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So I'm going to be candid here,..I didn't expect what just happened to happen. But I just got a job that I was going for. Covid had me unemployed for six months now. All of you know pretty much that this site was the sole thing keeping me afloat. But now I got a job I didn't think I was even going to get in all honesty. 

The job is a big boy job. It's also somehow a job that will require me to learn stuff I have no idea how to do yet, but they're giving it to me knowing that anyway even. I feel excited and also really really scared. But I gotta take it. What does this mean for ALL THAT BIG TALK I WAS TALKING FOR OCTOBER!!!???!?

The next few weeks are going to be very critical. Idk what to expect or how much of my time will be taken up by this job in the beginning. I have the Comic planned out and believe you me I will make it happen...right now...I guess I'm just very nervous. 

The situation is fluid. But I will say this,..I'll probably restructure the Tiers to make everything cheaper. If somehow I am making less art, then by god you'll be paying less money for it. I want you all to be happy! I feel like I'm hyperventalating idk why I'm more nervous now that I actually got the damn job. fuck!




Congrats on the new job!!!!


Congrats my dude maybe they hired you because they are also fans :)




We get it bud!, Congrats on the new Job! We can't wait to hear how it goes, and we will be here!


Congratulation! I hope it goes well for you.


Take a deep breath and carry on, Cuntgradulotions!


Ayyy congrats brotha! U got this!


Thats awesome to hear laptop. Congrats on the new job and no worries take the time you need to succeed at it. I’m sure most of us are going to be happy with whatever you have time to post. Good luck on the first day! 🤞😁👍


HAA! I feel like definitely not haha. That would be too much leverage over me. I wouldn't be able to leave I'd be like a slave at that point lol.


Hey thank you, its so nice to hear the support. New things can be scary even if they wholly good lol


Thanks a bunch! I definitely will still be able to make the girls slide down those eager gullets. It's just a little unknown at the moment how often. I'll have a better idea I believe after the first few weeks.


Smashing job Laptop!!! I know exactly how it feels and don't worry about us, we'll eagerly anticipate your new works, no matter how long they take. Focus on yourself and getting sorted with this new chapter in your life!


WHAT? How dare you get a job and improve your life! No No No... You must create vore artwork for us 24/7! God! :) Just kidding, congratulations! stay safe, and I look forward to seeing that art when you're able.


Congrats man.