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So my unseen anxiety for this strange hobby you all enjoy is something I haven't talked a whole lot about. I have had a dilemma for a long time, not with the quality but rather the quantity. I have been getting better (I think you all would agree) with the quality almost every single new post. But over the past 10 years of doing this, I have never ever ever been able to put a real dent towards the quantity problem.

I know a lot of you are ok with my output, but I know secretly most of you are not. Even more importantly, I am not. I have ideas ideas ideas and I want to do them all. But as I look back at my posts it greatly depresses me how long it takes me to complete a damn 7 page comic. Some take half a year...half a fucking year! Not entirely because of the time to make a picture but more because of the time I am forced to spend away from the drawing desk.

Now yes, it's because life is always happening. I have to keep a regular 40 hour a week job so people don't wonder at how I make my living (I need it that way for obvious reasons aka: how do you tell everyone you make fetish art for a living) and also because it helps my overall career goals as well (I still have those lol). There's also my modest yet healthy social life, family life, exercise, and all the chores needed to maintaining a clean living arrangement, yada yada etc etc...

But after all that it I still want what I want. I WANT to see every idea I have turned into a full, detailed, satisfying story with a hell of a kick in the pants at the end LOL!!! And I need to adjust my strategy where I can. SO,..that is why I had an idea recently. And it is laid out above. I'm asking my most loyal of you to give me your thoughts, comments, advice, and concerns. I'm also asking everyone else who seems to never comment to pipe in as well even though you never do lol.      LET ME KNOW!       I CAN'T READ MINDS!!





Splitting work I think is a good idea. I always thought that you could be able to split the workload with someone else but you're right, it may be hard to find someone to do that. Maybe try to reach out to people on reddit or something and look for people who are good. There are tons of people on deviantart too who could prob help. But, even if this doesn't work out, I always love the content you put out and support whatever schedule you put it out on. You are always pretty vocal when it comes to delays and when things are coming so I'm not too worried about that.


I don't really have any suggestions, but I do want to say that I'm in full support of this. I am especially happy of the line " more importantly, I'm not okay with this." Because I know a lot of artists who just completely cater to their fans and never do what they want because they want to do it. It's always because someone else wanted it. That's a level of maturity that I have to voice my approval of. I hope you figure out something that works I will be praying.


I think most people are cool with your release rate. If they weren’t, they’d stop pledging. If I were you, I’d try to collaborate with illustrators who do vore on DA. Especially one that’s kinda new and can be trained.


Personally I think it’s a great idea. If you can find a colorist that fits the bill then I think it would be a great help in you reaching your goals while also helping you maintain your current social life and responsibilities. I remember when Nyte made that transition and he definitely seems better off for doing it and I see no reason why you can’t find success doing the same thing. I always found it impressive that you come up with all these ideas and never seem conflicted with hitting a creative wall. I know I’d love to see more of these ideas, but only if it doesn’t lead to burn out, but regardless I’m happy with the quality we get from you so either way I’m here to stay haha.


I’m sure the recent release of Kat and Mouse 4, a comic you started a while ago, probably spurred this on. And as a recent patron who pledged for that specific comic, I’d say I was waiting pretty hard on the comic but really I wasn’t frustrated. Your patrons are people with enough disposable income to pledge, meaning they’re more than likely mature enough to understand that high quality takes time. But saying that, if you’re not satisfied with the quantity, that’s the most important thing. It’s your choice. Maybe a colourist would help, although I’m not sure about your financial situation and having to pay another worker. How about what artists like Lampton on Eka’s do? Sketch the entire comic, release that once you’ve started colouring (not before to avoid losing al motivation) and continuing from there? You get to start your ideas as they come and quality doesn’t dip, we get more frequent updates on how the work is coming along. However, this does have a major risk of both you and your audience losing interest in the pay off of the work when it’s half done and release. Maybe hold back the last page? Same risk I suppose. Food for thought!


P.S: Would you consider giving us a glimpse of some of your ideas for stories? It’d be a really cool tier reward I’d say. I understand if you don’t want to as it may create an expectation, but just another idea!


Thank you I appreciate the love. I am considering Reddit and Eka's to seek some colorists like you said. But I will say I am a complete novice with those sites and might not know how to properly ask or sift through the responses. DA might still be best for me at the moment


Thank you for you approval and encouragement! I'm always happy to hear it haha. I am glad I have your approval for my introspection. But I will still strive for the output you deserve!


Yes I do want someone without an ego for sure, but the trade off is always talent and punctuality sadly.


Nyte has a pretty impressive rotation going for sure. Not all of them are my cup of tea but there's 3 that always seem to deliver. I would love to get some colorists in that range that he doesn't already have.


