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Ok, so I know I said the next audio was gonna be BOMB and they're all kinda bomb. But this one's special. SO special I wanted to put it onto the new channel! So for noooow I'm going to be getting you folks your outstanding commissions since there's bunches of them! Don't worry. They'll still be fun. Heck, tomorrow I might just do a double upload! If not? Then the first of KabuyamaVA 2.0! 



Big bomb? That's super cool news, can't wait :D KabuyamaVA2.0 For The Win!!! And good luck with you work :3

Sarah Velez

I'm very patient. Especially since I know the best things in life are worth waiting for. I am dancing in the aisle as I can barely contain my excitement! Big celebration for new channel! Lots of love! You got this! <3