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The timeline needs some attention as many of the full written stories are started and almost complete, but as of yet unpublished. Idk I'm so EXCITED about my Space Cadets recently lol



Can’t wait to read ‘em!


love your written stories, so this is great news


I like your written story! There will also be a single picture?


The stories are awesome. It helps explore the SCU more in depth that would take forever to illustrate - though, the illustrations are always worth the wait! We also need an updated Cadet roster. There should be a lot more Digested tags. It's always exciting to look at the roster to keep track of who has been on the menu and who still needs to get served up next. I also can't wait for the Space Cadet Handbook.


I do the same thing with the timeline/roster, anticipating when some favs get that final gulp


I can't wait to see which ones get published!


Yup. I do it, too. It's hard not to and it's so much fun. Honestly, it's actually better that Laptop jumps around in the timeline. That makes it a true surprise when something is released - and always anticipating.


I hope we get to read a few about some of them melting into a puddle of goo ;P


I finished one now and it's pretty good I feel. It's the Prisoner Exchange :)


There will be a picture sort of. It'll be a list of the squads essentially.


The handbook is coming and yes I'm actually working on a truly updated Roster. 😁


I will definitely include those 😀 I'm adding a few more cadets just to have them be eaten and melted haha 😈