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In normal circumstances, Space Officer Robo Roger would report the illegal activity of ingesting young unconscious women. But, in this circumstance, this girl had been committing a crime when she was incapacitated by Gerald the security guard. When the cat burglar was successfully subdued, Gerald decided he would take the liberty of incarcerating the juicy mouthful of girl meat inside his gut for the night. 

There wasn't any law being broken by an officer taking a woman into custody, so Roger's hands were tied as he watched the exquisite thief drop down Gerald's throat with a plop. He did think it weird that a woman eating Alien Slug was employed as a security guard, but after this night he at least saw his effectiveness at catching pretty kitty thieves. 




Ooo thats very sexy


He the best guard we got


Seems like normal protocol to me


That'd be a great perk to a security job or any other job really. Swallowing thieves whole~ Provided they are hot ladies ripe for eating.


I'm curious as to how he managed to get her in that position ;)


Lol that last panel, he looks so happy with himself, cuteee!


What an ingenious idea! Here's to hoping he can be let loose in a women's prison...


This would be a good idea for another story is them feeding female convicts to the aliens that are incarcerated. I mean they have to eat too. Maybe a story about a feeding gone wrong and some space cadets getting eaten instead


Great scenario! I only wish we could have seen more of this cat burglar before her arrest!


Since it's only one page we'll never know. But I like to think a tazer blast to her lower back knocked her out. Then he simply plopped her down on the tongue :)


A female prison is exactly the kind of idea that would keep me busy for 10 years to come haha


Thank you! And yea there's always the desire to see more, but I gotta have a one and done sometimes haha.


This looks great! Love the way she is just knocked out cold!