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Just wanted to give you guys a little bit of an update. I tried recording this a few times but kept getting cut off by the jackhammer which literally shakes my unit and the audio is illegible. SO! I've got this for you and a little written message. Things are going...ok? They're coming along but there's still a lot of work to be done around here. I can't record any new audios but I'm SUPER glad that past-Kabu decided to record a bunch in case there was issues setting up the studio, which there were. Either way, I'm going to be producing again soon! Just gotta get my studio in order and then we'll (hopefully) be back on track! I hope that you're all well and I look forwards to sharing the spicy spices that I've got in store for you all in the coming weeks!

Much love, 






Oddly enough I have found myself in a similar housing related series of beyond high stress events. We got this. I hope you aren't getting headaches from the construction.