to you I'm here. There are people that appreciate you, and your artwork deserves that. Your renders are clean and sexy, and no one can take that from you <3
2022-11-30 17:12:37 We're here for dude, I'm sorry I can't write detailed public messages but if EVER you need an ear lent to you I'm here. There are people that appreciate you, and your artwork deserves that. Your renders are clean and sexy, and no one can take that from you <3

We're here for dude, I'm sorry I can't write detailed public messages but if EVER you need an ear lent to you I'm here. There are people that appreciate you, and your artwork deserves that. Your renders are clean and sexy, and no one can take that from you <3


Just realized that you're sick, hope u get well soon and I appreciate that you're taking your time to heal! Kick that covid or whatever it is in the ass!