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•Spy Games
•Wife Eaters from Outer Space
•Restaurant girls (Succulent Snack to be & Chica for Dinner)
•Eliza's Story (Samantha Caulville Frog)
•Stacey in Wonderland (Massive Project)
•Mariah the Monster Hunter (Vampire Trap)
•Rim Ram's Room (Almost complete)
•The Bloodhound Mystery (Ravenclaw Troll)
•Nigri and Turney
•Julie's Midnight Odyssey additions
•Jackie's Flower 2&3
•Serpent Serum 2&3
•Jailbreak-JC Dorms
•Carl 8 Eyes 2&3

And this doesn't even include the ones I randomly started and didn't post yet lol. I have a problem :/




That one I feel had its natural conclusion with the three jail cell bars pictured featuring Mariah. I had more ransom pics planned but I felt like since there wouldn't be vore anywhere just teasing I should cut it off otherwise it would be literally endless


Nice 👌 looking forward to seeing them! I really hope Gegenewtt is still getting eaten too 🙏 I’m looking forward to that one most of all!


Can't wait to see this list be finished or grow 😤

R. Joss

Ooooh can’t wait for Eliza’s one :3 also question how many internal shots would be for the Inter-Al story 😏?


Jailbreak-JC Dorms those guys in the gfg were really starting to get warmed up playing with those space cadets. Or the Intern story was a fun one with that boss really putting his new employees through the ringer lol


Serpent Serum 2&3 I’m waiting for that one, and didn’t you started it a Naga one?


I think it would be a good idea to focus on completing existing series over starting new ones. With a lot of these, we'll have forgotten them by the time you do the next installment. Still, we all look forward to whatever you choose to make.


On one hand, Nigiri, Jackie and Serum have been so awesome.... But lorde I wanna know the intern one.


I personally like the sound of 'Wife Eaters from Outer Space, Intern-al Jailbreak-JC Dorms & Carl 8 Eyes 2&3'. I remember the sketch of Wife Eaters from outer space looked very juicy!


eagerly awaiting: Julie's Midnight Odyssey additions, Intern-al, and (my favorite storyline) Jailbreak-JC Dorms


The project I look forward to the most is Spy Games: Helen Parr is one of my favorite prey. I would also like to see the continuation of Space Cadets, both the main timeline and the spin offs (especially the one with the Italian girl you told me about in one of the previous posts). Out of curiosity, which of these projects are you going to complete first?


There's two internal views on "Intern-al" kinda like how the last two of Arrested and Ingested had two shots. And Elizas story is actually coming along smoothly 😇


The JC story will be a lot of playtime pics hehe. But I'm going to try to finish like three other previous projects before getting back to that one


If you're talking about Sheerah and Maggie you're right. I need a final page for that too 😬


Yea it's basically time to just nut up or shut up with all these loose ends lol


Nigri and Turney will be visited before the Serim and Jackie's flower ones. The internal will be after those too


I do remember you liked that pic! I think I just need to make it a 2 or 3 page set after getting back to it


The Julie's Cab encounter will be finished first I think. Just a bunch of boob-play 😇

R. Joss

Oh her floating in the stomach was also very cool and teasy!


Chica for dinner and succulent snack to be will be in said restaurant 😈


Eagerly awaiting Celeb Vore/Labido Labs feeding Alice Eve to a plant monster, complete with a nice gooey melty fate. ;P