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Incident Report R19-212

Cadet Flare’s actions at this time made me very proud. She did everything by the book and with the professional efficiency I teach all of my Cadets. She prepared for action by removing her section uniform and striping down to her tactical lingerie. Nothing helps my cadets more than the ability to maneuver unencumbered and to utilize their full flexibility. Space Bot Rodger was incredibly distracted from the fresh display of flesh from Jessica. He was not needed for assistance at this moment, but perhaps this lapse of alertness was what contributed to Jessica’s consumption later on.




Mmmmm I like where this is going ;)


Work smarter not harder dang you go girl now get eat :)


Very nice


I would love to know what airhead logic called for “tactical lingerie.” Not that I don’t appreciate Kelly’s decision there... ;)


Well they are often referred to by their enemies as "bimbos" and for good reason lol


So hot. Can't wait for her fun to start.


Can’t wait to see her do her job ;)


Interesting? how will it end))


To a certain extent one has to wonder if Captain Kelly is actually training/leading them wrong so as to intentionally have them get eaten in the line of duty. Maybe she is the biggest vorefan out there and the space cadets is just some cover up for it


That dynamic is CERTAINLY in the leadership. But I will say that it's not Kelly at fault. She is attracted to all of her girls yes, but she is a by the book leader. Basically, she has to follow protocol. But the protocol is being influenced by corruption. A ravenous and girl hungry corruption ;)