Make sure to take care of yourself and I'll be good with whatever happens. :)


Thank you so much for the feedback! I really do enjoy hearing from you especially when you're clearly someone who has a grasp on my point of view. You are close with the thing I have struggled with for a while now too. Show the progress and plan for an entire comic so that there's an enjoyment of the product early, but risk diminishing the impact of the final reveal. I personally have done it this way for so long because as a consumer of other people's art I do kind of enjoy when it's just a BAM surprise (NinjaArtist) compared to seeing it almost done and then when it is you're like "I felt like I already saw this" (LineArt)


It's a good idea and I might do it for real. Because despite what I said earlier on your last comment, people in the 30 tier are the ones loyal enough to not be put off by the spoiled surprise. Or maybe I can do the sneak peaks for all the comics but just the first half of the comics. So that there's still a surprise and something to look forward to


Definitely noticed improvement since DeviantArt, always amazed at the detail in the EYES of your drawings, you've definitely got that down! Can't say I've ever been disappointed in any of your work, so not much help to you for improving. I guess all I'd like is for you to finish something before moving on to another project :P ESPECIALLY the Hooters one! :)


Well you'll be pleased to hear the hooters one is next and almost finished! And yes my issue with starting one before finishing the previous is everything to do with my output problem as stated above and my overflow of ideas haha


I totally understand the “wow” factor of a totally new comic a viewer hadn’t seen before. Maybe I’d have been less excited for Kat and Mouse if I’d seen the whole sketch. If the idea of a colourist appeals, why not reach out to Nyte (the most well known artist in the “community” to bring in outside artists) and have a chat about how he went about finding suitable people and how a system like that works? Might help a little.


I can definitely say that we all enjoy your work and the time and effort you put into it! Hope you’ll be able to work something out!!!

Martin Dan Rasmussen

Do whatever you feel comfortable with. I Think, as sn artist (writer) myself, that is the most important thing. Don’t start a partnership just to please readers, fans etc. Do it for yourself and if you feel comfortable with it. Because to me, it seems like you are basing this on a point of view of your own and one out of guilt for the reader. Forget us. Think what would work for you


As much as we appreciate you trying to excel and ramp up your production, I honestly don't think any of us would rather you burn out. What you do is fantastic and I wouldn't worry too much about doing something you think fans are after. We stay here because we know exactly the kind of quality work you produce and you give us a delightful menu I might say. A work/life balance is important, so places like DA and Reddit may be a good place to go, or even contact other Erotica artists and see if they would know where to pool talent. But please don't stress over this. As someone who comments probably too much, I have yet to see comments that state frustration or annoyance. We are always happy to see your new pieces and as much anyone with this very niche fetish would like unlimited perfect works all the time. We know that that is not reasonable and we don't want our favourite Vore artist imploding do we? 😉 All in all, if you manage to pump up production with help in the future. Great! If you settle for how you've been going currently, that's great too! Ultimately it builds anticipation to see comics completed and all the more rewarding to have them in my collection! If you wish to have new tiers where you release the base drawings first, then so be it, I'll certainly join! Do what you feel is right, just don't create a phantom of an frustrated fanbase, they don't exist! All the best to you 🤘


Honestly with how things are going, I barely am keeping track of time as is. I haven't really noticed how much time has passed between each upload unless I actively pay attention. Too focused on life. In all honesty, I would suggest taking whatever option is best for you so that you don't hurt yourself or bring stress to your life. Drawing art like this should feel like a fun way to express and a bit of work, rather than a 9-5 job that just drains away your life.


Thank you for those kind words and advice! I think I want this ultimately for myself to be honest. Obviously I know my supporters will benefit from more content but I am the one that really wants to see these completed fast haha. I will say I am not going to really partner with anyone, nor will I work with someone I can't trust. Those are two big hurtles said colorist would have to pass


My suggestion is plane, one page per week. Consider that 7 hours as overtime. But at the end depends on you and of course your personal time administration. Wish you the best.


Boy you are so encouraging! With comments like that it makes this post seem like I'm fishing for praise haha. Ty I won't burn out, but I do want to up the production for my own desire and not just the anxiety of meeting a quota. ...but I do still think the other 200 patrons who don't comment have to have a few who want to see more.


It's becoming more of a true want to see my comics and my ideas completed. It is an overtime kind of job I have doing this, but I am WAY more excited to do this than anything else at the moment. So even though it's a demand on my life I'm not exactly turning down social invites over it...I guess I'm just not inviting anyone over myself is all lol.


I'll say that's about the pace I'm at right now. 4 pages per month. I suppose it would be ok if I only had one story but I always want to tell like 6 at once haha