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Incident Report #7C-2141

"Now it's hard to say what exactly they were talking about from the footage since there was no audio, but I can't seem to figure out why Katie was so docile for the encounter. I assume it's her nature to be a shy and relatively easy girl. But when Largum positioned her for the feast, she seemed to be waiting for him to say something. As if he was going to tell a joke. It was strange behavior for a soon to be shrimp cocktail." 




Either she sees something we don't.... or she doesn't know what a tongue is xD


I alright like this frog


Ohhh so tasty legs)


I think she's hoping that she'll be able to leave after the "demonstration"


Let's hope not, or that the escape just lands her in another mouth.


Very nice! Love where this series is headed! Quick question: Did Largum take off her shoes and socks?


She had strapped sandals on. And yes, it's hard to dedicate an entire picture to the removal of shoes. So to save time I just let it be assumed they got off somehow


Ahh ok! I figured Largum was putting in a lot of effort to taste her bare feet!


A cool twist if she did get away after being munched on would be she runs back to the taxi driver as mention earlier and it turns out to be a planned trap by Largum and the taxi driver from “last call”.


A most amazing and teasing view~ It is a rather exciting sensation, as he prepares to begin feasting, that closeness of the beginning giving such thrill. No doubt Largum's heart is beating with exhilaration at inching her in!


My impression is he is totally mind fucking this broad. That he finally gets to fulfill the dream he had before when he was as average frog that prolly lived near an ATM where gorgeous ass dumb white girls would pull daddies cash from the ATM and remembers how excited they got when the cash hit their hands. Now, he is using the draw of the ATM desire in this girl to make her believe that if she inserts herself into his mouth, which he has lulled her into believing is this so called hunger machine receiver, that she will obtain more cash than ever by some complicated mechanism that she is so dumb to believe exists.


Naw it’s honestly pretty unlikely. Laptops victims don’t normally get away plus I’m sure he’s got many other projects he’d like to try out. I’m just speculating on what if.


Exactly! Imagining the war drums pounding when she is slipping down your gullet. Then the climax of knowing she is completely inside of you, all yours, whole and alive♫


Damn this looks good!!!!!


I like where that big fat wet tongue is heading....