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Daycare had last week off for holidays but then got COVID so this week is off too ;[ Really sorry for the lack of stuff getting posted but I'm trying my best TwT There's a patreon stream tonight to finish Jenna and I'll get that posted asap.

If there's anything you guys would like to see about my process or something I should be including please let me know, I would like to be getting more feedback to make everyone happy. Thanks so much for sticking around you guys <3




Forgot the HR attachment


I honestly do try so hard but it feels like a flip of the coin TwT At least there's you


No worries! Just trying help out some. Hope I’m not too bothersome with these reminders.


If I ever seem grumpy about it then it's definitely a case of "shooting the messenger" haha, I sincerely do want to keep these things organized so thank you ^^