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Hello all! 

So the next Emergency Response is in the works for this month, but I decided to do a thing lol. I had this project started for a long time and kept going back to it and then bypassing it to start another. I finally looked at the first three and was like "damn these are basically done".

So I decided to just release them all as a surprise haha. It's just the pre-amble of the story but I like the way they turned out. I'll finish Emergency response before more of this set comes out but here you all go!  

Let me know what you think! 




Excellent as always. Love the generous helpings of ass meat you add on to your women. Certainly makes for appetizing alien meals!


Love the way you continue the yoga story mate great art as always keep it up


A sequel to Yoga Snack! Beautiful! I cant wait to see how those two are doing, especially if they decided to have a bit of fun I their last moments. Cant wait to see Coleen slurped down as well!


Wait, it seems to me, or did the blue guy put on glasses to look at her ass and boobs unnoticed lol?


This one look great! Very excited to see the rest of it!!


Lol when did we time travel back to 2017 when you released full comics in one release? Jk, love your work buddy, its amazing to see how things have improved since then!


Thank You! I love when the girls have more meat to eat ;) Especially when it's so nice and shapely


I always had this planned but shit just takes so long to get around to :/ But thank you :D


Haha Rodger is trying to make up for his mistakes with Jessica. But Wilco is not even pretending hehe


Oh man I know :( I remember when I had that much time to just crank out a full comic. But yes to your point it was easier because the quality was poor in comparison to how long these take. But thank you! :D


What a tasty body. She better keep her head on a swivel lol