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These are the Space Cadet gadgets and weaponry. I'm starting with the main and most widely issued equipment for now. If there is another weapon or gadget down the road, it will be added to the arsenal properly. Let me know what you all think! I've put a good deal of work into thinking about the Space Cadet universe recently haha. I feel like you all will now know what's been in my head for so long :)




Even their potential rescues are voracious; This is ingenious!


I love that the extract bits look like predators! Also, is it me or do the assistants take the body camera in the wrong way? ;)


Damn it, how cool is that! Your diligence is amazing!


Yeah, you are off the charts now with the Space Cadets. I'm primarily a snake vore guy and your cadets and alien criminals are quickly topping my list. I mean, I always loved the campy, casual yet terminal attitude of the comics thus far. However, I think it really sprung to the top when you started displaying your magnificent world building. I see this turning into a campy, erotic equivalent to Star Wars possibly. You're adding so much lore and detail (I'd love to see a star map detailing various star systems and space stations/outposts), this really gets fans more invested in your characters, so their digestive fates are that much more striking and memorable (Dr. Susan McCallister's death at the end of Deep Blue Sea). You're definitely going in the right direction and I love the detail, all the way down to the weapon systems and equipment load out. It's clear you love it, too. So keep up the great work!


I know! I had a similar idea for my Star Wars series but it seemed way better for this universe


Yes! The extractors basically eat the cadets back. And the space bots do take body cam a bit literally haha!


I completely agree with you point about Dr. Susan McCallister! I've been saying that to other people for a while now that a girl with more character and personality and history is so much sweeter to see eaten. It adds so much more knowing all the things about them and elevates the trophy feel of the catch and swallow. As for the Star Map, that is definitely in the works. I have the planets all named and positioned, I just need to illustrate them now. And each planet will have the "Prime Sentient Lifeform" bellow it. Basically which alien species' homeworld each planet is. I'm excited to get that one finished. This is all going inside the "Cadet Handbook" when it's finished. I'm so glad you like it so much :D


Love the world building this universe will have!


Hey, man, something happened to your account again, is everything okay?