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Wow Idk what has gotten into me but I just went on a dead sprint with this idea lol. Spent 7 hours today just sitting and drawing because,...well I loved this little random idea haha.

I'll have to show what the actual inspection Orgy looks like someday. But for some reason these girls just standing there at attention being objectified is just...perfection 

Lieutenant Johanna Clark, Cadet Sara Penchant, and Cadet Jenny Speniker reporting for inspection! :D



R. Joss

The bimbo with the tit out (and probably not noticing) is not gonna last a day.


No vore yet somehow still just as hot. I hope we can witness more of these inspections. Especially with members who didn't get the memo ;)


I think inspections will be a consistently running unrelated series of lesbian antics from Kelly haha


I love how much fun their little assistants are having, that assgrab 😂


The Spacebots are probably the best job position you could have there. They do nothing all day except grope and gawk lol


Are cadets allowed to have relationships with each other or is it seen as inappropriate?


The girls definitely date each other. Kelly and Missy are dating but Kelly technically taps everyone under her command lol


Two girls should have a long night of passion before one of them goes on a dangerous mission to be the bait to capture a dangerous criminal!

Ignatius Firebrand

Man, this is getting me both hungry and horny! X3

Martin Dan Rasmussen

I imagine at Christmas parties, when they get too drunk, some of the girls take a Girl to prison, and feed The criminals


Love little guys smile as he is whipping out that big titty😁


Kelly just straight up window shopping hehe


Oh the Space Cadet Christmas parties would be absolutely nuts haha. Especially when Kelly gets blackout drunk. Some crazy antics would go down haha


He's just as happy as could be with that perfect blonde hefty bag in his hands. The bots love inspection day ;)