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Your bf is sick and STILL stubbornly trying to work. Being the caring, sweet individual you are, why don'tcha try to help them out?

**I think I'm getting sick.**


Stephanie Smith-Thomas

Oh honey, you are DONE working for the rest of the day. You need rest, massages, soup, water & ginger ale, soft bread, & meds! I'm taking your butt to bed so you can start your recovery. Now, what type of soup do you want sweetie? Seriously Kabu, if you are starting to feel sick then please go rest up?!


I'm never done working haha. Sickness is my way of life since starting this career

Stephanie Smith-Thomas

Oh for christ sake, Kabu! Is there a way to make sure you don't get so sick so easily? Btw, you didn't answer my question, so what soup do you want? Seriously, I rather wait on your work if it means you're healthy.


I don't think anyone has ever sounded this cute while being sick. I just wanna take care of him, what ever it is that'll make him feel better <3