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Its a slow day in detention and you've somehow found yourself here with one other student, a senior. You'd seen him around here and there but never really talked. They were the outdoorsy type with short, wavy brown hair and sun-kissed skin speckled with freckles. They turn to you after about an hour has passed and starts up a conversation. Eventually, the charming lad convinces you to skip out on detention with him and avoid the teacher sleeping on duty. The experience is nice to say the least.   


Sarah Velez

I could definitely picture this happening, since similar has already happened for me when I was a teen. Though I was not a prude. I'm sure I'd be falling asleep in the grass along side him after getting a bell full of soup and iced tea. Though I think I shall steal some of that beer from Novi, cuz I would be the rebel drinking beer or whiskey like a true delinquent. And we did that on the roof tops in Harlem. This really brought back so many great memories. Thanks so much Kabu for another great performance and getting to see you play a bad boy. Lots of love! <3


The temptation is strong with this one...and I'mma give into it.