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Ok so...I couldn't resist lol. I figured I am settled up far enough with Spy Games to post something different. And while this particular image is not being released in sequence, I just had to post it lol.

Monica's Ransom leads to Prisoner Exchange which this picture takes place during. This is the pivotal moment where The Space Cadet's plan to rescue Cadet Monica while keeping their own prisoners takes its first unexpected turn. Pulck was only supposed to use his tongue to reel Monica back to their side of the bridge.

But the taste of Monica was too delicious for Pulck to resist. So he swallowed her whole, causing half of the Cadet Team to scramble to set her free. Leaving Kelly and her squad alone on the bridge. 




I want a full comic now 😫 😩


This particular story is so lengthy that I will probably only do the "girls being eaten" shots from the story. I will complete the shot of her being swallowed though :)


That pose is a new one🤤❤️‍🔥 I love it 🍑❤️‍🔥

R. Joss

Oh, what would happen to Kelly’s team now.. 😏


Just read the story that goes along with this, let’s just say I’m excited to see how the other two cadets get swallowed by pulck! 😍


Yes! Pulck gets a very full belly before he's forced to forfeit his stolen goods 🤤


I know and ty!! When I started drawing this one, I did notice that I've never seen it in any other vore content. Hell if people name this pose after me I'd be honored lolol.


does he eat both the girls seen in the image on the bottom left and right?


He gets the bottom left girl "Chloe Zappia" and one more who's off-screen "Rachel Rapabel"


Man I can't wait to see cadet megan boothe take the final plunge ❤️, hopefully with her shoes burped up as little souvenirs 🤤, a memento for a very fine fat ass being turned into a fine stew 😈


Nice 😁


That security guard that eats her is one of the luckiest aliens in the entire story hehe. He will definitely keep multiple Megan trophies. 😈


Oh man!, You know I would love if you would do more alternative timeline endings/ what ifs more ❤️, like Megan being digested by this alien instead of escaping, or Kelly being gurgled by some random horny predator. The possibilities are endless 😍, because it's such a shame to see these amazing beauties being sloshed and forgotten or being cocked blocked by them escaping everytime to continue to be in the stories. Just my two cents, love your work man ❤️


Great work! Glad you're feeling better. Any update on when Cadet Roster will be wrapped up like a dorito and eaten by Carl 8 Eyes 1 :)


You mean the entire Cadet Roster??? Haha he will get a few cadets but not the entire roster lol. But I just so happen to be working on the second page of Carl 8 eyes eating that drunk girl right now ;)


Oh woops, I misread what you said in your previous post! Haha, I didn't realise she wasn't a Cadet :P A lovely innocent random for a spider to have some fun with! Looking forward to seeing it!

Martin Dan Rasmussen

I prefere the more comic art Work than these more painting style. The characters lack some personality with this art style


I see what your saying. I'm sort of playing around with the style at the moment. Trying to expand my output where I can :)