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I just wanted to take a moment of time to publicly thank everyone who's upped their pledges recently, since I know the automated Patreon messages probably don't do the job properly. I honestly did not have anything planned for higher tiers, since I don't want to throttle any of my content, but I'll try and think up some sort of reward for going that extra step to support me and my work (maybe like a guaranteed answer to an Ask, or something along those lines). Every bit helps me greatly, and I appreciate every one of you for hanging around and donating to my work.

Also, again: if you pledged recently, but didn't get Discord roles, feel free to message me directly either here or on FA. Our bot has trouble, so I might need to manually let you into the server.

Lastly, it is coincidentally the shared birthday of my characters Naomi and Ms. Morgan today. Give me some Asks directed at them for me to draw, or some image suggestions : 3 I'll see what I can whip up this week between commissions.



keep up the good work Night looking forward to your future draws.