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So I can't quite describe how intense of a week I've just had, but this new job I got is not going to fly. I'm going to be quiting it tomorrow morning. This is a fucking gut punch to me and everyone around me who thought I'd be financially safe finally. The truth is thanks to you all and Patreon, I clearly am financially ok. But to them, (everyone counting on me being ok including someone that just moved in with me) now there's no excuse as to how I can afford my current rent, food, etc.

It wasn't a problem before because I lied and said I was on unemployment. But now I find myself completely fucked. The thing is there's just absolutely no way I can keep doing the job I have now. It's a sales job and it's the absolute opposite of what I can possibly do and stay sane.

I think this is why I was so nervous before. Because I saw this coming before it even happend. Like I see everything happening way before it happens. I feel like death right now. 



Well it was worth the shot and now you know what is best for you :)


It happens. Sales is rough, and it is definitely something I don't like doing either. Luckily it looks like you do okay here.


Always focus on yourself mate


Yuck, sales! Run away! You'll get a chance for something better eventually! As for transparency with the roommate... That might be tricky, (I don't know all the context) but I'm sure there's a smart way to approach it.

Zolnar DarkHeart

Damn man, that sucks. Do whatever you think is best for your own mental health and financial security.


Ultimately what you think is best for yourself and the people around you is the best decision, however i agree it probably wouldn't be good to force yourself to do a job you couldn't stand doing. If you could resign on good enough terms (given the situation) and find a job that suits you better that would most likely be for the best. As to explaining your finances, you don't have to go as far as outright admitting in full to whoever you need to explain this to that you are an artist who makes adult art; just say you are an independent graphics designer or artist who works on part-time contracts and commissions, or something like that. It's technically true! If they are really inquisitive and want to pry any further, and you're not comfortable with sharing your work to them, maybe have a SFW portfolio of just your background art on hand to show them, and tell them you make concept art for indie games or ads, hopefully that would satisfy even the most suspicious out there. Anyway, hope that advice works for you, feel free to disregard it if you don't think it'll help, and best of luck!


Twisty Times.


I'm sorry to hear that fella. The important thing is that you have tried it. Now you won't look back and regret anything - you have it your best shot and it didn't work out. Keep heading forward. With regards to people knowing how you stay financially afloat, you've got two choices that avoid telling them the whole truth. Option 1 - they have no right to know. These days there is a misama of ways to make money online. Nobody is entitled. Option 2 - tell them you do custom art for people. No you can't say what your handle is or what it is you draw as you wish to keep personal and work life sperate. Special option 3, tell people who you know you can trust that you draw porn for people. Hell, you're not on OnlyFans showing yourself off! (Not that there's anything wrong with that). Drawing porn is a very real money maker and no one nowadays can judge. Best of luck to you Laptop, I wish you nothing but the best, cheers for the bonuses you sent 🤘


Damn, sorry you're having such a rough time dude. I hope you can find a solution peacefully without anymore upsetting turn of events


Honestly I should never have even said yes to the offer lol. I...can not. do. sales.


Honestly I will never ever again take a sales position. Not if I'm homeless and it pays a million a year. Never again.


Thank you so much for that. I think it was a good decision to pass on it. They were cool when I told them sales isn't for me. And it feels better already. But it was just hard to tell everyone I know I quit after a week when they were so so excited for me. It was just embarrassing.


Thank you so much for your advice. I think I have a solution already thankfully. As for the job it was going to kill me if I stayed lol. And it would have made this hobby literally impossible. So I think it was the right call.


Thank you man :) I think I possibly have a solution already, I'm hoping it turns out. But yea that job was going to kill me. It had been a week and I only had a fraction of the expected workload. I would have died...


Yeah, that would definitely be the worst part. At least you gave it a go, hope they were fairly understanding and not that upset. But I've seen the effect on other people who went ahead on jobs they really couldn't stand with long hours, high stress and huge workloads, and it really wrecks their mental and physical health after a few years - one guy I know started getting grey hairs by his early-thirties! You really need a job you can at least tolerate working at, that isn't going to be like going through hell everyday. I think you really made the right decision in the long run, you still have your artwork commissions to rely on for now after all. And best of luck if you do start job-hunting again; hope you find one that is far more suitable to you than this one!