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I know what you're thinking. "Where are them power ranger girls at? Will we see power ranger costumes??"

I decided that will have to be later on because I have too many other ideas I'm going to try to get to lol. Hence the line that Terror Toad is saying there are none around hehe.

I love how this one turned out though :D
Mmmm Skittles!



Jason hudson

Hell yea tattooification


I have always ALWAYS loved that little feature of seeing the portrait of the person eaten on Terror Toad. It's stayed with me to say the least.

Jason hudson

Saaaaame. Pity there arent more preds like that. Those babes look cute too, any chance to see em in the future?


So damn hot!!! I love it


I'm glad to see him getting to eat, that juicy butt looks so nice stuffed in his mouth


Give me them skittles or else 🔫


Best party ever. Just grab the hottest, most delicious ladies and send them straight down into your stomach. ♥


Well they say, “you always make room for sweets”


Could you make a version without the faces on the stomach? I've always disliked that concept.