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It's a good question. If a giant woman eating fish alien is in the care of your hospital, is there an obligation to feed them their natural food source while in recovery? 

Nurse Bethany is CERTAINLY qualified to be his nutrition and could possibly hold him off for the rest of his stay. How dedicated a nurse is she? ;) 




Yes 🐟+🍴+👩‍⚕️=🤤


Love it 😁


I believe it should be a legal law that those in hospital care should be given their full meal. If that happens to be a few members of staff, that's just how it is! I'd love to see a space cadet come to intervene, only to realize she legally can't do anything for Bethany.


I need those type of nurses


I dunno if she's filling enough. He may have to have whatever lucky Space Cadet who is assigned to the hospital too. Maybe a candystriper


I believe that he is well within his rights to be fed the proper dietary supplements required for his species as far as medical recovery is concerned.


Ooooh perhaps there is a space cadet assigned to his room! Damn I kinda wish I planed for that now lol. I have the story mapped out where the cute doctor shows up after all


At least he gets a deluxe sandwich!


Hey, the military has doctors. No reason there can't be a medical officer in the cadets


Ooo, maybe the cadet shows up to apprehend him, only to find that legally he had a right to eat the nurse. As recompense for breaking into his room, the cadet is required to allow him to eat her with no resistance. Doing otherwise would be in violate of galactic law.


Well Mr Zucker may never leave the hospital if the food is always that good. He will be chewing her soft parts for hours


If only, some of the nurses look a thousand times tastier than the food you get served. Could just imagine, drawing the curtain, stuff her head in to muffle her voice and just start swallowing. Then lay down on your side, using the gown and blankets to try and mask her digesting away inside of you before the doctor comes or the nurses do a shift change.


Gotta melt that sweet sweet candy flesh before the shift change! So you can get the second helping of nurse food :D


Hope we get to see her melt into a puddle of gooey nutrition in his stomach ;P


Something tells me this hospital is always a little short on staff, especially when it comes to pretty nurses. Oh well, at least there’s always room for dessert- I mean employment…