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Game: Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (PC)
Model: Soran Hvarnus wearing Elysian Veteran MKV PT-38 Jumpsuit of 12.M42
Quality: ~96.3K Triangles and 2K/4K textures
Rigged / Animations: Yes / No
Normal Maps: Yes, OpenGL*
Download: Mega / 221Mb (FBX2016, MAX2016, PNG)  |  Mega+ (BRIGADIER Tier) / 226Mb (FBX2016, BLEND3.3, PNG)

This model and textures are the property of Fatshark.
Developed by Fatshark.
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide © 2022 Fatshark.
Author(s): Unknown
All rights goes to the respective owners and contributors

Extracted within my research project of the game. The Mega link contains the Soran Hvarnus wearing Elysian Veteran MKV PT-38 Jumpsuit of 12.M42 model from Warhammer 40,000: Darktide and respective textures. Mega+ link contains a Blender file with all the materials set. Remodeled eyes.

Extracted with <...>. Really complex game shaders. Have to bake many textures, including decals. Took me a wile to set up the pipeline for CP models.

* Original Normal Maps are stored in Nvidia format. I turned them into OpenGL format.

p.s.: This is a fan art. I'm not the owner of this model - I only extracted it.



Mister Sham

Thank you so much again! this turned out really well, and I'm super impressed you were able to figure this out!