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Ok! So I finally feel good about the ending. This is just the story overview of the unfolding events. It's brief and doesn't include the dialogue. A lot of what's in here doesn't include the specifics or even all of the side characters. But I wanted to put on paper my idea for the story so in case I don't finish it, you all at least know what happens haha.

I want comments and responses please. I would love feedback. I need feedback lol. The ending of this story leaves room for another saga, but for now this would be the end. I also have a less satisfying (or more satisfying) "all vore" ending where literally all of the girls are eaten and digested. But it's a bad "story" so I'm not going even make it an alternate ending. It will remain just something to imagine haha.
Again, for those who take the time to read through the overview, please let me know what you think!




I absolutely love the story. The idea of them leaving the ship as republic soldiers get eaten is amazing and I really enjoy the ending. It seems like it would be really long though so you have your work cut out for you. I can just imagine some of these images and they sound amazing.


To be quite fair, I love both the story and the bad ending idea too. Both are great ideas and an alternate ending with the bad timeline following the main good ending is not a bad idea either~


Ok so first, the good as reviewed by a Star Wars Nerd: A) I love the idea of the Rebel Alliance's techniques being used to destroy the New Republic. Like hitting someone with their own glove. B) love that the Sith has a reason other than being a voraphile. Like dont get me wrong that's hot as fuck but I love the addition to the story. Sith army of women let's gooo! C) love the amount of times Melion gets caught. Ignoring the fact that it's hot, it really foreshadows that she's not getting out of there alive. D) people turned into sith warriors. I can easily see how this worked for Tamara. I'd say the animal fucked her and by doing so the fluids it forced in turned her force sensitive. Maybe if the creature is actually hungry it will just eat women, but if it plays with its food, then a new sith is made. The bad, not much here. The only part I have a hard time believing is Tamara's darkside corruption being so easily cured. But honestly the girl literally had force sensitivity fucked into her so it's not that much of a stretch. Maybe Stella doing a few perverted moves pulls her out of it by reminding her of the other princesses she'd regularly fuck. Suggestions: Honestly part of me wants Prub to at least get to eat Julia. With his unfortunate luck, and the fact that the ship will soon be crashing, I think he deserves to get to digest the bombshell that's been teasing him for so long. No interruptions or anything. Maybe he can have a spin off series where he keeps his larger body and preys on women on the planet he crashes on? Honestly I think that's the only way we'll see him from then on. Also I'd suggest either letting Tamara or the Queen be eaten as well. If you're gonna focus on Tamara and Stella, I feel loosing the Queen as well will add to the building drama for Tamara. If the Queen will be an important character in the future, loosing both of her daughters would add all the more fuel to her drive to defeat the Sith and arrest Jabba. If Tamara goes, I say let Prub get both his original easy meal and his well earned one. If the Queen, I'd say let Jabba digest a mother and daughter trio. Overall: Good story, I am very excited. The only above change I'd push hard would be Prub getting a happy ending. Any other suggestions are just icing on the cake and made only to add to the story. I cant wait for the more detailed interactions :)


Thank you so much dude! I'm so appreciative of the feedback. I'll send you a message later with more details. But I think you might be right about Julia. I have a version already where she is eaten for good by Prub. As for the Queen, I feel Melion needs to win in her rescue in order to ultimately excuse her demise.


I might write the "Oops All Vore" ending and post it separately for everyone's imagination. But as far as cannon, this ending will be the only one.


I plan on only doing accompanying pictures instead of full comics. But yea even just writing the chapters is going to be a lot of work haha


Looks amazing honestly, read it and couldn’t stop thinking about it at work. Here’s my thoughts: 1. I agree 100% prub should have the satisfaction of eating Julia. After having gotten teased this whole series it’s only fair haha. Could honestly stretch that scene out since it’s the most personal of all the vorings, have get get fucked hard and then eaten. 2. If Julia and Melion both get eaten, what if the finale is Jaba refusing to comply with the deal (stubborn, or maybe holds someone as leverage for his release), and Stella exchanges herself as a meal for the information (heartbroken over Melions death). Final shot is both digesting together. Idk if this messes with sequel plans but I couldn’t get the idea out of my head. I get you don’t want to commit to full comics but would love to see a bunch of single shots at least, these kinds of stories are always best with visual aids haha.


You're right lol. Visual aid is what stories are eventually all about. I think it's been decided that Julia is going to be Prub's permanent meal in the end. I think the ending COULD change. But only if a better idea comes into my head. As of now, I am pleased with the way it ends. But when I begin to actually write the story with all the dialog and details, it's possible I'll think of something else I want to do towards the end.


Love the template so far especially the concept of droves of republic soldiers being eaten. Even just a full comic only of these girls demise would be a sight! Regardless, this storyline will be greatly anticipated.


I'll definitely consider potentially doing panel comics of them being eaten for the characters that actually are eliminated. But thank you! I'm glad you think it's worth anticipating :)


Very good concept, many of the best vore Star Wars scenarios are present. I speak only for myself, this could be like a graphic novel with a lot of ilustrations. Of course Prub digesting at least one gril is mandatory, but having surviving girls is a very nice twist also.


I wrote it to be a graphic novel for sure. If I figure out the manpower dilemma I'm in it may end up as one. And you're right, Prub is getting his just desserts now in the re-writes lol


Yeah its a shame you dont have enough personnel to bring all your ideas to light especially because it seems like you have non stop good ideas. I know it seems like alot of you stories would require alot of hands on deck to finish them especially this story or the conclusion to the cliffhanger for the Captains Speech comic. I bet there are subscribers here who would love to volunteer their time to help out to lessen the load for you.


The biggest help I need is with coloring. I could slam out projects if I had a colorist!


Love this, just hate to see Turrack get killed off :(


I really like Turrack's design and character, if you are dead set on killing him, maybe there can be a character like him that comes around or we see past stuff of him, idk a bounty hunter Predator just seems cool


I agree, especially a giant Gamoran one. I feel like he's a cool character. But I also feel like his end fulfills the character of Julia though


I suppose it does, which is fine, just his character I found was awesome. And personally I'd like to see him devour her due to her failing revenge and it having a more shameful thing. It's up to you though, just I'd 100% be into a character like him in art and stories