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This one was long overdue given how essential it is to the world building, but I finally have it complete!

Now all of you die hards can accurately reference this for my past and present works in this glorious Solar System :D

Also "PSL" I made up to stand for Primary Sentient Life-form aka the species with dominion of their homeworld. This doesn't mean they are the only species on said planet.

I would love to know everyone's thoughts! I'm excited to have even more of the Handbook completed now :D




So much potential


Ooo I do too


Excellent! Lets hope no human women try to colonize any of those alien planets ;) Wink Wink


You've opened pandora's box of possibilities with this post ha ha ha


That’s so cool! So a lot of the action is from the inhabitants of the Chaos and Ataxia zones who’ve come to Dove planets like Repta for the… cuisine 😋


I love the Space Cadet lore! You have created an expanded universe with infinite potential. Can't wait to see the comics! P.S. Above all, I can't wait to see Captain Kelly Kemper devoured, perhaps by some kind of female alien creature!


Can we suggest girls for the spin offs?


Yes! The idea is that the main reason there are so many incidents is because they are actually living among them but only very recently in the scheme of things.


Thank you!!! Also yes there is box I want to check, and that is to have Kelly eaten by a large Tranzenian >:D


Man I love the ever expanding lore of this space cadet universe! But what I am kinda intrigued about is the concept of female predators that are also prey to other aliens. That would make for an interesting comic is to have a few space cadets fall victim to to one of these female predators who haughtily enjoys their peril and delicious morsel only for the predator to become prey to another alien. That paradigm shift would be amazing to see


Awesome! This opens up SO many possibilities for you! Tasty missionaries trying to win over hungry aliens to their religion, invasion attempts by the Hippos of Ora Major against the human planets with Kelly swooping in to save the day causing them to flee to Melanir and group up with the other gangs, Gege finding a holiday leaflet for Sworeep that Largum secretly left her that makes it look like a sunny relaxing paradise rather than a predator filled Swamp planet where he can enjoy her without cadet interference. Looking forward to seeing whatever you come up with next!! 😁


Yes yes yes I invented them essentially for that sole purpose :D I particularly want Kelly to have such an experience ;)


I had a feeling you were moving that direction but it just feels so right within the space cadet universe. Kinda curious to se how you implement it especially with Kelly now being involved in your machinations


Honestly the Space Cadet Universe only works with girls. I can't imagine males in it at all lol. There will be men in the universe but they'll be like a queen bee (or in this case king bee) in a hive of ladies lol


Sounds good. I like backstory. also, sorry to be a bit of a grammar nazi but *sapient not sentient. I do not know what sci-fi writer first popularized the wrong word but at this point, by a thousand cuts, I hate them


Sentient means 'thinking' essentially and Sapient means 'human like'. I never meant to describe anything as human like. Not saying I did use it correctly but where is the instance you're referring to?


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sentient https://www.dictionary.com/browse/sentient Sentient is having senses (sight hearing etc). some dictionaries describe is as the ability to percieve the world. or being conscious, awake, aware, able to use your senses etc. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/sapient https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sapient Sapient is thinking, having wisdom, judgement etc It's why we are homo sapiens 'thinking/wise' man it's always a 50/50 shot if sci-fi books will get it right. most notably Stellaris does. most people not sci-fi writer will always use sentient. technically using sentient for a life form on a planet is not necessarily incorrect, but for dominion you likely want thinking or sapient. (although the creatures could be on every continent/ocean and be the top of the food chain or such even without sapience) on another note, god damn patreon's comment thingy is tough to use. I accidentally deleted things 3 times


Interesting. I've seen definitions of Sentient as the ability to think too but that definition isn't always clear. And sapient I thought was more akin to anthropomorphic. But I definitely see now that the scales are tipped more toward sapient.


yeah. I think the main point of confusion on the sentient definition is the 'conscious' part (at least I know it was for me when I first discovered this). and it isn't completely well defined on that, but it seem to use conscious as being awake whereas sapient uses self-conscious "I think therefore I am". And I would bet that the first author to use it looked in the thesaurus and saw; sentient => consious. and thought that's what he was looking for, when it was the wrong definition for his purposes. I don't doubt that some dictionaries or similar might be starting to incorrectly define sapient as thinking. even though historically it has never meant that as far as I can tell. ie. "can I AXE you a question" - Futurama